Ranged weapon

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A ranged weapon is any weapon which can attack a monster not adjacent to you. Technically, any item in the game could be a ranged weapon if thrown; colloquially, any item that can damage a monster at a distance could be considered a ranged weapon; including attack wands, hurled potions and spells. However, the source code officially designates some weapons as ranged:[1]

Monster usage

The order of preference in which hostile monsters will use a ranged weapon is:[2]

  1. cockatrice egg,
  2. cream pie for Keystone Kops,
  3. boulders for giants,
  4. polearms or lance if you are in range,
  5. the above list, in order of priority and if a necessary launcher is available.

Gems are inserted into said above list between luckstone and darts. Polearms can only be used by "strong" monsters without a shield - the preference of polearms is: halberd, bardiche, spetum, bill-guisarme, voulge, ranseur, guisarme, glaive, lucern_hammer, bec_de_corbin, fauchard, partisan, lance.

A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"1)Does a monster need a weapon attack to be able to use ranged weapons? 2) Track the calls to select_rwep - can confused/conflicted/scared/fleeing/healthy pets/hostiles/priests/shopkeepers/covetous monsters use ranged stuff?"

See Also


A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"expand or merge"

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