User talk:Bluescreenofdeath

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Revision as of 10:28, 4 November 2014 by Bluescreenofdeath (talk | contribs) (Cannot melee keystone inspectors easily)
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-- New user message (talk) 07:50, 22 November 2013 (UTC)

transvestite role

you might want to review the inclusion of the transvestite role. is it actually implemented in your game? it is easily the most offensive thing i've read for ages; sexist, genderist, and generally unpleasant. might get you some press, and, after all the number of people who will play it is probably not non-zero. but, well, words fail me. -- 12:23, 15 April 2014 (UTC)

Well, actually it is implemented... why would it be "sexist" or "genderist"? Just because they automatically become male upon starting the game or what? They're always free to use an amulet of change, and the fact that they play different depending on their gender is mainly there because in vanilla NetHack, the player character's gender didn't have any impact on the game at all. The role is in no way meant to be offensive, and people who don't like it can just play any of the other roles; there are enough of them to allow everyone to find one they are comfortable with. By the way, I'm used to getting press for my ideas (it has happened in the past), but that's just the price I have to pay for trying to be innovative. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 07:05, 16 April 2014 (UTC)
let me preface this by saying that i understand that the ultimate audience for this (of whom i am one) is a literal handful of people who fall at the dweebier end of the autistic spectrum. so no one cares or is likely to.
you don't need to defend anything. i am not attacking you, merely pointing out that your use of crude gender stereotypes will be found offensive by many. i understand why misogyny and homophobia wouldn't push your buttons. i hope you would understand why you shouldn't use racial stereotypes and that if you did people would complain. i don't expect you to change your mind on this, or even acknowledge that you can see my point. that you could write this at all shows such insensitivity to the issues at hand and such a deep ignorance that there even are issues that i may as well be writing in khmer. i've said what i could, now i'll shut up. -- 12:18, 16 April 2014 (UTC)

Hi there, I'm a gay man and a huge fan of Slash'EM Extended and just wanted to chime in that I really don't find the transvestite role to be offensive at all. If anything it seems like an affectionate tribute to drag queen culture, which is pretty self-parodic and tongue-in-cheek as is. Not sure if it counts for anything but it's just my two cents. Keep up the good work on your variant, it's a lot of fun! -BellisColdwine (talk) 18:34, 23 May 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the feedback! Nice to see that there's people like you who realize I was just trying to make a satirical/fun role. Of course Slash'EM Extended development will continue; in fact just now a new version has been uploaded, re-creating the old Elf role that used to be playable in NetHack 3.22, and there's also new traps and a wand from SporkHack as well as a new attack type for monsters. If you like Slash'EM Extended, you may want to download the new version. :-) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:00, 26 May 2014 (UTC)
Thanks, just downloaded it! It's great how often you're able to release updates for this fork. -BellisColdwine (talk) 04:00, 29 May 2014 (UTC)
You didn't find it offensive because as a gay man you are at most a tangentially minor target of the offense, so no, it doesn't count for anything. This is specifically about Drag culture itself and the tons of issues surrounding it as it is to need an "affectionate parody" that makes crude jokes of it. Regardless of intent, stuff that perpetuates stereotypes is problematic and harmful and does rightfully offend people, because the issue at hand is insensitivity and ignorance anyways.
So no, it being meant as a joke doesn't make it not offensive. But as the other person said, it's kind of a pointless discussion as you don't really care about these things anyways as the fact that you actually went through and put this in the game shows the bigotry involved.
This is "let's make a nazi role that kills all the jews monsters xD"-level garbage childish humor. It deserves nothing else but to be called out on being offensive and bigoted, and how you respond to this instead of apologizing defensively and calling for "innovation" even though you know perfectly well this is about the crude as hell flavor (that is in no way innovative in itself, "lol deranged sicko tranvestites" is a common trope).
But eh, aside from that go along with it. It's not like the problems this causes extend beyond driving a tiny number of people people away (because no, I'm not playing another class, I don't want to play a game that the developer put this stuff in it) and welcoming bigotry within a space that already has its share of. -- 23:26, 17 June 2014 (UTC)
I attend drag shows semi-regularly and have a fair number of friends involved in the culture (I've even participated in a few shows myself back in college), and to me it seems most of the entertainment value comes from taking stereotypes and making them into an over-the-top, self-parodic pageant. I grew up in an environment that was inhospitable to that kind of thing to say the least, and so I might just have tougher skin with regard to these kinds of jokes. I didn't interpret the role as a reference to trans people so much as to drag queen culture-- Making Lady Gaga the chaotic god seems to corroborate this somewhat. Anyway, sorry to hear the role bothered you but keep in mind it's probably not worth stressing over an obscure Nethack fork; hopefully you find another you're more comfortable with. Also, comparing a transvestite role to Holocaust jokes is patently ridiculous IMHO. --BellisColdwine (talk) 05:30, 21 June 2014 (UTC)

SO let me get this right. You find yourself playing a game where you need to kill thousands of people to win, stealing from shop is encouraged and human sacrifice is not only allowed but offers some advantages and your problem is with some gender bender charecter option. Mind you this coming from a came that is entirely in ACSII text so any offensive images have to be conjured up by your imagination. Maybe the problem is with your imagination and not with the game broNdwolfwood 02:22, 22 September 2014 (UTC)

I love the transvestite role. As soon as I saw the description, had to try it. I decided to hurry down to mine town to see if I could tame all the guards. Along the way, I mounted my pet and kicked some serious ass with my hammer shoes. I love pounding weapons in rpgs, so this theme worked out great. Found a broadsword for my pet. We cleaved a path through gnomes until she got killed. No problem, by then I was Skilled in hammer and found some dwarven mail and a big shield. Kicking ass on foot until I got to Mine Town to see that it was being plundered by Orcs! I didn't know this could happen in Nethack?! Awesome. I bashed down iron bars and went for it. The only guard I found was polymorphed into a jelly. I put him out of his gelatinous misery. Damn orc thief took my hammer shoes. Went kung fu on their ugly faces barehanded. I chased that thief forever. I'd catch up, he'd rob me, I'd have to chase him again. Even saw the caption for the orc wielding my shoes! How dare he?! Tried to tame the orcs, blew it, killed another half dozen with a scimitar. Then one pulled a wand of fire and hosed me. YASD.

One try at this made it my favorite new role. The transvestite is an butt kicking warrior class. I wish I could draw, because a man in heels smashing orc skulls with a flail would be a badass image. Love it. And thanks for all the new stuff you added to this game. -- 04:39, 2 November 2014 (UTC)

Hahahahahahaha... Thanks a lot for your kind review! :) It's weird that watchmen can actually be tamed; I always thought the "conflicting structure" code prevents that but it actually works in wizard mode. However, tame watchmen will somehow be able to attack a player that commits property damage or other crimes even if they're tame (wtf), so the player will have to be careful.
The Orcminetown variant of Minetown is from Sporkhack; it's basically a pillaged version of Minetown with no living shopkeepers or watchmen, and there is no way to bring them back to life as the fungus/jelly/blob forms can't be unpolymorphed. Taming the orcs with the attire charm technique *should* be possible since they're an intelligent monster type, I just tested it with a hill orc in wizard mode. For some reason it says "ÿM♠☻áû< is charmed, and wants to be your friend!" No idea why it's displaying that weird string but other than that it works fine. However, the attire charm doesn't work at all if one isn't wearing the right kind of footwear.
Anyway, thanks for enjoying the game, and maybe I'll see a Transvestite YAAP from you someday? And I'd also like to see the badass image you mentioned, I'm sure it would look great. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 07:02, 3 November 2014 (UTC)

Slash'EM Extended

Hi, and welcome to the wiki! (Sorry for this sounding so much like a canned greeting… it's not, I promise!) I've seen your variant's entry and your user page, so I decided to come up with some constructive suggestions:

  • You can format the list of features on your user page as an actual list like the one I'm using here (look at the page source). That looks nicer and is better for semantics and accessibility (be sure not to include blank lines between the list items; most users won't notice, but it actually creates multiple one-element lists).
  • You might want to upload some of those images to the wiki, especially those which might be used to illustrate your variant's article, so they can be embedded and displayed there. Also have a look at ttymaps, for example those used on the main page.
  • I'd probably put that feature list on your variant's page instead of your user page. Feel free to have whatever information you want on your user page and its subpages (well, try to keep it somewhat NetHack-related and nobody will complain), of course :)
  • Consider using a version control system, such as Git; that's generally a good idea, and all major forks use one. You could put your variant on Github, for example.

