Zruty (monster class)

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For the monster, see zruty.

The zruty is a monster class that appears in NetHack, and is represented by a lowercase z glyph (z). Zruties are designated internally by the macro S_ZRUTY.[1]

The zruty is the only member of the monster class.[2]


The zruty first appears in Hack 1.0.


Variants that include zouthern animals, such as SLASH'EM and SpliceHack, move the zruty to the ​Y apelike creature monster class to accommodate the repurposed z glyph.


In SLASH'EM, the zruty is moved to the apelike creature monster class to make room for zouthern animals; this also applies to SlashTHEM.


dNetHack and notdnethack add one new monster to the zruty monster class:


In SpliceHack, zruties are moved to the apelike creature monster class to make room for zouthern animals.


In Hack'EM, zruties are moved to the apelike creature monster class to make room for zouthern animals.
