Giant (monster)

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The giant, H, is a monster that formerly appeared in NetHack. It serves as the "base" monster for the corpse left by killing a giant zombie or giant mummy. Its stats are identical to those of the stone giant.


The 'base' giant is not generated normally. Zapping a wand of undead turning at a giant corpse that is left by a mummy or zombie will revive that mummy or zombie instead. You can wish for a figurine of a giant to create one by applying, or wish for a corpse that can be revived to create one; you can also reverse genocide to create several generic giants.


The giant was introduced in NetHack 1.3d.

NetHack 3.0.0 adds and differentiates most of the distinct giant types (minus the storm giant) while also introducing their close relative, the titan; the "base" giant remains in the game's data, since the giant zombie and giant mummy are among the newly-differentiated undead introduced in the same version.



In SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM, it is possible to encounter living "plain" giants in the Giant Caverns.


In dNetHack, "plain" giants are among the court room members that can appear in retooled throne rooms if the room's ruler is a titan.

Encyclopedia entry

Giants have always walked the earth, though they are rare in these times. They range in size from little over nine feet to a towering twenty feet or more. The larger ones use huge boulders as weapons, hurling them over large distances. All types of giants share a love for men - roasted, boiled, or fried. Their table manners are legendary.
