Doctor Frankenstein

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Revision as of 10:39, 10 September 2023 by Ion frigate (talk | contribs) (teleportitis -> teleportation (itis is the intrinsic); "practically required" is a bit of an exaggeration - a giant shoggoth does an unpleasant but manageable ~150 damage to an otherwise ascension ready character, and wands of digging reduce that to ~50)
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Doctor Frankenstein, Q, is a unique monster that appears in SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM. He is a quantum mechanic-like humanoid monster that teleports at random, and possesses a weapon attack along with a claw attack that can teleport you, similar to other quantum mechanics. Doctor Frankenstein has poison resistance, shock resistance and sleep resistance, and cannot be tamed.

Doctor Frankenstein's corpse is poisonous to eat, and eating his corpse or tin is guaranteed to convey teleportitis. Like other quantum mechanics, he is not considered human for the purposes of cannibalism or sacrifice.


Doctor Frankenstein is guaranteed to appear in his eponymous lab, where he is found in the small innermost room behind a secret door standing atop an ice box. He will always be generated hostile, and cannot be selected as a form for polymorph.

Doctor Frankenstein is always generated with a lab coat, a spellbook of polymorph and a wand of polymorph.


Doctor Frankenstein is not especially difficult to face for a player capable of making it to Gehennom and finding his laboratory. Though his -10 base AC is far superior to any other monster within the laboratory - including his own creation - any player that can find the branch from within Gehennom should be capable of hitting through his defenses with ease. Doctor Frankenstein's biggest threat for a prepared player is the teleportation from his second attack, which at worst can prolong the fight by several turns; MC3 or teleport control nullifies the impact of the attack altogether.

The genetic engineers he shares a room with are a more pressing threat in comparison, requiring properties like magic resistance or unchanging to prevent their polymorphing attack. Doctor Frankenstein may be worth defeating for his guaranteed lab coat, which is a valuable source of acid resistance and MC3 for a player that either lacks the resistance or wants to adjust their build for it: acid resistance is a rare property, and is very useful for late game threats such as giant shoggoths.