Sea dragon

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A sea dragon, D, is a type of monster that appears in EvilHack and Hack'EM. The sea dragon is a type of dragon that is amphibious, can be seen via infravision, is capable of swimming rather than flying, and is unsolid due to being composed of water; it is also one of the few neutral dragons that can be encountered. Like other dragons, sea dragons are also strong, carnivorous, oviparous, and can see invisible - they will also seek out gold, gems and magical items to pick up.

Sea dragons have a breath weapon that sprays blasts of water to inflict physical damage, and do not reflect off walls like other rays; they also have a strong bite attack, two claw attacks, an engulfing attack that can inflict strangulation by drowning and wets the victim's inventory, and a passive attack that wets the attacker's inventory. Sea dragons have a vulnerability to shock damage.


Randomly-generated sea dragons are always hostile. A baby sea dragon can grow up into a sea dragon.

Heroes and monsters that polymorph while wearing sea dragon scales or sea-scaled armor will turn into sea dragons.

Sea dragons may appear among the hostile D generated in throne rooms, and can also appear among the monsters randomly generated by looting a throne while confused and carrying gold (provided there is no chest on the level).

Sea dragons have a 13 chance of dropping a set of uncursed +0 sea dragon scales upon death unless disintegrated, and the chance is reduced to 120 if the dragon was revived.

Encyclopedia entry

In the West the dragon was the natural enemy of man. Although
preferring to live in bleak and desolate regions, whenever it
was seen among men it left in its wake a trail of destruction
and disease. Yet any attempt to slay this beast was a perilous
undertaking. For the dragon's assailant had to contend
not only with clouds of sulphurous fumes pouring from its fire
breathing nostrils, but also with the thrashings of its tail,
the most deadly part of its serpent-like body.
[ Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun Library) ]

"One whom the dragons will speak with," he said, "that is a
dragonlord, or at least that is the center of the matter. It's
not a trick of mastering the dragons, as most people think.
Dragons have no masters. The question is always the same, with
a dragon: will he talk to you or will he eat you? If you can
count upon his doing the former, and not doing the latter, why
then you're a dragonlord."
[ The Tombs of Atuan, by Ursula K. Le Guin ]

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