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Revision as of 23:37, 3 June 2024 by Furey (talk | contribs) (wizard mode wish for "skeleton corpse" no longer works in 3.6.6.)
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Corpseless monsters are those that do not leave corpses or globs:

Such corpses simply cannot be created in a normal game, although a mimic may take on the appearance of one.

A purple worm can swallow and digest a corpseless monster. If you are polymorphed into a purple worm, digesting a corpseless monster yields no nutrition and confers no intrinsics. This breaks foodless conduct but preserves vegan and vegetarian conducts.[1]

Several types of undead monsters revert to ordinary corpses when destroyed. For example, a kobold zombie does not leave a kobold zombie corse, but rather an old and tainted kobold corpse. [2] These monsters are:


In NetHack 3.4.3, puddings, oozes, and slimes left ordinary corpses rather than globs, enabling pudding farming.

In NetHack 3.4.3, it was possible to wish for a corpse of a corpseless monster in wizard mode by using the form "<monstername> corpse". This no longer works as of NetHack 3.6.6.

Prior to Nethack 3.6.2, it was possible to create a corpse of a corpseless monster by setting up a level full of monsters, going up one level, and then making a monster fall into a hole.[3].


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