Medical kit

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( Medical kit.png
Name medical kit
Appearance leather bag
Base price 500 zm
Weight 25
Material leather
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

A medical kit is a tool in SLASH'EM.It appears as a leather bag when unidentified, but cannot hold anything except pills, bandages, and phials. To view the contents of a medical kit, drop it and #loot it. There is no way to refill an empty medical kit.

Only Healers can use the bandages (to bandage their wounds as part of their surgery technique). Only vampiric players can use the phials (to draw off a phial of their own blood for later consumption).

Anyone can apply a medical kit to swallow a pill from it, but only Healers can reliably do this successfully, and then only if the kit is not cursed. If the pill works, it will cure your first trouble from the following list: sickness, blindness not caused by something on your face, hallucination, vomiting, confusion, stunning, and loss of hit points (it will heal you by 10–19 HP but won't increase your maximum). If the pill fails, it may have no effect, cause HP loss, or make you deathly sick.

Success probability
Status Healer Monk, Priest, Samurai, or Undead Slayer Other role
Blessed 1 56 34
Uncursed 1 12 14
Cursed 13 16 112


Medical kits existed in early versions of SpliceHack but were later removed. They are a defunct feature of SpliceHack.

See also

  • Pill: for pink pills, which are found separately and function differently from the pills in medical kits

External links