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#tip is an extended command that appears in NetHack, and allows a hero to empty the contents of a container that is in their open inventory or on their square.


Using #tip will prompt the player for a container in the hero's inventory, or on the hero's square if they are not levitating. Selecting an appropriate container will deposit its contents onto the ground at the hero's feet:[1] containers that are trapped will have that trap activate, and if done while levitating, any fragile objects will shatter upon impact with the ground. [2] Tipping a cursed bag of holding is treated as though the hero attempted to loot the bag, causing items inside to be lost.[3] Tipping a container with contents that the hero owns in a shop will automatically sell them to the shopkeeper.

Tipping a bag of tricks or horn of plenty will use up all the object's charges in one turn, producing multiple monsters or comestibles as appropriate.[4]

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Per commit 814adb41, a hero tipping their worn helm while next to a monster may elicit different responses depending on if they are hostile or not.

Per commit 0f132470, the hero can now tip the contents of a container directly into another container in their open inventory.


Tipping is especially useful when you have no hands free, e.g. from a cursed two-handed weapon, and you need to retrieve some curse removal item from your bag. Some players carry a second container (ideally an oilskin sack or a greased sack) with one scroll of scare monster and a few other objects such as a potion of holy water or scroll of remove curse. In an emergency, tipping the secondary bag puts the scroll of scare monster onto the ground in one action, without putting all the contents of the primary bag on the ground along with it. The uncurse item can then be picked up and used to free one's hands if necessary.

You may want to use tip on any scrolls found in containers instead of looting them into your main inventory until you have identified the scroll of scare monster. Being tipped out of a container will never make a scroll of scare monster crumble into dust, allowing you to test for it with pets or other nearby creatures and potentially giving you a scare scroll on the floor where it would otherwise have been lost. You can then use pets and kicking to move it around.

Containers with an unidentified gray stone can be tipped to place the stone on the floor for pet testing and kick-testing, while cursed bags of holding in a bones pile that a hero has no other way to uncurse or liberate the contents of can be tipped as something of a last resort, at the cost of 113 of its contents.

If you are in a hurry and/or using a (preferably spare) container, tipping can be used to sell off junk and other items quickly in shops, or else mass-identify their beatitudes on an altar.


The #tip extended command first appears in NetHack 3.6.0.


Some variants that are based on NetHack 3.4.3 and earlier versions may not include the #tip command as part of the game.


SlashTHEM has the #tip extended command available.
