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The samurai are Japanese warriors who adhere to the discipline of bushido (honor) and fight their enemies using ancient martial arts. Therefore they start out lawful and human, and can be of either gender, male or female.

Equipment, abilities, and limitations

The Samurai is one of the strongest roles in the early game, and thus an excellent choice for beginners. They start the game extremely well armed with a +0 katana, a +0 wakizashi, a yumi, 26 to 45 ya, a +0 splint mail, and a blindfold (20% of the time). They gain the warrior type intrinsics of speed (at level 1), and stealth (at level 15), and can reach expert level in short sword, long sword, two-handed sword, bow (yumi), and throwing star (shuriken).

Game strategy

The samurai strategy is very simple. If it moves, stab it. The samurai are also good ranged warriors, receiving a bonus to hit and damage when shooting yas from a yumi. Samurai aren't good at spell casting. However, the katana and splint mail they start with makes the first few levels a breeze.

As far as weapons go, the samurai should not bother with any sword other than a long sword. The katana they start with is the finest one-handed non-artifact weapon in the game. Since the samurai can reach expert level in two-weapon combat they are better off swinging two long swords/katana than one of any larger weapon.

The katana is the best secondary weapon, because there are far better primary swords out there; a good one being Excalibur. Excalibur can be produced by dipping a long sword into a fountain after experience level 5 or preferably level 7. The chances of getting the sword are 1/6, so you need to keep trying. To avoid bad fountain things happening, drop all uncursed items first, as well as your gold. Excalibur will give you searching while you wield it.

When starting out with two-weapon combat don't use the wakizashi. It's a short sword and is completely worthless. Find a long sword, which will share the skills you gained with the katana. Otherwise, a bardiche, halberd, or even a spetum is a good secondary weapon. Crysknifes are also good, but not worth the effort in creating them. Advance to basic level in polearms if you have to, but no more.

The yumi is the best long distance damage weapon available, and is worth using regularly, especially since it can shoot 2 ya in a single turn. However, veteran players recommend that the bow skill should only be advanced to skilled level, not expert level. This is so you can save expert level slots for later.

In the long term, the best artifact weapon is the Frost Brand. The most damaging all-purpose melee attack in the game comes from a samurai double wielding a +7 Frost Brand and a +7 katana. This assumes 18/** STR and expert level in both two-weapon combat and long sword. Next comes the Fire Brand, then Grayswandir, and then the Tsurugi of Murasama.

By experience level 16, you should have enough slots to advance the yumi, the katana, and two-handed swords all to expert level. The only question is which of these to advance first. The answer depends on whether you find a long sword or a two-handed sword first.

Other game objects to consider are the Magic Mirror of Merlin, and the Mitre of Holiness. Samurai don't have the magic resistance intrinsic, so any artifact that provides it is worth having. In the non-artifact category, gray (or possibly silver) dragon scale mail is a must-have, as is a good pair of fireproof speed boots.


The Samurai quest item is the Tsurugi of Muramasa, a powerful two-handed katana with the ability to kill enemies outright 10% of the time, much like the Vorpal Blade. The Tsurugi is an excellent weapon in the mid-game (i. e. from the Quest to Gehennom), but becomes weaker in the end-game because it doesn't d double damage like some other artifact weapons. (Frost Brand, Fire Brand, Grayswandir and the Staff of Aesculapius.) Once you have enough scrolls to enchanting your primary weapon up to +7. you'll want to make the Tsurugi your back up.

Canonical Lists and Data

Japanese item names

Since the samurai are Japanese, some of the game items use Japanese names. The following is a list of those items with their Japanese names:

English Japanese
bamboo arrow ya
booze sake
broadsword ninja-to
flail nunchaku
food ration gunyoki
glaive naginata
helmet kabuto
knife shito
lock pick osaku
long bow yumi
long sword (samurai) katana
long sword tsurugi
short sword wakizashi
throwing star shuriken
wooden harp koto

Weapon Skill Caps

Samurai Weapon Skill Caps
daggers basic
knives skilled
axes -
pick-axes -
short swords expert
broadswords skilled
long swords expert
two-handed swords expert
scimitars basic
sabers basic
clubs -
maces -
morning stars -
flails skilled
hammers -
quarterstaffs basic
polearms skilled
spears basic
javelins basic
tridents -
lances skilled
bows expert
slings -
crossbows -
darts -
shurikens expert
boomerangs -
whips -
exotic weapons -
two-weapon combat expert
riding skilled
bare-handed combat -
martial arts master