Amulet of Yendor/zh-CN
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岩德护身符(Amulet of Yendor,有时简写作AoY),是NetHack中的一种独一无二的护身符,它由秘银制成。根据NetHack的介绍文字所言,邪神摩洛自造物主马尔杜克处将此护身符窃取,藏入葛汉诺姆深处,以获得统御诸神的权力。玩家的终极目标,就是找到它,将其带到星界位面,并献祭给你的神以飞升至半神的地位。
- 你获得千里眼特质,该特质可以被巫师帽阻止。
- 施放咒语时,你的能量会被护身符汲取(见下文)。
- 营养值每20回合额外下降1点(能够和佩戴的护身符及戒指的额外饥饿效果叠加)[1]。
- 你的幸运(无论好坏)消逝得更快,除非你携带幸运石。
- 关卡内的传送会有1⁄3的概率失败。
- 你不能进行地层传送或分支传送[2][3][4]。
- 在地牢1层攀上上行楼梯或饮用诅咒的升级药水后会抵达土元素位面。
- 你可以激活终局的魔法传送门。
- 当你在携带岩德护身符并尝试在葛汉诺姆往上爬时,神秘的力量会试图阻止你。
- 你感到护身符在汲取你的能量。(You feel the Amulet draining your energy away.)
- 新生成的怪物难度会取决于你抵达过的最深的地牢楼层,而非你当前所在的楼层[6]。
- 仙女、具名称的恶魔、狮头象、长蠕虫和鳗鱼始终会以苏醒的状态生成[7][8]。
- 新的关卡生成时,其中生成的每只巨型蜘蛛必定会与蜘蛛网一同生成,而非只有1⁄3的概率出现蜘蛛网[9]。
- 若恶魔王子携带岩德护身符,它们会在向玩家索取贿赂时索要比玩家携带的金币更多的量,这是为了确保它们不会因收取到贿赂金而从游戏里消失[10][11]。
- 如果玩家处于混沌阵营,则同阵营的怪物此时不会以和平状态生成[12]。
- 跟随型怪物即使在逃跑的状态也会跟着你在楼层间转移。
- 处于敌对状态,且觊觎岩德护身符的贪婪怪物将能够以近战攻击窃取玩家的岩德护身符,并且会主动攻击所有携带岩德护身符的怪物。如果岩德护身符丢弃在地上,它们会主动捡起护身符。
以下内容涉及即将到来的版本(NetHack 3.7.0)之信息。如果该版本已发布,请验证此处信息是否准确,并作出相应修改,以将其并入页面。
距离 | 消息 |
半径3格以内 | “岩德护身符感觉很烫!” |
半径8格以内 | “岩德护身符感觉非常温暖。” |
半径12格以内 | “岩德护身符感觉温暖。” |
更远距离 | 无消息 |
如果你在星界位面将护身符在与你阵营相同的主祭坛上献祭,你会飞升并赢得游戏(该操作不会打破无神论者行为)。在其他神的主祭坛献祭护身符同样会结束游戏——你的神会被激怒,但你献祭的祭坛的神会让你以天界蒙羞者(celestial disgrace)身份逃脱。这也算作一种飞升,只是由于省去了寻找本阵营祭坛的麻烦,所以“含金量”相对较低。
- 你感到思念家乡。(You feel homesick.)
- 你处于幻觉状态。
- 你感到羞愧。(You feel ashamed.)
- 祭坛的阵营和你不同。
- 你感到一种返回地表的冲动。(You feel an urge to return to the surface.)
- 祭坛的阵营和你相同。
- 摩洛耸耸肩,从<你的神>那里夺回了支配权,然后毫不留情地抹杀了你的生命。(Moloch shrugs and retains dominion over <your god>, then mercilessly snuffs out your life.)
- 摩洛发出咆哮并再度尝试……(Moloch snarls and tries again...)
- 你被分解成一团尘埃!(You disintegrate into a pile of dust!)
- 一股黑烟笼罩着你……(A cloud of black smoke surrounds you...)
岩德护身符最初于Hack 1.0出现。在Hack 1.0.1及更早版本,玩家会在一个迷宫关卡的一块巨石下方找到岩德护身符。在Hack 1.0.2中,岩德巫师加入游戏,直到NetHack 3.0.10版本为止,玩家都会在岩德巫师所在的地方找到岩德护身符。
在早期版本中,玩家有可能在骨档里找到真的岩德护身符,Hack 1.0.3中加入了岩德护身符的廉价塑料仿制品以避免这种情况发生。
自NetHack 3.1.0开始,游戏加入了摩洛相关的背景设定,岩德护身符因此被改为由摩洛的高阶祭司持有,岩德巫师看守的物品因此改为死亡之书。
The base gameplay goal of retrieving the Amulet of Yendor and offering it to your god on the Astral Plane remains a constant in variants of NetHack - there are variants that make additional changes around that goal, with some based on either a conduct or a newly-added role(s).
