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A retriever, ', is a type of monster that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. The retriever is a demonic and chaotic type of golem that is covetous and capable of warping, and will seek out the quest artifact of the hero's current role to pick up if it is left on the ground - it has the standard golem traits also, including being amphibious and unable to regenerate HP, as well as being strong, thick-skinned, possessing infravision, and seeking out weapons and other items to collect. Tame retrievers may turn traitor.

Retrievers possess four attacks: two melee claw attacks, the second of which uses the offhand and can steal the Amulet of Yendor or any of the invocation items; a single-target gaze attack that deals one of fire, cold or shock damage at random, with equal probability of each damage type; and a third claw attack that teleports the target to a random spot on the level while ignoring teleport control or no-teleport restrictions. Because it is demonic, its melee attacks may also gate in additional retrievers.

A retriever is poisonous to consume, which primarily comes up if it is digested by another monster.


Randomly generated retrievers are always created hostile, and are only created normally in Gehennom. Retrievers are always generated with 120 HP.

Retrievers do not leave a corpse upon death.

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