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Name Soul-lens
Appearance smooth-gemmed head-chain
Base price 333 zm
Weight 3
Material gemstone
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

A soul-lens is a type of tool that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, and is worn in the eye slot. Though it is listed as being made of glass, the soul-lens is given a base material of gemstone with a submaterial of a specific gem type, and appears as a smooth-gemmed head-chain of that gemstone's color when unidentified (e.g. "a brilliant blue gem smooth-gemmed head-chain") - when identified, its gemstone type is appended to the item name (e.g. "a magicite soul-lens").

The soul-lens is the base item for the artifact The Eye of the Overworld, which is always made of morganite.


While worn, a soul-lens doubles the die size used for damage from bound spirits. Heroes of certain roles and races that have an alignment record of 20 or better gain additional bonuses from wearing a non-cursed soul lens:

  • Monks wearing a soul-lens gain a spellcasting bonus equal to half their armor modifier (i.e. 12), and gain the full armor modifier bonus if they are wearing The Eye of the Overworld.
  • elves and heroes that cast using charisma, i.e. Madpeople and any hero that has Ose bound, gain a bonus equal to their full armor modifier.
  • The bonus becomes a penalty if the hero's alignment is negative, or else if the soul-lens is cursed.

Light-elves can pick up and wear soul lenses to enable their spellcasting abilities.

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