In UnNetHack, the Amulet is found in the possession of Cthulhu.
The Amulet has a chance of randomly teleporting within the level when dropped by the hero or a monster; this is in many ways balanced by the removal of the mysterious force. The probability depends on the Amulet's beatitude: the Amulet teleports half of the time if cursed, 1⁄4 of the time if uncursed, and 1⁄16 of the time if blessed.
Sacrificing the Amulet of Yendor breaks atheist conduct in UnNetHack, unlike in NetHack - the player is warned if the conduct would be broken this way, and completing the game while maintaining atheist conduct requires the hero to #invoke the Amulet on the corresponding altar instead.
TNNT (the game)
In TNNT (the game), you cannot enter the deathmatch portal while carrying the Amulet of Yendor.
In SpliceHack, the Amulet of Yendor blocks normal teleportation while carried.
In EvilHack, there are significant changes to both the Amulet of Yendor and (primarily) to mechanics dependent on the Amulet:
- The psionic wave abilities of illithids do not count as a spell for purposes of the Amulet's energy drain effect.
- Lucifer will appear in the Sanctum after you obtain the Amulet of Yendor, and must be defeated to gain access to Purgatory and escape the Sanctum - from there, leaving Purgatory will allow you to begin the ascension run.
- The monster generation rate increases to 8× that of normal upon obtaining the Amulet. While carrying the Amulet, hostile monsters will also generate on and near each level's up stair.
- Similar to UnNetHack, the Amulet of Yendor may teleport to another location on the current level if dropped anywhere outside of the Sanctum. How often this occurs depends on its beatitude: a 2⁄3 chance if cursed, a 1⁄4 chance if uncursed, and a 1⁄16 chance if blessed. This behavior is suppressed only in the Sanctum. If the Amulet is dropped on a level with open air and gravity is in effect, the Amulet may teleport to a square of open air and fall away - it will re-appear somewhere on the third demon ruler level in Gehennom.
- Player monsters covet the Amulet of Yendor, and can steal it with a 1⁄20 chance when attacking the hero in melee.
- If any monster on the Astral Plane obtains the Amulet, they will try to sacrifice it on the high altar of their corresponding god, ending your game if they succeed.
- Attempting to offer the Amulet to a different deity while using a helm of opposite alignment has a 1⁄3 chance of your original god noticing the deception, incurring many severe penalties: your original god is angered, you take a −5 penalty to alignment and Luck, and the helm is destroyed.[17][18]
Finally, the Infidel role includes a significant change to the actual plot of the game: Each Infidel begins the game with the real Amulet of Yendor, and their primary mission is to travel down to the Sanctum, obtaining their quest artifact The Idol of Moloch along the way. Once at the Sanctum, they must sacrifice the Amulet to Moloch on his high altar with the Idol in open inventory - Moloch will imbue the Idol with the power of the Amulet. The Infidel must then begin their own ascension run to reach the Astral Plane and invoke the Idol on one of the three high altars; this information can be obtained from both the high priest of Moloch and your quest leader. Invoking the imbued Idol on the correct altar will give Moloch dominion over heaven and the other three aligned gods, winning the game.
- Jump up ↑ src/eat.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 2835
- Jump up ↑ src/teleport.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 505
- Jump up ↑ src/teleport.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 792
- Jump up ↑ src/artifact.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1567
- Jump up ↑ src/spell.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 948
- Jump up ↑ src/dungeon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1596
- Jump up ↑ src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1264
- Jump up ↑ src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1321
- Jump up ↑ src/mklev.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 810
- Jump up ↑ minion.c in NetHack 3.4.3, line 183
- Jump up ↑ mongone in mon.c
- Jump up ↑ src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 2027
- Jump up ↑ wizard.c in NetHack 3.4.3, line 63
- Jump up ↑ src/pray.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1574
- Jump up ↑ src/pray.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1580
- Jump up ↑ src/wizard.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 504
- Jump up ↑ EvilHack 0.7.1 src/pray.c, line 1848
- Jump up ↑ EvilHack commit 0401bf2 - "Offering the Amulet of Yendor while wearing a helm of opposite alignment"
本页面之内容基于由Dylan O'Donnell创作的攻略。原始协议条文的中文译文如下:
- 所有攻略的原始贡献者须给出署名。
- 所有对攻略作出的修改须承认并注明出处。