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A salamander, :, is a type of monster that appears in NetHack. Salamanders are slithy and fiery humanoid reptiles that are the strongest of the lizards, and are the only members of the monster class that are not animals.

A salamander has four attacks: a weapon attack, a touch attack that inflicts fire damage, and two bearhug attacks, the second of which also inflicts fire damage. Salamanders possess fire resistance and sleep resistance, and as fiery monsters they are immune to sliming.

A salamander corpse is poisonous to eat, and eating a salamander corpse or tin has a 815 chance (53%) of granting fire resistance.

Chatting to a salamander causes them to "mumble incomprehensibly".


Salamanders are only randomly generated in Gehennom, and normally-created ones are always hostile. They are not a valid target for genocide.

Eight salamanders are generated on the Plane of Fire at level creation.

Salamanders are generated with either a spear (67 chance), a trident (221 chance), or a stiletto (121 chance).[1]


Salamanders are usually not too difficult to face for a hero that has reached Gehennom, since they will usually have fire resistance at this point, though being caught in their bearhug may leave you at the mercy of more vicious monsters in the area unless you kill them or break their grip quickly. However, a salamander has no MR score, leaving it vulnerable to wands and spells as well as various tools, and can be scared easily into releasing you.

While many monsters will pick up a glob of green slime to cure stoning, salamanders are the only monsters that will actually eat the glob, as they are immune to sliming.

As a polyform

Salamanders are solid polyforms, since they move at the same base speed as you, possess a natural AC of -1 and can wear all armor minus boots. If you are using polymorph to cure sliming, a salamander is the best fiery monster form available, as they are not eyeless and possess arms to pick up and wield items, and can also safely eat globs from green slimes to cure stoning.


The salamander first appears in NetHack-- 3.1.3, and is among the many monsters from that variant added to SLASH 6. Salamanders make their vanilla NetHack debut in NetHack 3.2.0.


"Salamander" refers to both a real-life species of animal and a fantastic creature. Real-life salamanders are amphibians characterized by their lizard-like appearance: slender bodies, blunt snouts, short limbs projecting at right angles to the body, and a tail. All ten families of salamander - including Salamandridae, whose members have bodies without the grooved sides typical of others, and are mostly known as newts - are grouped together under the order Urodela, and their traits vary widely by species.

Most salamanders have at most four toes on their front legs, and at most five on their rear legs; some species have fewer, while others may even lack hind limbs. Salamanders typically lay eggs in water and have aquatic larvae, but some species in harsher environments may even reproduce while still in the larval state. Some species are fully aquatic throughout their lives, others take to the water intermittently, and still others are entirely terrestrial and become capable of regenerating lost limbs and other damaged parts of their bodies in adulthood.

Some salamanders have have poison-secreting skin and bright warning coloration to advertise their toxicity - this trait was noted as far back as Ancient Greece, where writers such as Theocritus and Pliny the Elder believed that salamander secretions were used in medicine and poisons. Salamanders often prefer habitats that are in or near cool, damp and/or watery areas, and species diversity is highest in eastern North America.

Salamanders in fantasy

Though the default tileset makes it resemble the animal, the salamanders of NetHack are derived from Dungeons & Dragons, whose salamanders are reptilian humanoids with a pair of arms and a tail that originate on the Elemental Plane of Fire—a significant population of salamanders migrated from there to areas such as the Firelands and the Peaks of Flame via portal. Their culture is known for metal-smithing and creating weapons that utilized the power of flame, and they often wielded spears and used their tails to constrict their enemies; their skin was so hot that even the merest touch caused burns.

Some of these traits and other qualities associated with "fantastic" salamanders by classical, medieval and renaissance lore are themselves derived from real salamanders: Certain writings of Pliny the Elder's time exaggerated the salamander's poisonous skin to the extent that a single salamander could supposedly taint the fruit of any tree that it climbed, and any water from a well that it fell into would become lethal. This is likely the basis for the burning skin that the salamanders of Dungeons & Dragons have, which in turn may be the reason that the salamanders of NetHack are poisonous to eat and have 'burning' touch and hug attacks.

Hermeticist beliefs originating in Renaissance Europe considered salamanders fiery creatures, as they "mysteriously" appeared when the rotting logs they hibernated in were brought indoors and put on a fire; the Talmud also describes the salamander as a product of fire whose blood grants immunity from fire to anyone smeared in it. The philosopher Saint Augustine argues in The City of God that salamanders are proof of eternal punishment, since the flames they inhabited could be used to burn sinful humans forever—both this and their elemental affinity for fire may explain why NetHack salamanders typically only appear in Gehennom and the Plane of Fire.



In SLASH'EM, salamanders are guaranteed polyforms for doppleganger heroes that reach experience level 8, and are a solid choice for similar reasons as in vanilla.


UnNetHack adapts the black market branch from SLASH'EM and replaces one of One-Eyed Sam's assistants, a rhaumbusun named Izzy, with a salamander of the same name.


In dNetHack, the salamander's difficulty is raised to 13. Drow heroes are capable of applying saddles to tame salamanders and using them as steeds.

The Chaos Temple variant of the Chaos Quest generates two salamanders in the domain of Kary, the Fiend of Fire at level creation.


In SpliceHack, the black market uses the same layout as in SLASH'EM, and includes Izzy the salamander as one of the assistants.

Ten hostile salamanders are generated in the City of Brass at level creation.


In addition to dNetHack details, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack add the salamander as a playable starting race.


In EvilHack, salamanders can survive in and move through lava, remaining within lava squares when possible - they can also pull the hero and other monsters into lava with their bearhug attack, similar to pythons and eels in water. Being pulled into lava this way will usually destroy most of the hero's inventory, along with possibly killing them outright. The salamander's attack routine is altered so that the non-fiery bearhug attack is third in order, but is not unchanged from their attack routine in vanilla NetHack.

EvilHack also adds the frost salamander, a stronger icy counterpart that uses the same hit dice and attack routine as a salamander in NetHack, though with cold damage.

Five salamanders are placed within the lava room on the ground floor of the Wizard's Tower at level creation.


In addition to SLASH'EM details, the salamander is the second quest monster for the Firefighter in SlashTHEM, and makes up 24175 of the monsters randomly generated on the Firefighter quest. Salamanders also appear among the random : that are part of the second quest monster class for Firefighters and make up 6175 of the monsters randomly generated there. Some salamanders are also placed on various floors of the branch at level creation: five salamanders each are generated on the home, locate and goal floors, one salamander is placed within the upper filler level(s), and two are placed within the lower filler level(s).

Encyclopedia entry

For hundreds of years, many people believed that salamanders were magical. In England in the Middle Ages, people thought that fire created salamanders. When they set fire to damp logs, dozens of the slimy creatures scurried out. The word salamander, in fact, comes from a Greek word meaning "fire animal".

[ Salamanders, by Cherie Winner ]
