
From NetHackWiki
Revision as of 01:09, 15 February 2015 by Ilmari Karonen (talk | contribs) (did some source diving, added section on valid teleport destinations (should do more wizmode testing to double-check...))
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Teleportation provides a quick escape to a different (often random) location. Some escape items can teleport you away from monsters. Some monsters can also teleport themselves to flee from you.

Teleportation comes from:

There are three teleport-related properties: teleportitis, which teleports you horizontally at random; teleport control, which lets you choose where teleports land; and teleport at will, which lets you trigger teleportitis to happen whenever you want at a power cost.

Horizontal teleportation almost always move you away from your current position, but there is a very rare chance to land on the exact same square.[1]

Valid destinations

You cannot teleport to a square that is considered unsafe for you to occupy[2], not even deliberately with teleport control. If you try, you will receive the message Sorry..., and will be teleported randomly instead.[3]

In particular:

  • You also cannot teleport into lava, unless you have intrinsic levitation.[5] (Again, extrinsic levitation isn't enough.)
  • If you're polymorphed into a sea monster, you only have a 1 in 13 chance of successfully teleporting onto dry land.[6]
  • You cannot teleport onto a trap, unless there are no other valid locations to teleport to. (The game will try 200 times to pick a safe location for you before considering trapped locations[7].) In particular, magic portals are considered traps, so you cannot teleport directly onto your quest portal.
  • You cannot teleport into the Wizard's tower from outside it, nor outside it from the inside.[12]

There is also some code the could prevent the player from teleporting in and out of force fields,[13] but those do not exist in vanilla NetHack 3.4.3.

See also