Unfortunately, due to the upcoming holidays, I haven't had time to actually play or even build your variant yet. I'll try it as soon as I have time, though! :) —bcode talk | mail 20:38, 17 December 2013 (UTC)

Thanks for the hints, bcode! Currently I'm also quite busy with other stuff (christmas preparations etc.) but I'll try out your suggestions as soon as I get the time to do so. Unfortunately real life sometimes forces me into doing things that are time consuming and not as fun as NetHack but once I get them out of my way I'll certainly do some edits. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:57, 18 December 2013 (UTC)

Linux Support

Dear BSOD,

I'm interested in your variant. I'm currently playing SLASH'EM and would love to play a SLASH'EM that has even more content. Have you considered porting the game to Linux? (generally this means it would work on Mac OSX as well).

Also, it would be a good idea to upload the source to a CVS like GitHub, because supporters can submit patches (pull requests) and stuff like that easily. It's a very nice platform for collaborating on code.

Thanks for the game! --NewWorld (talk) 18:51, 23 February 2014 (UTC)

Uh... actually I don't know how to port the game to another OS, but the source code is available, so if you like, you can port it yourself (if you know how that works). Since all of my PCs are running Windows XP, I don't really have a lot of experience with Linux or OSX. About Github, well I thought about that too but I'm not sure about how that works either. Maybe if I find the time I'll see what I can do, though. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 07:01, 24 February 2014 (UTC)

Race/Class Matrix?

Have you given thought (or actually completed) a matrix of what the various races/classes can/can't/should/shouldn't do?

Examples: Race: Ghast - can only eat corpses which have a degree of rot on them. Fruit and normal rations can not be eaten. Race: Snake - do not have feet to kick open a door. Race: Ungenomolds - polymorph on creation and possess polymorphitis.

Class: Chevalier are similar to Knights and accumulate sins if the strike a fleeing monster. Class: Convict gets hungry early and often, starts with negative luck, negative alignment and lots of sins. Class: Death Eaters - "feel dead inside" (I haven't figured out what that means, yet) ——Diesalot (talk) 19:06, 9 May 2014 (UTC)

Good idea, I'll probably do that soon. Actually, the "you feel dead inside" message is caused by playing an ungenomold character and means their original race has been genocided; if they ever un-polymorph (and thus turn back into their starting ungenomoldic form), they die with no chance of life-saving. Death Eaters are difficult to play for another reason though: their movement speed is low. Apart from that they're a spellcasting role.
A complete list with the important characteristics of all new races/roles will appear soon, so stay tuned. Thanks for the suggestion! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:53, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
Done! The race and role difficulty pages give important information about all the new roles and races. These are also linked from the main Slash'EM Extended page now for easy access, and include recommendations for beginning players who don't want to die all the time. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 09:03, 12 May 2014 (UTC)

Not sure if this is the place to suggest this, but I think it would be a lot of fun to have a nymph-based player race with high charisma, intrinsic teleportitis, and the ability to steal items with the #borrow command. Most n's would start out peaceful to them. I don't know if this would be hard to implement but I thought it might make a good addition in a future version! --BellisColdwine (talk) 20:29, 30 June 2014 (UTC)

Something like that is actually planned already, and will probably exist sooner or later. Don't know about the exact implementation that I'm going to use for this, but an item-stealing role/race will be added at some time. In fact, there are tons of roles and races that I have planned, but I currently have a character in progress that just doesn't seem to die :D, so I can't add any major things at the moment. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:48, 1 July 2014 (UTC)
Currently working on it; they will probably appear in a new version very soon. However, in order to make them less overpowered, they start chained to a heavy iron ball that randomly gets heavier, they can't remove it with the #monster command, and if they somehow manage to remove it, a new one may be chained to them after a period of time. Otherwise, they get the benefits of teleportitis, being able to steal from monsters by attacking in melee, and nymphs start out peaceful. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 08:22, 17 July 2014 (UTC)
Great! I'm looking forward to playing it as soon as my current character shuffles off the mortal coil or ascends (unlikely). I imagine a spellbook of knock is going to be a pretty vital item to get unless I'm feeling lazy and just play as a Zyborg. Congratulations on the featured article, by the way! --BellisColdwine (talk) 23:02, 18 July 2014 (UTC)
Well, a heavy iron ball is a good weapon too, and every character can advance the flail skill by using it. Otherwise, yeah; a nymph with an ability to remove the ball will probably be easier to play. Thanks for your feedback, and I hope you enjoy the game; please don't forget to make backups of high-level characters so you don't lose all your progress on the off chance that the game crashes! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 12:04, 20 July 2014 (UTC)

Featured Article

Maybe you could feature your variant's article yourself, rather than politely suggesting it. It's definitely deserving. Unfortunately, nobody seems to be taking care of featured articles lately. --Tjr (talk) 13:06, 12 May 2014 (UTC)

Thanks, Tjr! I'll try my best to make it work. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:46, 13 May 2014 (UTC)
Okay, it's scheduled to be displayed in July now (didn't want to remove the June article because it's about a tournament that always seems to run in June). --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:57, 13 May 2014 (UTC)

Too much variant information

Nice work with your variant, but IMO you're turning this into a S'EM Extended -wiki. Is your variant really notable enough to spread all over? Consolidate the articles, eg. all the different player races/roles could be just two articles. Also categorize your articles! ----paxed (talk) 10:44, 13 May 2014 (UTC)

Okay, I'll try to put the pages into categories. About the articles for roles and races though, the original SLASH'EM also has individual pages for all of its added roles and races, and I consider Slash'EM Extended to be a notable variant (my download statistics show that there's probably over a hundred people playing it), so it would be nice if all those players have a chance to read spoilers about the variant.
But maybe a tag could be made that flags pages as "Slash'EM Extended" (the original SLASH'EM pages have a tag that says SE0.0.7E7F2 or something like that)? --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:53, 13 May 2014 (UTC)

I also would not mind one-stop shopping in regard to finding all of this variant flavor in one place. BsoD, is there a feedback mechanism for you knowing how many player/games/results? I can contribute my measly 20+ games played logfile, if you would like. --Diesalot (talk) 14:55, 15 May 2014 (UTC)

Well I've added some categories that will help when trying to find stuff, but quite some things (like most of the new items and monsters) are still undocumented as of now, and I'll probably just create a "Slash'EM Extended bestiary" and "Slash'EM Extended items" page someday that shows the new things without cluttering the wiki with lots of single pages. Anyway, and as well as the "getting started" links on the main Slash'EM Extended page give an overview of some important features now.
The only current source of knowledge for the # of games played is my download statistics that shows how many times the binaries and source code have been downloaded, but if you like, you may share your logfile. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:33, 16 May 2014 (UTC)

My goal is to get to about 50 games played and I will share you my logfile in a way you would prefer. --Diesalot (talk) 12:43, 16 May 2014 (UTC)

Okay, that's great; you may send it to me by e-mail if you want (I fear there is no private message feature on the wiki). My email is failureclockATNOSPAMgmxDOTde; replace ATNOSPAM and DOT by @ and . respectively. :-) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 15:22, 18 May 2014 (UTC)

"I'm wondering if Unnethack and other variants are still being updated, too?"

