Potion of drow poison

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! Pink potion.png
Name drow poison
Appearance inky
Base price 300 zm
Weight 20
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

A potion of drow poison is a type of non-magical potion that appears in EvilHack. It always appears as an inky potion when unidentified.


Drow Rogues start the game with 1-2 uncursed potions of drow poison in place of the role's potion of sickness.

Potions of drow poison make up 1125 (0.8%) of all randomly-generated potions. General stores and liquor emporiums can sell potions of sickness.

Dipping a potion(s) of fruit juice into a potion of drow poison will 'contaminate' the stack, turning them into potions of drow poison. Dipping a black fungus corpse into a potion of fruit juice turns it into a potion of drow poison.

All drow weapons generated in the initial inventory of any drow monster have a 13 chance of being coated in drow poison.


A hero quaffing a potion of drow poison fall asleep for 2-4 turns, which can be reduced by sleep resistance but not free action, and deals up to 2 HP of damage which can be reduced by poison resistance. Extrinsic sleep resistance or full intrinsic sleep resistance prevents these effects completely. Monsters will not use this potion.

A hero hit by a thrown potion of drow poison or subjected to its vapors has dexterity abused and will fall asleep for up to 3 turns, with partial intrinsic sleep resistance lowering the duration and full sleep resistance preventing the effects entirely. Monsters hit by the potion fall asleep for 2-4 turns unless they have sleep resistance.

Dipping a unicorn horn in a potion of drow poison or canceling it will de-contaminate the potion, turning it into fruit juice.

Edged weapons can be tainted by dipping them in a potion of drow poison if they are not already poisoned or tainted, and the tainted coating will last a bit longer versus a poisoned weapon. Tainted weapons have a 23 of putting victims to sleep for 2-4 rounds on each hit if they lack sleep resistance, along with 1-2 points of extra poison damage unless they have poison resistance, and will otherwise just inflict 1-2 points of extra poison damage. Tainted coatings can be removed by dipping the tainted weapon in a potion of healing, extra healing or full healing.


To be written.