User:Kahran042/Temporary SLethe Gehennom area

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Baalzebub's lair

Baalzebub's lair is located between levels 6 and 9 of Gehennom. Teleportation is disabled on the level, the floors are undiggable, and the Lethe flows through the level.

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Baalzebub is in front of the secret door leading to the stairs. Other monsters in the building include a ghost, a horned devil, and a barbed devil. The level also contains two ghosts, two shades, four horned devils, five lemures, a green slime, a random L, two random &, three random V, three random F, three random P, four random pieces of armor, four random weapons, three random gems, four random potions, five random scrolls, two spiked pits, two fire traps, two sleep gas traps, two anti-magic fields, three rust traps, and four magic traps.

Geryon's lair

Geryon's lair is located between levels 8 and 11 of Gehennom. It has undiggable floors and Lethe water, and teleportation is blocked.

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Geryon is on the throne, carrying a frost horn and accompanied by his courtiers- two ice devils, two bone devils, two succubi, and two gelatinous cubes. There is a squeaky board in the hallway outside the throne room. The level also contains six blue jellies (one of which is on top of the stairway down), seven ice trolls (one of whom has a wand of fire), seven yetis, four frost giants, a white dragon, a silver dragon, a gray dragon, four winter wolves, three chests, and three piles of gold.

Dispater's lair

Dispater's lair is located between levels 11 and 14 of Gehennom, and is surrounded by a standard Gehennom maze level. Teleportation is blocked, the floors are undiggable, and the Lethe flows through it.

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The structure on the left bank, which is also the exit from the maze, contains five gold golems, each guarding a random gem. The banks of the Lethe are covered in piles of gold pieces, each containing a random amount, and the river itself contains six random ;. The left bank is inhabited by a crystal golem, a ruby golem, a sapphire golem, and a diamond golem, and the right bank by two ruby golems, two sapphire golems, and a diamond golem. Dispater is on his throne, accompanied by two nalfeshnee, a succubus, an incubus, two diamond golems, and four ice devils. The traps in and around Dispater's throne room are all squeaky boards. The halls above and below the throne room each contain, from left to right, an anti-magic field, a magic trap, a polymorph trap, and another magic trap. The rooms at the end of the hallways each contain a fire trap, two chests, and two random &. The room in the lower right contains a diamond golem, a polymorph trap, and a magic trap. The northern vault contains six piles of treasure, each of which contains a random amount of gold and two random gems. The one in the lower left covers a squeaky board, and the one in the lower right is guarded by a giant mimic. There are four gold golems in the hallway leading to the stairs down, and the stairs themselves are guarded by a sapphire golem and a steel golem, the latter of which is standing on the stairs. Both squares in the stair room contain gold, as do the two squares leading up to it. The area behind Dispater's throne contains three sapphire golems and three piles of gold, as well as a diamond, a ruby, two loadstones, an emerald, a sapphire, an amethyst, a jade stone, an opal, a luckstone, a jacinth, an aquamarine stone, a fluorite stone, a jasper stone, and a citrine stone. Scattered randomly throughout the level are ten piles of gold and fourteen random gems.

Demogorgon's lair

Demogorgon's lair is located between levels 12 and 15 of Gehennom. Teleportation is forbidden on the level, and the floors are undiggable. Although the Lethe flag is set, the river itself is absent, although there are six pools on the level.

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Demogorgon is on the throne, accompanied by a pit fiend, a balrog, a marilith, a nalfeshnee, and two succubi. There is a chest behind the throne, and two other chests above the lava pools in the back of the throne room. The antechamber contains three random ' and three traps- from left to right, a magic trap, a squeaky board, and another magic trap. The area to the left of the fortress contains five xorns, five fire giants, eight fire elementals (all generated on top of lava pools), four hell hounds, a red dragon, four hezrou, three nalfeshnee, four random B, and eleven squeaky boards. The fortress itself contains a black dragon, two pit fiends, four nalfeshnee, three bone devils, four water demons, six water nymphs, a gremlin, an arch-lich, a blue dragon, a giant mimic mimicking a down staircase, and a squeaky board. The outdoor areas in the northeast and southeast each contain three fire elementals, a salamander, and a fire vampire, and the southern one also contains a red dragon guarding a chest, two rubies, six other random gems, and a random amount of gold. The down stairs are guarded by a pit fiend and a squeaky board. The level also contains four random &, eight fire traps, three magic traps, and two anti-magic fields.