They most certainly are! These are the ones I'm aware of that are still actively developed:

For the GitHub sites you'll want to click on "XXXX commits" in the upper left to see the exact code changes. --Tungtn (talk) 09:35, 26 May 2014 (UTC)

Wow, I didn't know there are still so many forks being developed. That's great, as it means more sources for me to steal stuff from :D! Lots of features in Slash'EM Extended have in fact been imported from other NetHack forks, even though I also added quite some all-new stuff. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:41, 26 May 2014 (UTC)

Keeping separate variants under separate headers

It's great you are adding info about your variant to the wiki. One more way to get vanilla players interested. It might be confusing to newbies if we talk about different variants on one pages. Therefore, would you please keep anything about Slash'EM Extended under a separate header "==Slash'EM Extended=="? Thank you, --Tjr (talk) 12:29, 5 June 2014 (UTC)

Okay, wanted to do so anyway, but sometimes I just forget to do so and accidentally add it somewhere in between. I'll try to pay more attention when making future edits, making sure my variant info gets its own header without cluttering up the vanilla information. :-) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:50, 6 June 2014 (UTC)


Would making a tileset for this be simple? Would it just need the regular Slash Em tilesets, or would all the stuff you added need tiles too? 11:05, 20 July 2014 (UTC)Chezzo

Unfortunately it would be quite difficult; not only are there tons of new monsters and items that would need tiles, but I also don't know how to integrate them into the game. It would probably require someone with in-depth knowledge as to how to make them work, as well as someone who actually draws them. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 12:04, 20 July 2014 (UTC)
Aww, many of the other variants, DawnHack and UnNetHack, have their own tilesets. Since this variant is the most detailed, I was hoping to make you one.

Some questions about slashem extended

I'm glad you're working on continuing the slashem project, but I have a few questions about your variant. Why do redguard girls release spores to poison me when I attack them? Also, why do I sometimes find jackboots that are encased in rock inside of shops sometimes? --Bug sniper (talk) 02:05, 23 July 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the feedback! Some monsters may have unexpected and sometimes nasty attacks; for example, redguards are supposed to be highly resistant to catching diseases, yet carry the pathogens in their bodies, so coming into contact with them may infect the player. Items embedded in some terrain feature are an intentional addition; I was growing bored with the all-the-sameness of random rooms-and-corridors levels so I added some extra randomness. Those encased items can be dislodged by kicking them though.
If the version you're currently playing doesn't already have the feature that allows the player to see all of a monster's attacks by looking at it, you may want to download the newest version. It should guarantee that you won't experience nasty surprises by fighting monsters that are unexpectedly strong. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:29, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
I wouldn't know which version I have because, as you can see at Slashem version numbers are still being used on the version command. I downloaded the version that was announced on roguebasin and so I think I have the most recent version already.
As for kicking things out of terrain features, it would be silly if the shopkeeper told me I had to kick the boots out of the glue they are embedded in, don't you think?
As for the monster, I guess that will then be one that I have to run away from and skip the corresponding level in order to not have my strength drained to 0. --Bug sniper (talk) 20:19, 23 July 2014 (UTC)
I love that kind of thing. Half the fun of Slash'EM Extended is the huge variety and silliness, in my opinion! I definitely get a kick out of doing something absurd like hurling a torpedo at an old man whacking me with a boot. By the way, Amy, out of curiosity is the Imperial race a sort of forced atheist conduct challenge? I've been playing around as an Imperial healer and making use of their special chat ability regularly but my god is consistently displeased upon prayer, even if I altar camp for a while and seemingly mollify them. Also, fabulous job on the improved look feature! It's very, very helpful considering the occasional lack of wiki info for new monsters.BellisColdwine (talk) 05:41, 24 July 2014 (UTC)
Well I should implement actual version numbers in the game, it seems... maybe that will happen soon, as the game is currently being updated very often - for example, just 10 minutes ago I uploaded a critical bugfix version that removes the crashiness from the Bleeder quest. Without this fix, the Bleeder quest is incredibly frustrating to play, so it's certainly a good idea to download the newest version. And yes, silliness is just what Slash'EM Extended is all about - most games are (for reasons that I can't understand) tailored to be "realistic" (although there would be enough examples where even vanilla NetHack isn't realistic) but IMHO it's much more fun if things can also be weird at times. The player is free to use their imagination: maybe the shopkeeper embedded an item in stone because it's particularly treasured to him, and he doesn't want anyone to easily get it, or maybe it was already embedded there when the shopkeeper decided to set up his shop in that room? About the strength-draining monster, well they can't drain the player's strength below 3, and poison resistance or using ranged attacks are some ways to prevent the loss of strength.
About the Imperial race: yep, they can't ever pray successfully, no matter what they do. They're not atheists though. Altars can still be used for sacrificing or BUC testing. Donations are still possible too. It's just so that gods never like Imperials praying to them, which is supposed to make them harder to play. There's another quirk of the Imperial race, too: they're much more likely to encounter out-of-depth monsters. Just fired up a testing game and there are rattatas and green molds on dlvl1 right at the start of the game, which usually doesn't happen for other characters. By the way, the improved look feature isn't entirely my work; I took it from Unnethackplus and modified it to display my variant's specific monster attributes too. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:04, 24 July 2014 (UTC)

Object selection bug

As you can see in this screenshot, I was trying to select an item to identify. I was unable to select the gray stone because other objects were referenced with the same symbol. --Bug sniper (talk) 06:58, 24 July 2014 (UTC)

This can happen if your inventory holds more than 52 objects - since the alphabet only has so many letters, and they can only be either uppercase or lowercase, every extra item after you already have 52 ones will become a # symbol. Of course that's bad, but it's still better than not being able to carry more than 52 items at all IMHO; one neat thing that you can do is to pull out everything from your box if you're about to read a blessed scroll of identify, and hope it identifies all the items. For me it identified 9 pages worth of crap once. :D --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 07:08, 24 July 2014 (UTC)
I see. I'll have to remember then to hold on to the first chest I find. --Bug sniper (talk) 15:48, 24 July 2014 (UTC)
On another note, I think you'll want to have a way to select everything because the inventory letters aren't restored when you put other things into the container. You might want to look into cataclysm dda's inventory interface, or just give the option to not be able to pick up more than 52 objects. --Bug sniper (talk) 20:19, 24 July 2014 (UTC)
Well there are already certain commands that can be used, for example the . button selects everything in a menu that allows selecting several items, and the , button selects everything on the current page. Playing around with the adjust command can also help sometimes. Of course I know it could be better, but I don't have the coding abilities to rewrite the entire inventory management system... --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:56, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Graphical interface?

Are there any plans to add tiles to slash'em extended?-- 23:25, 28 July 2014 (UTC)

Not really, since I don't even know how to do it, besides I'll certainly never use anything but ASCII myself. If someone were to make a tileset and show me how to integrate it into the game then things would be different, but the current situation is that even if there were tiles for every single new monster/object/trap/everything, I couldn't make them work since I don't know how to tell the game to use them. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:44, 29 July 2014 (UTC)

Black market becomes a standard level

The black market isn't any different from a standard level with a portal to it in your version. There are no shops at all on this level. I was expecting to see a shop as big as a dungeon level here.

