Dragon (EvilHack)

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In EvilHack, the dragon monster class is significantly changed from NetHack.

EvilHack retains the dragons from NetHack and adds other similar types of dragons, as well as a few monsters that are not dragons but are considered dragon-like.

List of monsters

The monster class contains the following monsters, with new monsters highlighted in bold:

Common traits

All of the dragons from NetHack (including the un-deferred shimmering dragon) have their stats changed similarly to GruntHack:

  • The baby dragons are given a stronger bite attack and two claw attacks, and in general share the same alignment as their adult forms.
  • The adult dragons are given stronger bite and claw attacks, along with a digestion attack and a passive attack corresponding to their element - their corresponding dragon scales also confer similar passive effects, including when used to make dragon-scaled armor.
  • Many of the dragons have their alignments changed:
    • Baby gray, silver and shimmering dragons are lawful like their adult forms.
    • Baby red, white, black, and blue dragons are chaotic like their adult forms.
    • Orange dragons, green dragons and yellow dragons are chaotic in both their baby and adult forms.

The new adult and baby dragons that are introduced follow the same general pattern for their stat lines and alignments. Sea, shimmering and shadow dragons are neutral in both their baby and adult forms - in NetHack, only baby dragons are neutrally aligned.

Dragonbane as an artifact is much different from its appearance in NetHack, and only affects "true" dragons rather than all dragon-class monsters.


All randomly-generated dragons are normally created hostile.


Knights and dragons are natural enemies, and a Knight can only tame a dragon of the same alignment as them.

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