Disgusting mold

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A disgusting mold, F, is a type of monster that appears in SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM, and Hack'EM. The disgusting mold is a type of mold that is sessile and lacks limbs, eyes or a head like other molds, and has a 910 chance of reviving from its corpse if they leave one behind.[1]

Disgusting molds have a poisonous passive attack that has a 23 chance of triggering in response to a melee attack that does not kill them, as well as a second passive attack that deals acid damage: due to how passive attacks function in NetHack and its variants, only the first passive attack is used.[2] The poisonous passive attack is harmless if the attacker has poison resistance, is unbreathing or is being strangled - otherwise, the attacker takes damage with a 45 chance of an additional 6-15 damage, a 16 chance of losing 3-5 points of strength, and a 130 chance of instadeath. Disgusting molds possess poison resistance, and in Hack'EM they also possess acid resistance.

A disgusting mold corpse or tin has a roughly 13 chance (33%) of granting poison resistance.


Randomly generated disgusting molds are always created hostile.

Corpses that reach 51 turns of age and are not acidic have a 12 chance (50%) of turning into a fungus or mold if they are not located within or on top of a square of water, ice or lava;[3][4][5] this has a 14.8% chance of producing a disgusting mold.[6]


Disgusting molds are fairly dangerous to attack in melee, and generation mechanics for fungus mean that they can be found growing on corpses from the first level of the dungeon. Furthermore, most starting pets will need to reach level 4 to even attack one, and most of them cannot safely attack the mold without being poisoned in return (with the only exception being the Necromancer's starting ghoul).

Fortunately, the sessile disgusting molds are as vulnerable to all forms of ranged attacks as any other mold, and can otherwise be safely ignored unless they are blocking a door or other path that the hero wishes to explore. Despite their poisonous and acidic passives, disgusting molds are safe to eat, and can be a useful early source of poison resistance.

Encyclopedia entry

Mold, multicellular organism of the division Fungi, typified
by plant bodies composed of a network of cottony filaments.
The colors of molds are due to spores borne on the filaments.
Most molds are saprophytes. Some species (e.g., penicillium)
are used in making cheese and antibiotics.

[ The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia ]