Good thing there are a lot of different roles in your game so I can try another once this is fixed. --Bug sniper (talk) 19:27, 29 July 2014 (UTC)

This is actually not a bug but an intentional feature: most special levels have a chance to not appear. Sometimes you get lucky and have most of them appear in your game, but since some of the special levels allow the player to get tons of good items (someone once said the mid-to-late SLASH'EM gameplay is the "Monty Haul" segment), most of the time not all of them will appear. It may be a shock to read this, but even Minetown, Mines End, the Sokoban prize level and several others aren't guaranteed anymore. Chances for a level to appear are as follows:
  • Shopping Mall: 75%
  • Oracle: 70%
  • Rat King: 20%
  • Kobold King: 20%
  • Aphrodite: 25%
  • Big Room: 75%
  • Busy Town: 75%
  • Storage Room: 30%
  • Guild of Disgruntled Adventures: 10%
  • Forge: 20%
  • Hitchhiker Level: 5%
  • Computer Room: 10%
  • Key Room: 10%
  • Jubilex, Yeenoghu etc. lairs: 95% for each
  • School: 20%
  • Minetown: 98%
  • Mines End: 95%
  • Ruggo's Lair: 90%
  • Sokoban levels: 95% for each
  • Angband Town: 98% (there are also 5% chance for a School level or a Big Room to appear in this branch)
  • Grund's Stronghold: 40%
  • Fort Ludios: 50%
  • Wyrm Caves: 30%
  • One-eyed Sam's Market: 20%
  • The Lost Tomb: 15%
  • Spider Caves: 20%
  • The Sunless Sea: 20%
  • The Temple of Moloch: 25%
  • The Giant Caverns: 10%
  • Frankenstein's Lab: 50%
  • Sheol's Palaces: 95%
Otherwise, the level in question becomes a simple ordinary rooms-and-corridors level. No longer can players be like "well if I get to dungeon level X there will be a guaranteed special level that has just the missing item from my ascension kit"; personally, for me it is important that roguelikes have randomness, and guaranteed levels with guaranteed uberitems aren't very random at all. By the way, congratulations on getting so far with your Chevalier - I see you're XL 16, too! I wish my skills at this game were good enough to reliably get that far... An important bit of advice that I'm giving to everyone who takes a character that far into the game: make backups of your savegame file now and then. The risk should be very small but unfortunately there may still be some obscure and rare crash bugs that can mess up a savegame file (although this can apparently happen in other NetHack variants too), and I'm sure no one wants to lose a high-level character to a stupid crash bug. Good luck, and if you ascend, let me know! :-) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:07, 30 July 2014 (UTC)
That explains it. Perhaps a message like "Looks like this place has been demolished and rebuilt" would explain things better.
As for being able to get that far, being able to identify the blessed/cursed status of everything while being able to also wield tridents and cast healing, cure hallucination, slow monster, and magic missile for 0% failure wearing chain mail helped quite a lot. Also, monsters drop a lot of scrolls of healing and don't seem to use them, which helped me out more. And on another note, with all the scrolls and potions priced the way they are, selling one you know nothing about is now a good way to make a lot of money for buying services and tools. Also, fire traps, which were previously the most annoying thing about nethack, have thankfully been lessened in effect.
And I have had my own weird deaths on slashem extended, like from mass poisoning from redguard girls before learning to avoid them, and from sacrificing kestrels that I thought were birds but which made the gods angry. I'll make sure to save my game often to avoid crash bugs too, like you said. --Bug sniper (talk) 07:07, 30 July 2014 (UTC)
Well - adding such a message would make sense, but the way the game generates dungeons, there probably is no special flag set to tell the game that "this dungeon level usually loads a special level file but didn't"... One thing that I always wanted to do is change the "Dlvl:" display to reflect the actual subdungeon a player is in, so the player can tell they wandered into a branch dungeon that doesn't actually have its special level. Maybe a future version will have that feature (I think Unnethack already has it, so I might steal from their source code again :D).
About spellcasting while wearing heavy armor: it still hinders spellcasting but considerably less so, since I thought it was stupid to have to undress completely every time one wants to cast a spell. High-level spells will still be difficult to cast but other than that, "battlemages" are easier to play. Monsters not using scrolls of healing is weird, they're actually programmed to read them whenever their health gets low... Generally speaking, fire/cold/shock damage is much less likely to burn/freeze/explode items since I found it really obnoxious to lose nine out of ten scrolls just because of stepping on a fire trap once. The fire traps still reduce max HP if the character isn't resistant though, and they can randomly appear everywhere, not just in the Gehennom, so they can still be annoying and removing them is still hard to do.
By the way, did you download the updated version yet? You can recognize it by pressing the v key which will display something along the lines of "Slash'EM Extended version 0.57" now (the version number will correspond to the actual version of the game now thanks to your suggestion). This version allows the player to get additional info on monsters by farlooking them; for example the redguard girls will show they have a passive poison attack. The kestrels also show "Is the same race as you" if they are, hopefully reducing the danger of accidentally sacrifing or eating them (I frequently pissed off my god by doing the latter). Anyway, it's great to see people playing Slash'EM Extended, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your adventures! :-) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 07:37, 30 July 2014 (UTC)
I don't think I'll be doing that much more because I read a cursed scroll of teleportation at level 23 and got brought down to level 5. Also, a telepathic mind flayer attacked my and made me forgot a lot of stuff at level 23. Recovering from all that would probably be too boring, even if I use my backup save from level 20. In fact, amnesia might be getting outdated with the fact that I could just puush screenshots of my inventory after identifying everything, turning it into either an id scroll loss or a major exercise in tedium.
On another note, you might like to know that kestrels are a kind of bird, which is why it doesn't make much sense for them to be human. Perhaps the correct symbol for them is B, or you can change their type to kestrel cosplayer.
Anyways, thanks for an interesting set of changes to the game and I hope your efforts continue.--Bug sniper (talk) 05:18, 5 August 2014 (UTC)
Well, telepathic mind flayers are an intentional addition by a sadistic programmer :D; they're supposed to be very annoying. The telemindflayer can be genocided though. Of course I know that kestrels aren't humans, but there's the unofficial rule that everything represented by the letter K is human (well the sephiroth currently aren't, but that will be changed) and the kestrel is actually from another NetHack fork (could that be NHTNG?) where it happened to be a K. Don't know how to make the amnesia effect less boring though, at least not without making it useless/trivial... --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:50, 5 August 2014 (UTC)
The v63 update (which has just been uploaded) makes amnesia a lot less annoying by reducing the chance of item/map loss by a factor 5. This means telemindflayers are still annoying but considerably less so. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 09:57, 21 August 2014 (UTC)
Thanks a lot for doing that. On another note, do telepathic mindflayers teleport next to you if you'r not wearing a tinfoil hat? Or do they just do that if you have ESP? -- 19:32, 27 August 2014 (UTC)
They're covetous, so they use the same "teleport to player" routine like arch-liches or quest nemeses. A helmet just gives the chance of deflecting their brain-sucking attack, and ESP allows them to hit the character with psychic blasts. If they're awake and healthy, they may randomly decide to teleport to the player. Wounding them may force them into "teleport to upstairs and heal" mode. There might be some useful strategies to combat them (I haven't ever run into one myself): camping on an Elbereth square and waiting for it to teleport next to you; detecting it with telepathy and quickly making your way to it (perhaps by teleporting), then pelting it with ranged attacks hoping for a quick kill; or the obvious solution: uncursed genocide "telemindflayer". ;) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 08:49, 28 August 2014 (UTC)

Knife/dagger proficiency bug?

Messing around in Wizard mode, noticed knife and dagger proficiencies are bugged somewhere. For player, they maxed out at Undefined, and an orc wielding a knife repeatedly triggered a "program in disarray, please contact Amy Bluescreenofdeath" message. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to reproduce, but figured I'd let you know.

Also, I love Slash'em Extended. It's great. I've just started poking around in the source myself. Being from the USA though, some things don't quite work right immediately from the source file you posted. I'm having trouble getting the source to compile. Truth be told I have no idea what I'm doing, let alone what I'm doing wrong. Figured you would know what's going on. Help?

--Paladin852 (talk) 22:33, 4 August 2014 (UTC)

There is a weapon proficiency bug that can strike if one tries to enhance too many skills in wizard mode. Apparently the game can't handle more than a certain amount of skill enhancements; I'm fairly sure the number is a power of 2 (could be 63 or 127), after which everything starts getting really weird. This won't happen in a real game though due to the limited amount of skill slots. It's also possible to trigger this message in wizard mode by playing certain roles (Bleeder for example) that don't start with their artifact weapon's skill; the game will simply unrestrict that skill though.
Your screenshot shows you're using MinGW too, so everything should be familiar. Reproducing your error message was easy for me - the C:\games\slam32d folder doesn't exist on your computer, and for some weird reason the compiler can't create it, so that must be done manually. Once you have done that, the compiler should work; if it doesn't, just tell me and I'll see if I can figure out what's wrong. Have fun, and thanks for your interest in my variant! :-) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:01, 5 August 2014 (UTC)

That did it! Thanks! I'm gonna go change things until they break now. :-) Keep being awesome --Paladin852 (talk) 12:57, 5 August 2014 (UTC)
Have fun! :-) And if you make some particularly awesome changes (e.g. adding a new playable character role or new types of monsters, or fixing a critical bug), you may want to show me the code of your changes so I can add them to Slash'EM Extended. Of course you can use the source code to make your own variant too, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:53, 6 August 2014 (UTC)

Jedi bones file bug


Thanks for updating Slash'EM - its my favorite variant of Nethack, and since you included the Jedi patch (which i've been wanting to play for the longest time), i've been grinding those out.

