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)   Skullcrusher   (No tile)
Base item club
Damage vs. small 1d6 +10
Damage vs. large 1d3 +10
To-hit bonus +3
Bonus versus (any)
Weapon skill club
Size one-handed
When carried


When wielded


When invoked


Base price 300 zm
Weight 30
Material wood
)   Skullcrusher (Hack'EM)   (No tile)
Base item club
Damage vs. small 1d6 +10
Damage vs. large 1d3 +10
To-hit bonus +3
Bonus versus (any)
Weapon skill club
Size one-handed
When carried


When wielded


When invoked


Base price 2000 zm
Weight 70
Material mineral

Skullcrusher is an artifact that appears in SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM and Hack'EM. Its default alignment is lawful, and its base item is a club; in Hack'EM, it is made of mineral instead of wood.


A randomly generated club has a base 120 chance (5%) of being made into an artifact: in SLASH'EM, the artifact will always be Skullcrusher if it is not yet generated; in SlashTHEM, it has an equal probability of being made into Skullcrusher or Petslayer if neither has been generated; and in Hack'EM, it has an equal probability of being made into Skullcrusher or Keolewa.

In all three variants, Skullcrusher is the first guaranteed sacrifice gift for Cavepeople, and lawful characters may receive it as a sacrifice gift.


In SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM, Skullcrusher has +3 to-hit and deals +10 bonus damage against all monsters. In Hack'EM, this is changed to +1d3 to-hit and +1d10 damage against all monsters.


While not as overpowered as the Bat from Hell, Skullcrusher is still a significant boon for Cavepeople in SLASH'EM: its bonuses against all monsters makes the early game a breeze, and remains viable well into and through the late game. In terms of damage, it is only slightly worse than Excalibur or Snickersnee, though it is superseded by the Bat from Hell as an artifact wish.

A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"Update to reflect THEM/Hack'EM"