NetHack quaffing game

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Note: the opinions expressed in this article are neither the opinions of Wikihack administration or Wikia itself. When in doubt, play with potions of fruit juice.

The Nethack (and SLASH'EM!) Quaffing Game is a simple and enjoyable method to share the experience of the utterly delightful trials and tribulations of a solid game of Nethack with a group, locally, online and/or both!

How to Play (The Short Version)

  1. Start a game of Nethack or Slash'EM by letting RNG choose your character for you ("y" at the prompt)
  2. Take one drink of your beverage.
  3. Take two more drinks of your beverage for not choosing a conduct to follow and announce that you're a turnip.
  4. As a rule of thumb, if you do something interesting to help yourself (Wish, Pray, Sacrifice at an Altar, Steal from a Shop, Drink from a fountain, etc) you have to drink at least once, depending on how much it helped you. (Wishes are 5, Stealing is 2, fountain is 1). The opposite is true for doing something crazy that will probably get you killed or seriously disadvantaged, such as killing your own pet, purposefully equipping cursed items, or wishing for worthless items, etc) After doing the crazy act, announce it to the other players and request one of them take a drink.
  5. Continue until you die. Drink twice for dying, then start over.
  6. Review the rules below for specific things to do to give people drinks, or take a few more yourself if you so desire.

The Rules

If you are unfamiliar with the average rules of a Drinking Game, the following terminology will benefit you greatly. Drink: A sip of your beverage. Not an entire container of beverage, or even an entire glass (large or small) of beverage. Just a solid sip. Give Drink: Politely request that someone else playing the game take a Drink of the beverage they are drinking. Take Drink: Take a Drink of your beverage. That's not so hard, is it? Ante Up, McCheese.

Ante Up

When you are prompted "Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq]" by RNG, take one drink. If you select "q", take another drink. If you select "y", continue to the next section. For those of you who insist on selecting "n" and playing Mayor McCheese (selecting your own Race/Role/Gender/Alignment), announce out loud that you are Mayor McCheese and apply the following modifiers to your initial Ante or +0 for * (random).

Blind Ante Cost Role
+3 Barbarian
+3 Valkyrie
+3 Wizard
+3 Samurai
+3 Monk
+2 Knight
+2 Priest
+2 Necromancer
+1 Ice Mage
+1 Ice Mage
+1 Flame Mage
+1 Caveman
+1 Rogue
+1 Ranger
+1 Archeologist
+1 Yeoman
+1 Undead Slayer
+1 Healer
+1 Tourist

In addition, the following modifiers apply to the initial Ante for choosing race, or +0 for * (random).

Blind Ante Cost Race
+3 Doppelganger
+3 Vampire
+2 Human
+2 Dwarf
+2 Elf
+2 Gnome
+2 Orc
+2 Hobbit
+2 Drow
+1 Lycanthrope

Add +1 to your Ante if you select your alignment and +1 if you select your gender, or +0 if you * (random) them.

Remember your Ante! It will come up later.


Now that you have appeared in the dungeon, take a look at your inventory before moving. Decide which Conducts and Unofficial Conducts you wish to participate in. If you choose not to participate in any Conducts or Unofficial Conducts, take two drinks and announce to the room that you are a turnip.

For each level gained while retaining any Unofficial Conducts Besides Survivor and Celebate give out a number of drinks equal to the number of the level you just gained. This only applies to levels gained for the first time each game (see the Level Drain Penalty).

For each level gained while retaining the following Official Conducts, you may also give drinks equal to your level.

  • Foodless
  • Pacifist
  • Illiterate

If a player ever violates a conduct he has given drinks to other players for pursuing, he must immediately take five drinks and pursue the Inventoryless Unofficial Conduct for the remainder of that game in addition to other conducts he/she is pursuing. (Yes, this means dropping everything you are carrying, except your blindfold if Zen.) Any further Conduct violations result in 5+v drinks where v is the number of total violations that game.

Incentives and Penalties

During the course of a game, interesting events will befall every Hacker. To this end, The Nethack Quaffing Game seeks to reward and punish the recipients and perpetrators of said events by allowing them to give out drinks or suggesting kindly that they take drinks based on the actual event that transpires. If in doubt, announce the event that transpired aloud. Someone will undoubtedly remember if the event is on the table and or have the table open to check. In a worst case scenario your fellow players will probably judge the event to be drink worthy and everyone can have a toast to your nonsense artistry.