The other day I ran into a bug - I had a Jedi that died on a Mines level with her lightsaber on, so when I came across her bones with another Jedi, Slash'EM dropped a "Program in disorder: ..." and said something about a lightsaber being lit (presumably my previous character).

I brilliantly forgot to take any screenshots of this to track it, and have yet to replicate it in Wizard mode, but felt I should drop you a note anyway.

Hi, and thanks for playing Slash'EM Extended! Trying to get a Jedi to leave a bones file in the Mines I managed to reproduce the bug, it says "end_burn: obj lightsaber not lit" or something like that. The game can still be saved and restored normally though; I don't really know what's causing the bug but it probably existed in SLASH'EM too (which always had lightsabers, they were just very hard to get). For now, I'll add it to the known bugs page. Thanks! --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:46, 15 August 2014 (UTC)

Nymph Suggestion

Recently I've been having a very good run as a Nymphian diver, but as I continue through the game and encounter better-armed enemies my item-stealing ability is becoming a huge nuisance. As nice as it is when I can strip a nasty enemy of their crystal plate mail and wand of draining, it's incredibly tedious when I'm fighting through a crowd of low-level foes and have to repeatedly drop a bunch of knives, helmets and jackboots after every couple of combat actions to avoid becoming burdened. Perhaps it would be a good idea to change the Nymph race's item theft ability so that it's utilized through #chat, much like the Imperial race's pacification ability. Just a thought! BellisColdwine (talk) 19:44, 17 August 2014 (UTC)

Hmm, I might give that a try, but I'll have to see whether it's worth the trouble to write an item steal function that's not based on an attack. Maybe I can make it work though. One of the main problems would be that it's not supposed to be possible to steal items while polymorphed into e.g. a gnome lord... --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:03, 18 August 2014 (UTC)
Success! You may want to download the updated version now. What I did is a bit different from your suggestion but I think it's actually quite elegant: now, whenever the player steals an item from a monster (by being of the nymph race, polymorphed into a nymph or otherwise capable of stealing stuff), the game will ask if the player wants to drop the items. No longer will the inventory cluttered by half a dozen chain mails just because a high-level nymph player is fighting a squad of mordor orcs. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 09:57, 21 August 2014 (UTC)
Thank you! That's a great solution-- We get the full benefits of item theft and don't have to worry about inventory headaches. I'll start up a nymphian korsair and try it out. :) By the way, off-topic question but what on earth is a Burned Moth Relay and is there any way to use it? I got one from sacrificing as a neutral Imperial binder but got a "You don't know anything about electronics!" message when trying to use it, and invoking it didn't appear to have any effect. I later maneuvered a geek down to my bones file but alas, they apparently didn't know anything about electronics either. Thanks and keep up the good work; your fork is insanely fun. BellisColdwine (talk) 20:43, 23 August 2014 (UTC)
Uhh... about the burned moth relay, I don't have any idea about it either. ;) It's an artifact item from NetHack-The Next Generation; perhaps it does something when invoked? The sources say it has a SPFX_PROTEC flag - wait a moment, this is supposed to give 2 points of AC when worn but the relay actually cannot be worn at all?! Maybe it gives the bonus just for being in the character's inventory? *wizmodetest* Yep! That's what it does. Just having it in main inventory improves the character's AC by 2 points. Have fun playing, and feel free to message me whenever you encounter something weird! :-) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:07, 25 August 2014 (UTC)
Thanks a lot, I'll keep that in mind the next time I run across it! That's quite a nice bonus in the lategame. I'll let you know if I run across anything else confusing. BellisColdwine (talk) 00:40, 26 August 2014 (UTC)

Jedi Role

I must admit I have not tried your slashem extended version yet. I set out to do something similiar a little while ago but sort of lost interested when I made my vision waaay too big (my vision was to clean up the code base before extending anything, and that proved to be a huge project).

Anyway, I did make a bunch of improvements on the Jedi patch. If you're interested, I could send you a patch. The details are here:

I read it today for the first time in ages and there's a not-so-much regretfully snarky tone, an unfinished paragraph—with perhaps a sprinkle of incoherency—and all that, but I think the point comes across more or less.

I'm not sure of a better way to contact you, so I hope my lack of familiarity with wiki platforms doesn't destroy your page.

Hmm. Well, actually I'm quite happy with the jedi role the way it is, but I may have a look at your patch if it's finished. It seems the main things you're changing is that lightsabers have a different chance of deflecting missiles/beams and there are new artifact gifts, are there any other changes? As a matter of fact the "Dark Jedi" is playable in Slash'EM Extended already, and I even posted a screenshot run of one here:!)-Slash-EM-Extended-a-NetHack-fork&p=18292131#post18292131 - while the "bloodthirsty lightsaber" might be a good idea, it would probably get annoying after a while and the player might just switch to longswords or something like that. The main problem I fixed with the jedi role is that the "charge saber" technique is giving way too few charges, but I just uploaded a new Slash'EM Extended binary a few minutes ago that improves it; if you're interested, you may read my screenshot run to see me run out of lightsaber power constantly. Anyway, thanks for your feedback, and maybe some of your changes will make it into my variant. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 07:49, 21 September 2014 (UTC)
I'd like to try out the patch before sending it to make sure it works with Slash'EM Extended. Is the source code available? (I assume it must be because of the Slash'EM license)
You mean the Slash'EM Extended source code? Here you go: :) It already has the version of the Jedi patch applied, with some minor tweaks. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:47, 22 September 2014 (UTC)

I like your patch a lot! I was actually thinking about the possibility of beam reflection myself the other day. I particularly want a chance to use that artifact double red saber... It's rather powerful but the mere fact that it's two-handed will probably serve to balance it somewhat. --BellisColdwine (talk) 19:15, 22 September 2014 (UTC)

BSOD, thanks for the source for slashemextended. I haven't yet tried to port my patch to it, but will soon. Bellis, thanks for the comment. Both of you (or anyone for that matter) can get my patch at this link:

Please let me know if you have any problems getting it.

It's just a diff for vanilla slashem-0.0.7E7F3. To apply the patch, I ran the following command in the slashem-0.0.7E7F3 root directory.

# patch -p1 < slashem-0.0.7E7F3-greg-jedi.diff

The patch command should work without issue (just tried it with a fork of Debian), but I haven't tried building and installing on my current setup. I don't quite remember, but I wrote the patch on either FreeBSD or Arch Linux, and I'm using a fork of Debian currently.



Hey, BSOD, have you ever tried building extended on a Linux system? Unless I'm doing some wrong, it doesn't seem to work in Linux currently. I can port it over if you'd like.


Hmm, if I try to download the patch it says something like "lately too many people tried to download it, so it's blocked for the moment"... Maybe the easier way would be to send it to me by e-mail: failureclockATNOSPAMgmxDOTde (replace the anti-spam strings by @ and . respectively). Building the game for Linux would be great but I don't have a linux system, so if you want to make a binary then by all means go for it! :) Please make sure you have the v70 source code though; you can check the version in patchlevel.h. If you're successful, you may send the linux binaries to me so I can make them downloadable for players. Of course they would need to be updated if I update the game version though. Thanks! --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:20, 25 September 2014 (UTC)

An idea regarding jumping

One thing I particularly like about Slash'EM Extended is that while it's very, very easy to die it minimizes deaths caused by a simple typo. For example, you won't get yourself killed when your finger brushes against a number key and you step into a pool of lava. Recently my very, very promising imperial Jedi Eloise was killed on the 19th floor after trying to jump one tile too far while running to the downstairs from a Karmic dragon and a sphinx. If I was able to just put a tile or two between myself and my pursuers I could have gotten downstairs and healed up, but as it were the missed turn resulted in my death.

