Siege ogre
O siege ogre ![]() | |
Difficulty | 25 |
Attacks |
Weapon 1d12 physical, Offhand Weapon 1d12 physical, Weapon 1d12 physical, Offhand Weapon 1d12 physical, Arrow 1d12 physical, Passive 1d12 acid |
Base level | 20 |
Base experience | 697 |
Speed | 6 |
Base AC | 0 |
Base MR | 80 |
Alignment | -7 (chaotic) |
Frequency (by normal means) | 2 (Quite rare) |
Genocidable | Yes |
Weight | 4500 |
Nutritional value | 1000 |
Size | Huge |
Resistances | none |
Resistances conveyed | none |
A siege ogre:
| |
Reference | dNAO 3.23.0 - src/monst.c, line 4510 |
A siege ogre, O, is a type of monster that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. The siege ogre is a type of ogre that is also part giant, as well as orcish like all ogres: a siege ogre can tear through webs and break down doors, and is large enough that they block vision of anything behind them similar to a boulder. All 10 points of a siege ogre's AC are in the natural category. Siege ogres can be seen via infravision, possess lowlight vision that extends two squares, and will pick up gold, gems and other items that they come across.
Siege ogres have two pairs of weapon attacks and offhand weapon attacks, an arrow-firing attack that shoots up to a dozen arrows per turn, and an acidic passive attack. They are considered to have skilled martial prowess.
Randomly created siege ogres may be peaceful towards chaotic heroes.
Siege ogres may appear among the court of a throne room ruled by an orc of the ages of stars.
A siege ogre has a 1⁄2 chance of being generated inside the arena structure of Baphomet's lair at level creation if it is generated as the first Abyss level.
Siege ogres are always generated with 240 uncursed arrows.
Encyclopedia entry
Grey as a mouse
Big as a house
Nose like a snake
I make the earth shake
As I tramp through the grass
Trees crack as I pass
With horns in my mouth
I walk in the South
Flapping big ears
Beyond count of years
I stump round and round
Never lie on the ground
Not even to die
Oliphaunt am I
Biggest of all
Huge, old, and tall
If ever you'd met me
You wouldn't forget me
If you never do
You won't think I'm true
But old Oliphaunt am I
And I never lie
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