Food ration/zh-CN

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% Food ration.png
名称 口粮
基础价 45 zm
营养值 800
食用所需回合数 5
重量 20
行为 绝对素食

口粮(food ration)是NetHack中的基础可食用品武士称呼其为饭团(gunyoki,该词并非现实日语词汇[1])。






游戏进行到中期后,玩家通常会采用这几种食物策略:储存一定余量的口粮;放弃口粮,靠怪物尸体存活;或是收集士兵携带的C-口粮K-口粮兰巴斯片提供的营养和口粮相近,但比口粮轻得多(仅2 aum,口粮重20 aum),不过兰巴斯片的营养值会根据你的种族是否是精灵兽人而变化。



口粮自Jay Fenlason's Hack的衍生作品Hack 1.21开始就存在于游戏中。



Some variants introduce new starting races with more atypical diets compared to the standard ones, which naturally impacts the use of food rations for them.


In SLASH'EM, player vampires cannot eat food rations, and will start with potions of vampire blood in place of the usual rations for their role. Vampires can still use rations to tame and/or pacify certain domestic animals.

Killer food rations are a type of evil food monster that can be encountered, and have a 13 chance of dropping an actual food ration upon death.


In UnNetHack, player vampires also start with potions of vampire blood replacing their role's typical rations.


In dNetHack, Incantifiers feed off magic rather than consuming food, and with the exception of Tourists have their starting food rations replaced with scrolls of food detection.

Various races of Anachrononaut start with several protein pills in lieu of food rations; said pills provide the same nutrition as a ration, but only require one turn to eat and weigh only 1 aum. Anachrononauts can only eat prepared food (including food rations) and cannot pray, locking them out of a primary method to maintain nutrition early on. One viable approach for these Anachrononauts is to blitz Sokoban: the boulders are replaced with stone crates that contain the rations and other food normally found there, and the crates release their contents when broken or pushed into the level's pits or holes. The magic chest found on the last level is also a good place to store relatively-heavy food rations in the event the prize is not a bag of holding.


In notdNetHack, in addition to dNetHack details, Ahazu generates with 4-5 food rations when summoned by an Illithanachronounbinder.



The little girl stood on tip-toe and picked one of the nicest and biggest lunch-boxes, and then she sat down upon the ground and eagerly opened it. Inside she found, nicely wrapped in white papers, a ham sandwich, a piece of sponge-cake, a pickle, a slice of new cheese and an apple. Each thing had a separate stem, and so had to be picked off the side of the box; but Dorothy found them all to be delicious, and she ate every bit of luncheon in the box before she had finished.

[ Ozma of Oz, by L. Frank Baum ]