I think it would be a welcome addition if you were to make it so that a "Too far!" message didn't cause you to miss a turn and would definitely be in the spirit of reducing typo-caused deaths. Just something to consider :) --BellisColdwine (talk) 19:07, 22 September 2014 (UTC)

Good idea, but I'll have to check whether the code in tech.c actually supports that. If the answer is yes, then of course that will be changed so it doesn't use up a turn if the player specifies an invalid location. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:49, 23 September 2014 (UTC)
Okay, I think I can make it work; all technique-related effects that don't actually do anything (like applying telekinesis to an empty space) will have to get "return 0" so they don't take a turn. It will be a while until it's done, but I'll try my best to make it work the way it's supposed to. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:02, 23 September 2014 (UTC)
Yeah! It's done! You may want to download the updated version now; due to some other changes, savegames might not be compatible any more, but all new jedis can enjoy the improved techniques now. The fix was extended to telekinesis too, so both jedi jump and telekinesis will not consume a turn if the player tries to target an unreachable space. The jedi jump won't be on timeout unless the player actually jumped either. And on an unrelated note, the new version enables a stronger version of player character ghosts; currently these have a 16% chance of appearing in a bones file of a character that was at least XL10 when he died, and high-level spellcasters may summon them as well. The latter case uses the high-score list; up to 1000 entries can be read, so you can meet all your deceased characters again. Some day I'll make them appear in graveyards too. Have fun! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 07:59, 23 September 2014 (UTC)
Thanks, Amy! I'm looking forward to running Eloise II with the new improvements to the game. No more opening up the wiki to count the tiles I can jump. As a side note... I just got the "killed by a filthy traitor" message for the first time :) --BellisColdwine (talk) 17:26, 23 September 2014 (UTC)
Haha, trying to have too much fun with incubi? :D There's also a small chance of your female character becoming pregnant if the incubus doesn't outright betray you. By the way, the recent version is v70; I updated the game several times yesterday, so if your version number reads something lower, you may want to re-download since v70 allows some weapons to be applied at iron bars to break them down. Doing so damages the weapon but hey, it's possible to remove iron bars now! ;) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 08:50, 24 September 2014 (UTC)

Random ideas for future additions

I had some thoughts on a couple potential additions to the game for future updates; feel free to use them or not! I know very little about coding so bear with me if my suggestions are impossible to actually implement :P. I thought a "scientist" class could be a fun add-on. It would start with a chemistry set and spellbook of chemistry, as well as a lab coat, gloves, a scalpel, some nasty potions (cyanide, radium, acid, sickness, or paralysis?) and maybe the research and tinker techniques. It would have relatively poor HP growth and weapons skills, but would have good power gain and be able to reach expert with matter spells and skilled with healing. Basically a more offensively-oriented healer-like class that can start using alchemy sooner than most characters.

The other thing I thought would be cool would be to add a strong, unique artifact weapon for each alignment that is the first sacrifice gift ONLY after converting permanently to that alignment. Characters who had finished their quests and obtained the Bell of Opening could decide whether it was worth the trade-off of losing their divine protection and risking blast damage from their quest artifact and current weapon in order to access one of these special ones. Let me know what you think, and if any other S'EX players have ideas for more ways to spice up the game feel free to post them here :) -BellisColdwine (talk) 18:28, 25 September 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the suggestions; I was planning to add more roles and races anyway, so suggestions are always welcome! Implementing the scientist role should be easy. However, about converting, it's already possible to beat the quest even if a player has converted since the quest downstairs is open by default. So it's not even necessary to talk to the quest leader at all, and guaranteed overpowered weapons aren't what this fork is made for since they nuke variety to oblivion (sorry). This is also the reason why the overpowered artifacts from the new Jedi patch probably won't make it into my variant. I might add some weaker artifacts though. But anyway, suggesting ideas is good, so if you have any others, feel free to post them here. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 09:58, 26 September 2014 (UTC)
That's a fair point, it wouldn't do to homogenize possible strategies too much. By the way, my imperial diver had a hilarious death two nights ago that I thought you would get a kick out of: "You feel here an invisible statue of a slimy bug. The statue comes to life! The slimy bug hits! You don't feel very well." -BellisColdwine (talk) 17:50, 28 September 2014 (UTC)
The current development version (which hasn't yet been uploaded) has the Scientist role, and I think you might like playing it. :) Some other new roles and races will be playable, too, including Greg's Psion role. About your YASD: statue traps have a 20% chance of being invisible, which was a sadistic YANI that I had while thinking about beefing up traps; seems it works as intended :D. However, being able to see invisible neutralizes the threat of invisible statues. And finally, there's going to be another new feature that should be a lot of fun, too. Teaser screenshot:


--Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 09:45, 29 September 2014 (UTC)

Yikes! As if hallucination weren't nasty enough already :P Anyway, I'm excited to try out those new roles. I'm particularly looking forward to playing a scientist and brewing up some of the deadlier potions for a little chemical warfare. As always, thanks for your active updates and wonderfully open approach to community input. -BellisColdwine (talk) 01:13, 30 September 2014 (UTC)

Version v71 is up now; it doesn't have all the planned new roles yet, but there are some playable ones that have been added already. Also, traps on dlvl1 should no longer segfault now (this error resulted from my stupidity; v70 often crashes if a level 1 character encounters a trap on dlvl1). Savegame and bones files are no longer compatible but due to v70's nasty segfault bug it's certainly a good idea to update now. Have fun playing a scientist, I hope I made him similar to what you had in mind! ;) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:07, 30 September 2014 (UTC)
The scientist role is great, even better than I'd hoped! That beefed-up starting lab coat is really nice to have as well. I've been playing neutral scientists in the hope of getting hold of a PYEC via a wish :) I should also let you know that the new clockwork automaton role appears to have a game-crashing bug. When I threw a potion, the game informed me that I had thrown THREE of them and then crashed. Looks like the automaton is trying to throw objects it doesn't have. Once this issue is ironed out automatic scientists should be very deadly indeed... I doubt your average shopkeeper could handle being pelted with three potions of cyanide at once! >:D -BellisColdwine (talk) 18:05, 30 September 2014 (UTC)
Uh... that happens if I don't test my changes thoroughly :), the automaton is supposed to have a multishot bonus with thrown items, but it shouldn't activate if they only have one such item, so this will be fixed soon. A new version will appear soon, so stay tuned! --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 08:26, 1 October 2014 (UTC)
Okay, new version is up; now the automaton only tries to throw items it actually has ;), which means it should no longer crash. So if you have three potions of cyanide, you can actually throw them all in a single turn. Unfortunately shopkeepers have 50% magic resistance though, and a low-level character is likely to miss him with a thrown potion, so it won't exactly instakill him in one round of combat... Also, the new version once again breaks save/bones file compatibility due to some new monsters being added. The automaton's booze technique is actually meant to be the signature technique of the "Drunk" role which will be implemented in a future version; for an automaton, it provides some nutrition in addition to the standard effects of a booze potion. By the way, quaffing a potion of oil gives even more nutrition to an automaton character.
Now, have fun playing automatic scientists which should be crashing the game no longer! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 08:49, 1 October 2014 (UTC)
Perfect! Automatons will make great scientists, I think. The booze technique is a nice way to grab an occasional bonus bottle, and the starting chemistry set means it's easy to acquire plenty of oil if hunger becomes an issue. -BellisColdwine (talk) 18:33, 1 October 2014 (UTC)

Cool! The Dungeon collapses...

Hi Amy. Firstly, congratulations on an excellent game. Having played all the variants back to Hack and Amulet of Yendor in the 1980s (yes I'm old) I think SLASHEM Extended is a worthy successor to the roots of the genre. The sheer volume of character variations combined with the range of difficulty options (harder/easier) makes this game playable for many years to come.

