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[   fedora   Fedora.png
Appearance fedora
Slot helm
AC 0
Special (none)
Base price 1 zm
Weight 3
Material cloth

A fedora is a type of helm that appears in NetHack. It is made of cloth.


The fedora is not randomly generated, though it can be wished for or found in bones.

Archeologists start each game with a +0 fedora.[1]

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

As part of commit 20cbadcf - which strengthens quest leaders and makes it so that killing them no longer makes the game unwinnable - the Archeologist quest leader Lord Carnarvon generates with a +5 fedora.


While worn, a fedora grants no base AC.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Per commit 78289a7f, Archeologists gain a +1 luck bonus while wearing a fedora.


Due to its lack of special ability, AC benefits and even sale value, the Archeologist's starting fedora is often ditched near the beginning of the game for the first usually-metallic helm the hero finds.


The fedora first appears in NetHack 3.0.0.


The fedora is a felt hat with a wide brim (about 2.5 inches or 6.4 cm) and a distinctive lengthwise crease in the crown; the style goes back as far as the 1880s. The name is derived from the 1882 Victorien Sardou play Fedora, in which actress Sarah Bernhardt (whom the play was written for) wore one while playing the titular "Princess Fedora"; the term itself would see regular use as the early 1890s. Fedoras were especially popular from the 1920s to the early 1950s, and fell out of widespread fashion after the mid-1950s - they are still occasionally seen worn as accessories in the modern day.

The Indiana Jones franchise is first set in 1936, and is significantly inspired by Secret of the Incas and its main character, Harry Steele - the fedora's inclusion in NetHack is part of the Archeologist role's homage to the series.


Some variants of NetHack play up the Indiana Jones homage further by making the fedora function similar to a luck item.

In the biodiversity patch, a straw golem may drop an eroded fedora upon death.


In SLASH'EM, the fedora increases charisma by 1 while worn, and prevents good luck from timing out similar to a blessed luckstone.[2][3]

Upgrading a fedora will produce an elven leather helm, and vice versa.


In UnNetHack, the fedora increases base luck by 1 for Archeologists while worn, and they can also safely enchant one from a maximum of +5.

A fedora may be found along with an archeologist corpse under a rolling boulder trap.

Lord Carnarvon always generates with a +5 fedora.


In xNetHack, Archeologists can safely enchant fedoras from a maximum of +5, and there is a chance of finding one on an archeologist corpse in the path of a rolling boulder trap - both changes were adapted from UnNetHack.


In SlashTHEM, in addition to SLASH'EM details, straw golem may drop an eroded fedora upon death as incorporated from the biodiversity patch.


In EvilHack, Lord Carnarvon always generates with a +5 fedora.


In Hack'EM, upgrading a fedora will produce an elven helm and vice versa, as in SLASH'EM.


Some hats can only be worn if you're willing to be jaunty, to set
them at an angle and to walk beneath them with a spring in your
stride as if you're only a step away from dancing. They demand a
lot of you.
 [Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman]
