Petrified ent

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A petrified ent, #, is a type of monster that appears in EvilHack. The petrified ent is a type of male tree-like creature that is the strongest of the 'true ents', and is made of stone rather than bark like the other true ents.

A petrified ent has two powerful claw attacks, with the second capable of inflicting knockback, and possesses poison resistance, sleep resistance, stoning resistance, immunity to sickness, and a vulnerability to fire. Casting stone to flesh at a petrified ent will turn it into a normal ent.


Randomly generated petrified ents may be created as peaceful towards neutral heroes, and are always peaceful towards Druids, Rangers and non-Infidel elven heroes.

Ents and elder ents subjected to stoning will transform into petrified ents.

A petrified ent leaves behind a statue of itself upon death.


Petrified ents have the strongest melee attacks and best AC of the true ents, but are very slow—even so, a hero invested in keeping a pet ent long-term will want to consider turning any tame ents they have into petrified ents. Unlike stone golems, the statues they leave behind can also be reanimated with the stone to flesh spell, which will bring the petrified ent back to life rather than transforming him into a standard ent.

Encyclopedia entry

Pippin, though still amazed, no longer felt afraid. Under those
eyes he felt a curious suspense, but not fear. 'Please,' he said,
'who are you? And what are you?'

A queer look came into the old eyes, a kind of wariness; the deep
wells were covered over. 'Hrum, now,' answered the voice; 'well,
I am an Ent, or that's what they call me. Yes, Ent is the word.
The Ent, I am, you might say, in your manner of speaking.
Fangorn is my name according to some, Treebeard others make it.
Treebeard will do.'

[ The Two Towers, by J.R.R. Tolkien ]
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