I had a Dungeon Collapse on me recently (version 0.72.7E7F2) which is cool in itself as I haven't had that happen since 1983 (Ah, memories!). The Bug I report has come from the Automaton again - My Clockwork Necromancer threw a rotten newt corpse to my pet Ghoul and bam! The Dungeon Collapses.

--Sir Jaded (talk) 22:44, 1 October 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for your interest in the variant! With a variant this big, there's always a chance to stumble upon bugs; however, it seems you unfortunately grabbed a version from before the clockwork automaton bug has been fixed. The game has been updated to version v74; I explicitly tested a clockwork necromancer by wishing for a single newt corpse and throwing it to my starting zombie pet to make sure it's no longer crashy. The error resulted from an oversight; I had forgotten to make sure the automaton doesn't try to throw several items if a stack only has a single one, but it should be working now; you may want to download the new version (the link is still the same). However, if you still have savegame or bones files from v72 they won't be compatible with the new v74. Thanks for your feedback, and I hope you can enjoy the game without crashes now! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:00, 2 October 2014 (UTC)

Announcing critical bugfix update

Version v75 is out and finally fixes a very annoying, long-standing segfault bug associated with traps! This error could happen anytime at random and crash the game with no message, but thankfully I managed to find the cause and fix it. All players are advised to download the newest version. Have fun! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 15:36, 8 October 2014 (UTC)

Officer's pet drops his gun

I'm not sure if the officer's pet is really supposed to drop his pistol and make it so that I can duel-wield pistols form the start. Are you sure the officers are ready? --Bug sniper (talk) 01:21, 12 October 2014 (UTC)

Well, pets using ranged attacks aren't implemented, so they wouldn't be able to use their pistol anyway. Dunno whether dual-wielding them allows you to fire twice as many bullets (I haven't really tried to do that yet), but if the answer is yes, that makes the Officer role more powerful. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing since they're otherwise not one of the strongest roles, and the player runs out of bullets twice as fast if both pistols are fired at the same time. Officers (as well as many other roles that appear on page 3 of the "Choose your role" screen, e.g. musicians, locksmiths etc.) are experimental roles from an old SLASH version (one that didn't even have the "Extended Magic" label yet) which I ported over, so some of them may still be a bit quirky but all of them should be playable. Thanks for your feedback, and feel free to message me if you encounter anything weird! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:46, 13 October 2014 (UTC)

Couldn't make a level

At the main dungeon level 12, I went down a staircase. It said that there was a warning, and that the game couldn't find a file and was making a maze level instead. The next level looked like a maze level.

Aside from these glitches, I'm really liking your version. --Bug sniper (talk) 13:26, 15 October 2014 (UTC)

AC bug to report

In this savefile, picking up the leather armor and putting it on will not change the AC that is displayed for you. --Bug sniper (talk) 14:24, 15 October 2014 (UTC)

The "makemaze" glitch is just a workaround that looks like a bug; there doesn't seem to be any other way to generate a random maze outside of the Gehennom, so I brute forced the issue by pointing to a level file that doesn't exist. About the AC bug, due to version incompatibilities I currently can't test your savegame file but I might have an old, compatible version at home which can load it. Other than that, some info might be useful for me, e.g. your character class/race and the enchantment of the armor; maybe I can reproduce it in wizard mode. But I've seen some weird behavior of the player's armor class too, including AC values greater than 10 (shouldn't be possible)... --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:47, 16 October 2014 (UTC)
For that reason, it could be a good idea to include the version number inside the savefile. I was using version 75. --Bug sniper (talk) 16:10, 16 October 2014 (UTC)
Nevermind, I think I figured it out. Doppelgangers have natural AC, which I completely forgot about after a few years of not playing the game. --Bug sniper (talk) 06:20, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, found out about that too when I managed to load your savegame file. It's an undocumented SLASH'EM feature it seems, and the doppelganger page doesn't mention it yet; while not wearing armor, doppelgangers get a level-dependant bonus to their AC. On a side note, lycanthropes have a similar AC bonus. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 19:48, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

A very strange bug

Yesterday I had an odd dungeon collapse glitch occur while playing a binder-- I quaffed a potion of polymorph and the game informed me that I turned into a monster called something like "A Pupil Experiment- Cut off your own ears" (no joke!). The dungeon collapsed immediately after, but thankfully I was able to recover the game by removing the ".e" from the name of my crashed save file. The odd monster I had polymorphed into appeared as a gray 7, and gave error messages upon attempting to attack, kick, or pick things up. Fortunately I was able to throw things just fine and unpolymorphed myself by tossing my weapon upwards several times.

As a side note, that Albae Binder is doing very well now and I think I have a good chance of winning the game! She's dual-wielding the +7 Vorpal and Verbal blades for easy beheadings, has very low AC, is expert in two-weaponing, long sword, short sword, attack and matter magic, and has just obtained the castle wand. I have half a mind to wish for a blessed figurine of "A Pupil Experiment- Cut off your own ears" :D --BellisColdwine (talk) 19:04, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

This bug has been fixed, but unfortunately the fixed version probably won't be able to load savegame files, so you should ascend your Binder first :) and then download the updated version. For the time being, stay away from polymorph traps/potions if you can - as long as you're wearing dragon scale mail, there is a 20% chance to encounter this dungeon collapse bug. It's great to see you running a successful character; I've never been able to get anywhere with a Binder... Don't forget to post YAAP if you actually manage to win ;). Wishing for a figurine of the bugged monster isn't going to work though. If you're strong enough to handle the 10% chance of a hostile figurine result, you might want to wish for a blessed figurine of a Kaster Maen though (it works in wizard mode; I'm not sure if it works in a regular game too). Anyway, good luck! Let's hope you don't run into any critical bug, or if you do, then hopefully you'll have a backup savegame file that you can fall back on. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 19:54, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Hmm. Forget I said anything about the figurine, as I just discovered it doesn't work in explore mode. Better use that wish to get some ascension kit item instead. ;) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 19:58, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Thanks, things are looking good so far! I did run into one hiccup I could use some insight on. Although I wan't able to successfully track down the portals to the alignment quests, I channeled my inner rogue and woke up Vlad by polymorphing into a grandmaster mind flayer and blasting him telepathically. He came to fight and I seemed to have the upper hand, and then he fled around the corner. When I closed in he was nowhere to be found! My helm of telepathy confirms he's not in his tower. Can Vlad randomly levelport? Any specific parameters for where he could have ended up or should I teleport to floor one and start searching methodically? Thanks for any help you can provide, Amy- Looking forward to ascending this character :)

Edit: Never mind, I found him wandering around on floor 14 and neatly decapitated him.--BellisColdwine (talk) 01:17, 19 October 2014 (UTC)

Well done! On a side note - yes, he can levelport randomly :D, this has been done on purpose so the player has to hunt him down. Killing him quickly may prevent him from teleporting away but if he does, the player may search the entirety of the Dungeons of Doom and Gehennom hoping to find him. :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:00, 20 October 2014 (UTC)

No Fake Wizard's Tower?

