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What do you want to use or apply? [abhj-lsuxHNOQW-Y or ?*]
s - a stethoscope
In what direction?
Status of the winter wolf (neutral):  Level 6  HP 19(19)  AC 4.
Voluntary challenges:
You have never genocided any monsters.
You have never polymorphed an object.
You have never changed form.
You have used no wishes.

Turned to slime by a scroll of genocide.
Choked to death on a cockatrice corpse.
Petrified by genocidal confusion.
Killed by an imperious order.

Speedscumming badness scale, from "definitely not cheating" to "definitely cheating":

  1. "Regular" speed ascension (regular RNG luck and perhaps bones with a few useful things)
  2. You happen to hit a bones file with lots of useful stuff that you didn't know existed.
  3. You happen to hit a bones file with lots of useful stuff that you knew existed and hoped for (and quite possibly dug for).
  4. You hit a bones file with lots of useful stuff after startscumming several characters and digging in an attempt to hit these bones.
  5. You hit a bones file with lots of useful stuff from an earlier game of yours where you did not die on purpose, after startscumming several characters and digging in an attempt to hit these bones.
  6. You hit a bones file with lots of useful stuff from an earlier game of yours where you DID die on purpose, after startscumming several characters and digging in an attempt to hit these bones.

Random quotes:

(21:56:59) Fluffymormegil: polymorph is like comedy: timing is everything (#nethack, 2010-05-26)

Some tana'ri (quite a few seem to be in Nethack and its variants):

Name Type Sourcebook Variant
Alkilith True Planescape MC2
Alu-fiend Lesser Planescape MC1
Armanite Lesser Planes of Chaos
Babau Greater Planescape MC1 Slash'EM
Balor True Planescape MC1
Bar-lgura Lesser Planescape MC1 Slash'EM
Bulezau Lesser Planescape MC2
Cambion Lesser Planescape MC1
Chasme Greater Planescape MC1 Slash'EM
Dretch Least Planescape MC1 Slash'EM
Glabrezu True Planescape MC1
Goristro Greater Planes of Chaos
Hezrou True Planescape MC1
Manes Least Planescape MC1
Marilith True Planescape MC1
Maurezhi Lesser Planescape MC2
Molydeus Guardian Planescape MC1
Nabassu Greater Planescape MC1 Slash'EM
Nalfeshnee True Planescape MC1
Rutterkin Least Planescape MC1 Slash'EM
Succubus / Incubus Lesser Planescape MC1
Vrock True Planescape MC1
Wastrilith Greater Planescape MC1
Yochlol Lesser Planescape MC2 ?