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Weldproof is a property that appears in some variants of NetHack. It can be applied to both the hero and certain monsters, and allows cursed items to be put on or worn without them sticking to the wearer's person.


In dNetHack, characters that have a base race of vampire or android (i.e. they are not polymorphed into one) are weldproof, as are Binders that have Acererak bound, characters with lycanthropy, and characters polymorphed into a demon or any undead creature.

For monsters, all undead creatures, all demons, all werecreatures, all Great Old Ones, Daughters of Naunet, and parasitic wall-huggers are weldproof.

A cursed straitjacket will ignore the wearer's weldproofed status, as it sticks to itself rather than to the wearer.


In notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, in addition to dNetHack details, willow Ents are weldproof.


In EvilHack, all Infidels are weldproofed.

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