Incentive Result
Quaffing a potion of Booze Everyone Drink 1
You vomit! Everyone Drink 1
You feel a mild buzz. Give 1 Drink.
Eating Hobbit Meat Give 1 Drink
Destroy a Player's Ghost Give 1 Drink
Wish for something useless (Worthless Glass, etc) Give 5 Drinks
Read a Blessed Scroll of Identify Give 1 Drink
Eat a Creampie Give 1 Drink and Take 1 Drink
Eat Unfamiliar Tin Give 2 Drinks
Dig (or follow a Monster who's Digging) into or out of a shop) Give 1 Drink
Donate items to a shop without receiving payment from the shopkeeper Give 1 Drink (Maximum 1 drink per shop per game)
Aggravate a Shopkeeper Give 1 Drink
Aggravate the Oracle Give 2 Drinks
Aggravate an Aligned Priest Give 2 Drinks
Purposeful Cannibalism Give 1 drink
Faint from Hunger Give 1 drink
Purposefully Get Food Poisoning Give 2 drinks
Die with Honor (Trying your damnedest to take the enemy/enemies down with you) Give 1 drink
Start Hallucinating Give 1 drink
Purposefully Equip a negative cursed item (fumble boots, strangulation etc) Give 2 drinks
Get trapped inside a wall Give 1 drink
Purposefully Kill a God-Granted Pet Give 2 Drinks
Attempt to Sacrifice a Pet's Corpse Give 1 Drink
Kill a Co-aligned Unicorn Give 1 Drink
Engrave (not write in dust) insults about non-quaffers with your starting weapon on turn 1 Give 1 Drink
Dip an item you need until it's thoroughly rusted (If a long sword, take 10 drinks, McCheese) Give 1 Drink
Penalty Result
Quaffing a cursed potion of Booze You drink 2, everyone else drinks 1
Become Asleep, Paralyzed or Held You Drink 1
Eating known tin You Drink 1
Take anything from a Bones level Take 1 drink
Hurt your Pet Take 1 Drink
Kill your Pet Take 3 drinks
Steal from a Shop Take 2 drinks
Drink from a Fountain Take 1 drink
Wish for a useful item Take 5 drinks
Get a useful Artifact Take 2 drinks
Sit on a throne Take 1 drink
Accidental Cannibalism Take 2 drinks
Praying for Help Take 2 drinks
Die In Dishonor (Running away, Praying, Helpless, etc) Take 1 drink
Cure Hallucination Take 1 drink
Polymorph Yourself Take 2 drinks
Destroy your own Ghost Give 1 drink, Take 1 drink
Sacrifice at an Altar Take 1 drink
Convert an Altar to your Alignment Take 2 drinks
Monster Hatches from an Egg in your Inventory Take 1 drink
Pet Dragon Hatches from an Egg in your Inventory Take 3 drinks
Turn into something that can walk through walls Take 3 drinks
Accidentally Equip a negative cursed item Take 3 drinks
Murder an NPC (Oracle, Priests, Shopkeepers and Watchmen) Take 3 drinks
Kill a Cross-Aligned Unicorn Take 1 drink
Get a useless Artifact Take 1 drink
Engrave Elbereth Take 2 drinks
Enchant an Item Drink equal to enchantment gained
Misidentify a Rune Take 2 drinks
Set off a trap on a container/door that turns out to have nothing useful inside/behind it Take 2 drinks
Gain a Level Take 1 drink
Lose a level Take 1 drink

The End?

Die (or Win!) If you've fallen in battle (even if your life gets saved somehow) you drink twice to mourn your loss. Feel free to drink more than twice, dying can be rough.

For each Conduct (Official or Unofficial) retained unbroken upon death or Ascension, give out 1 drink.

If an Ascension occurs, the Ascending player first pays triple their Ante fee, plus any other drinks deemed reasonable/necessary by the other players (Non-Negotiable). Then, for the remainder of the evening, the Ascended player may wantonly deliver drinks to anyone, as they are a Demigod and that's how it goes.

Any and all Ascensions achieved whilst playing the Nethack Quaffing Game will be posted here to inspire future generations of Hackers.

To play again, simply pay your previous Ante cost plus your new ante cost. To clarify, If you paid seven on your first character and are paying 1 on your next character (more common than you might think) you take 8 drinks, but your Ante for this round is 1. Next run, you pay 1 for your last ante and whatever your current ante cost might be. That way we don't have too many Mayors McCheese strolling around and upsetting the citizenry.

Play Again? [ynq]

To play again, simply pay your previous Ante cost plus your new ante cost. To clarify, If you paid seven on your first character and are getting ready to pay 1 for your second character (more common than you might think) you take 8 drinks, but your Ante for the second round is 1. Round 3, you pay 1 for your last Ante and whatever your current Ante cost might be. That way we don't have too many Mayors McCheese strolling around and upsetting the citizenry.

Mayor McCheese

The term "Mayor McCheese" designates someone who plays the Nethack Quaffing Game (Or even Nethack itself) with the intent to bend the odds in their own favor to some degree, large or small. Perhaps because Nethack Quaffing Game is nothing short of RNG worship, even selecting your own race/role/gender/alignment is action considered grounds for instant Mayoral Election. "Mayors McCheese" (as they are called plurally) pay quite a bit more drinks to play than your average nameless Hacker as a consequence of the burdens of Cheesy office. See the Ante section for more information on the costs (In drink quaffed, silly!) to play Nethack Quaffing Game.