Rat King (EvilHack)

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The Rat King, Template:Monsym/rat king, is a unique monster that appears in EvilHack and Hack'EM. In Hack'EM, this version of the Rat King serves the same roles as the Rat King of SLASH'EM.

The Rat King is a strong and omnivorous human wererat-like monster that does not shift from his humanoid form. He has regeneration, can be seen via infravision, is capable of swimming, and will pick up items and valuables.

The Rat King has a weapon attack and a lycanthropy-inducing bite, and possesses poison resistance, sleep resistance and drain resistance like other werecreatures.

The Rat King's corpse is poisonous to eat.


The Rat King is always generated hostile, and is not a valid form for normal polymorph.

The Rat King is always generated with a pair of high boots, a cloak of displacement, and a rustproof +1 to +3 scimitar of venom. He also has a 23 chance of generating with a ring of teleport control.


The Rat King only appears in The Sewers of Waterdeep variant of Mines' End, which is a sewage-filled level consisting of a series of rooms that are surrounded by long halls, including a treasure room that is only accessible with teleportation - he will always be generated in the throne room.


The Rat King appears on the rat level as he does in SLASH'EM and other similar variants, though he can still generate with a ring of teleport control as in EvilHack.


The Rat King is a formidable early-game opponent. He is decently fast, possesses multiple resistances, and is generated with powerful items. Attacking him in melee can be quite difficult; even if you can consistently hit him through his somewhat low AC, displacement will cause half of your attacks to miss, prolonging the fight and increasing the odds of contracting lycanthropy. He is capable of dealing impressive damage himself, and his scimitar of venom makes it dangerous to engage him in melee without a high amount of poison resistance. However, a character with poison resistance, a high magic cancellation value and consistent damage output should be able to take him on.

Alternate methods include attacking him from range with attack spells or wands, or using missiles. He possesses no resistances outside of poison, drain and sleep, making any kind of elemental damage particularly effective. A sufficiently large stack of missile weapons such as shuriken, daggers or a launcher and its corresponding ammo (preferably silver) can also make quick work of him. If you don't have a reliable strategy to defeat the Rat King, it is also viable to avoid him entirely. He generates asleep, and in a closed-off room that isn't necessary to travel through to get the luckstone.

Encyclopedia entry

At this moment two of the enemies' tirailleurs seized him by
his wooden mantle, and the Mouse-King, squeaking from his seven
throats, leaped in triumph towards him. Maria could no longer
control herself. "Oh, my poor Nutcracker!" she cried, sobbing,
and without being exactly conscious of what she did, grasped her
left shoe, and threw it with all her strength into the thickest
of the mice, straight at their king.
[ Nutracker and the Mouse-King, by E. T. A. Hoffmann,
translated by Mrs. St. Simon ]

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