I seem to have run into what might be a game-ending bug: There's no Fake Wizard's Tower in Gehennom! I scoured the entirety of Gehennom looking for it but have had no luck whatsoever. I have encountered a couple of cave-style levels on floors eligible to contain the Fake Wizard's Tower, which makes me worried that one of these levels has in fact replaced the Fake Tower itself! I am also unable to find the vibrating square... The lowest level of Gehennom appears to have been replaced by a special floor consisting of a symmetrical room with a chamber full of water and an altar to Moloch in the middle. It's impossible to dig down there and I've stepped on every tile trying to find the vibrating square, including those occupied by water (I have swimming and unbreathing). I really hope that these special rooms haven't replaced vital components of Gehennom :X --BellisColdwine (talk) 20:56, 19 October 2014 (UTC)

This sounds bad, but it should be impossible for that to happen as the relevant levels did always get generated in my testing games so far... There must be a set of downstairs on the special level somewhere; it's certainly possible for special Gehennom levels to be undiggable so they aren't automatically the vibrating square level. In fact, the vibrating square - SPOILER!!! - always appears on level 64, so if you haven't been to that dungeon level yet then it should still be there. Levelporting might take you there, too. Maybe a screenshot of the level in question would allow me to see what exactly it is, though. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:58, 20 October 2014 (UTC)
I have good news and bad news: The good news is that I was able to levelport down and find the Fake Wizard's Tower. The bad news is that a dragonbreath nymph seduced me, removing my black dragon scale mail and allowing a keter sephirah to disintegrate me on the following turn. Perhaps for my next game I'll play a Nymphian character or a Psion so I can avoid disrobing at inopportune times. I'll ascend one of these days! :) -BellisColdwine (talk) 07:41, 20 October 2014 (UTC)
Ouch! That's unfortunate, I started to think you might beat the game. Actually the nymph would have been able to disintegrate you as well by using her random breath attack; one way to prevent that death would have been gaining intrinsic disintegration resistance from eating some corpse that conveys it. Anyway, I'd advise you to download the newest version before you restart so as to not encounter the "pupil experiment" crash bug again. Good luck, maybe your next character will win! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:09, 20 October 2014 (UTC)

Dungeon collapsed

I was a lost soul acid mage doppelganger and I made it up to level 20 and character level 18. I was trying to end my hallucinations by polymorphing into something resistant to them. I was no longer familiar with vampire dazzlers so I tried polymorphing into a pseudosweet nymph since I saw from Monster_(Slash'EM_Extended) that they also hallucination attacks and so might also be hallucination resistant. I bothered the gnoll crack-junkies from a tension room earlier so I was going to hallucinate for a very long time. This was after I used a power surge. I forgot what I became. I was forced to drop my weapon and armor and then the dungeon collapsed.

As to how I did so well as a lost soul:

For the first level, I used 4 acid orbs and the wand of acid to get to player level 2. The start is the hardest part because there are a lot of strong fast monsters that you have to get away from, which the liquid leap ability is useful for. For the first level, you have to save your acid orbs for monsters of levels less than 9. If you lose them all and all your power and you can't polymorph into something powerful, you're done for.

Then I kept spamming acid orb every level to get to the next level, until around level 9. Then I drank the potions of gain level that I found, and I found quite a few of them. I then used the doppelganger's special ability to become a vampire dazzler, which is probably even better than a star or fire vampire now. It is very important to skip the deeper town level and special levels, and go up quickly so that nasty stuff doesn't spawn. --Bug sniper (talk) 01:15, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

That's an annoying crash bug, and I think I've seen it once too, but it's very hard to track down... Can you recover your game? There are quite some ways to crash the game if something unexpected happens to the player's wielded weapon, e.g. applying a wielded cream pie is likely to crash, but the exact cause in your game may in fact be anything concerning items that don't work as they should...
The lost soul mode is a special challenge that I attempt often too, rolling random characters. If they end up being an elemental mage, mould/ungenomold, or get lucky with a random polymorph trap, then I often manage to get quite far, and starting spells (charm monster) in particular may also be useful; in fact, yesterday I had a snakey Activistor in lost soul mode who even made the top ten list by taming a water troll, a rapidash and an animated wedge sandal. The rapidash eventually got lost due to a trap door but the water troll was with me and killed lots of monsters until a fourth-wall breaker teleported on top of me and took me out in a single round of combat :(. But my best LostSoul character yet was a lawful female mouldic Undead Slayer who made it all the way back to dlvl1, then descended again and met her end on dlvl27 due to the drowning attack of a ; which ignored my previously quaffed potion of invulnerability.
But generally, lost souls often die quickly because of terrible stair placements, so unless they're an ungenomold (which starts with warning) and randomly polymorph into a wallwalking form, they're mostly a luck-based mission... --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 09:33, 21 October 2014 (UTC)
About the crash bug: suggests that one of the items might have vanished; did any of your dropped-on-polymorph items happen to be made of glass, or otherwise vulnerable to breaking? That might allow me to reproduce it... --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 09:37, 21 October 2014 (UTC)
You might like to see the panic log file that was created: I don't remember if any of the items were made out of glass. --Bug sniper (talk) 19:59, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

You might be able to continue with your game! I suffered a dungeon collapse from a polymorph bug last week but was able to recover my character by manually renaming the collapsed save file and removing the ".e". Best of luck! I might use some of your tips for my own lost soul characters :) --BellisColdwine (talk) 20:51, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

I was able to continue the game that way. Thanks. I think I was killed by town monsters with a wand of death in a shop after teleporting away from a mimic in another shop in that game. --Bug sniper (talk) 21:17, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

I have got another crash at dungeon level 9. I was zapping a wand of bugging to get corpses to sacrifice. I was polymorphed into a fire vampire and attacking bugs bare-handed. The game crashed after I killed several bugs. This was not a panic save, so what I have are level files instead of a savefile at

I have 2 more questions. Do gremlins steal a doppelganger's intrinsic polymorph control? And are summoned acid orbs supposed to carry things that they seem to be dropping when they explode? --Bug sniper (talk) 21:17, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

Argh! The bug with the bugs was supposed to be fixed already, but I just did a quick test and instantly crashed after killing a single one... :( I'll have to look into it again and hopefully fix them once and for all. The "impossible gloves type" message is really weird though since item #1005 certainly isn't a set of gloves and it shouldn't be possible to wear it in the gloves slot... The next version will hopefully be free of bugged bugs seeing as I'm able to reproduce it but I'll still need to track down the exact cause.
About gremlins: yes, they can steal polymorph control, and there's probably not a lot of ways to get it back. Eating a ring of polymorph control (if it's an edible type) or maybe level-draining yourself so you can reach the XL that grants polycontrol again might be possible. The spheres dropping items is a bit imbalanced but it's a side effect of the routine that supplies monsters with items on generation; maybe I can figure out how to prevent spell beings from generating with them though. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 05:57, 22 October 2014 (UTC)
Okay, found the reason for the crash: currently bugs have a 1 in 6 chance to crash when killed, and heisenbugs have a 1 in 3 chance. This is because the game is trying to make a pack of floppies and the bugged randomizer routine either makes 0 or 1 packs. If it tries to make 0 of them, the game obviously crashes. Until I've made a new version without this bug, it's probably best to save your game if you're about to kill a bug, and fall back to that save in case it crashes. Unfortunately the crash can also happen if the (heisen)bug is killed by a pet, trap or anything else... :( It's weird that NhTNG (which is where they are from) had the same code in place, so either it was somehow working in that version or the code was bugged from the start... --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:08, 22 October 2014 (UTC)
Almost forgot to mention it: by using the recover utility I was able to restore your saved game. It's probably back at the beginning of the level you were on though (can't test it now since I don't have the right version of the game installed on this PC). --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 08:37, 22 October 2014 (UTC)
Okay, a new version has been uploaded where the bug is really fixed, but it breaks save/bones compatibility once again. Let's hope the dungeon collapses less often in version v80! :) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:47, 23 October 2014 (UTC)
I saw the new version. Thanks a lot for fixing that. --Bug sniper (talk) 14:37, 23 October 2014 (UTC)

Cannot melee keystone inspectors easily

I might as well point out a minor problem. I sometimes find keystone kops disguised as a terrain feature. When I try to move into them, they are not identified and I just get the message "Wait, there's a Keystone Inspector over there". This means that I miss the chance to see their glyph and someone who forgets to use the F key (me until now) will not be able to melee them. The same happens to hidden mimics, I think.

Good game still. --Bug sniper (talk) 10:21, 4 November 2014 (UTC)

This is yet another feature that might look unintentional at first - inspectors and certain other monsters (deformed fish, olog-hai permamimics, hidden molds etc.) are permanently mimicking things. The F key is the "solution" to this problem; however, a character that can detect monsters will be able to see them. --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 10:28, 4 November 2014 (UTC)