The Spear of Peace

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)   The Spear of Peace   (No tile)
Base item spear
Damage vs. small 1d8 +1d20
Damage vs. large 1d10 +12d0
To-hit bonus +0
Bonus versus (any)
Weapon skill spear
Size one-handed
When carried


When wielded
When invoked


Base price 1500 zm
Weight 9
Material wood

The Spear of Peace is an artifact that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. It is a neutral intelligent artifact that favors Madpeople, and its base item is a spear made of wood.


The Spear of Peace cannot be randomly generated or wished for, and is only given as a crowning gift to a hero that worships Lobon, the neutral Madperson god.


While wielded, The Spear of Peace deals +1d20 damage against holy-hating monsters if it is blessed, and deals +1d20 damage against unholy-hating monsters if it is cursed. Additionally, wielding The Spear of Peace grants clear thoughts, hallucination resistance, confusion resistance, stun resistance, half physical damage, and half spell damage. Invoking The Spear of Peace grants 3 turns of invulnerability as with successful prayer: this prevents all damaging effects and passive effects such as regeneration (negative and otherwise), while stopping monsters from attacking the hero.

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