The Sickle of Thunderblasts

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)   The Sickle of Thunderblasts   (No tile)
Base item sickle
Damage vs. small 1d4 +SAN (see article)
Damage vs. large 1d1 +SAN (see article)
To-hit bonus −2 +1d3
Bonus versus (any)
Weapon skill farm implements
Size one-handed
When carried


When wielded
When invoked


Base price 4500 zm
Weight 20
Material iron

The Sickle of Thunderblasts is an artifact that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. It is a lawful intelligent artifact that favors Madpeople, and its base item is a sickle.


The Sickle of Thunderblasts cannot be randomly generated or wished for, and is only given as a crowning gift to a hero that worships Zo-Kalar, the lawful Madperson god.


While wielded, The Sickle of Thunderblasts has +1d3 to-hit and deals bonus damage against all monsters using a multiplier that scales with the hero's sanity: for example, it deals a minimum of 2 damage at 0 sanity, 1.5x damage at 50 sanity, and 3x damage at 100 sanity. The Sickle of Thunderblasts always returns when thrown unless the hero is impaired, can be multishot, and can be thrown from the main hand automatically by firing it.

On each hit, The Sickle of Thunderblasts creates a "blast" that deafens, stuns, awakens, and confuses the target monster for a number of turns equal to the hero's sanity divided by 5, and makes noise that wakes up other nearby monsters within a sanity-dependent range (base damage * sanity / 100). In addition, the "blast" also affects monsters adjacent to the target: this moves them up to SAN20 squares (or up to 5 squares) away from the target, deals damage equal to SAN100 (i.e. full base damage at 100 sanity, half base damage at 50 sanity, etc.), and inflicts the same status properties upon them as the target.


The Sickle of Thunderblasts is designed for a hero with high and well-maintained sanity to get the most out of it.

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