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% Glob of black pudding.png
Name glob of black pudding
Base price 6 zm
Nutrition 20
Turns to eat 2
Weight 20
Conduct meat
% Glob of brown pudding.png
Name glob of brown pudding
Base price 6 zm
Nutrition 20
Turns to eat 2
Weight 20
Conduct vegetarian
% Glob of gray ooze.png
Name glob of gray ooze
Base price 6 zm
Nutrition 20
Turns to eat 2
Weight 20
Conduct vegetarian
% Glob of green slime.png
Name glob of green slime
Base price 6 zm
Nutrition 20
Turns to eat 2
Weight 20
Conduct vegetarian

A glob is an item introduced in version 3.6.0 of NetHack, replacing corpses as the remains of black puddings, brown puddings, gray oozes, and green slimes. Monsters that leave globs will not drop any other items besides the ones in their inventory at the time of death.


Unlike corpses, globs cannot be sacrificed. If two globs of the same type are on the same or adjacent floor squares, or in the same inventory or container, they will coalesce into a larger glob. Larger globs have greater weight and nutritional value. Globs are described as "small" if their weight is 100 or less, "large" if 301 or more, and "very large" if 501 or more.[1]

All globs are acidic to eat and break vegan conduct. They can become tainted and cause food poisoning, just as corpses do, but will never fully rot away. Globs of black pudding additionally break vegetarian conduct when eaten, as a pun on the blood sausage dish sometimes being called "black pudding".

Globs of green slime only cause sliming if eaten; the rest have a chance of conveying a random intrinsic resistance.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Globs no longer become tainted; instead, they shrink over time until they vanish.


Globs replacing corpses makes pudding farming far less effective, thus rendering it obsolete as a farming strategy in post-3.4.3 versions of NetHack and some variants based on them.


The [adjacent] globs of <monster> coalesce.
Two globs merged on the floor to form a larger glob. They are described as "adjacent" unless the resulting glob is at your feet.[2]
You see parts of the floor melting!
As above, while hallucinating.
The globs of <monster> coalesce inside your pack.
You picked up a glob while carrying one of the same type, causing them to merge.
Your pack reaches out and grabs something!
As above, while hallucinating.
You hear a faint sloshing sound.
Two globs merged on the floor, but you could not see the resulting glob.


Globs were introduced in NetHack 3.6.0, and could not give resistances when eaten; this was fixed in 3.6.1.


Many variants are based on 3.4.3, and as such some of them do not have globs.

A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"List notable exceptions to the variant rule?"


  1. src/objnam.c in NetHack 3.6.6, line 576
  2. src/mkobj.c in NetHack 3.6.6, line 2933: otmp->ox,oy and otmp2->ox,oy in pudding_merge_message appear to both refer to the position of the resultant glob, not the two positions of the pre-merge globs.