Nurse (dNetHack)

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In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, a nurse, @, behaves much differently from their counterparts in NetHack.

A nurse is a lawful and omnivorous human that can be seen via infravision, and will seek out weapons, armor and other items to pick up. Unlike in NetHack, nurses can be tamed.

A nurse has a single weapon attack, and possesses the ability to heal adjacent targets: the base value is 2d6, with a +d6 applied for every three monster levels the nurse has above level 9. The amount a monster is healed by is based inversely on the target's DR: the higher damage reduction the target has, the less HP the nurse will restore. Nurses will only apply their healing to allied monsters: tame nurses will heal the hero and their other pets, while hostile nurses will heal other hostile monsters.

If the hero chats to a nurse that is not hostile, and the hero is not wearing armor and is not wielding a weapon, they can consult the nurse for services - otherwise, the nurse will give a message indicating what armor and weapons the hero needs to remove if they want to access services.


Nurses can generate as peaceful for lawful characters.

Nurses always generate with a scalpel and a healer uniform.

Nurses generated in the Madman quest always generated with filth-encrusted scalpels and yellow healer uniforms.

Nurses in the Anachrononaut quest and Android quest generate with a blessed and fixed tiny +3 lightsaber, a blessed +3 silver pistol, 21-40 fixed +3 silver bullets, a +7 white-colored pair of cloth shoes, a +7 healer uniform, +7 white-colored gloves, and a +7 white-colored cloth cloak of protection.

A hostile nurse named Nyx is generated in the front hall of the Windowless Tower at level creation.

Nurse services

A peaceful or tame nurse can fortify the hero's health through a number of services, with the price depending on the service and the effect that it replicates. Any gold used to pay for these services is removed from the game - peaceful nurses add a 10% surcharge, which instead goes into the nurse's inventory. With the exception of the first, these services will only be available if the hero has an applicable condition that the nurse can cure.

  1. "Fortify my health" (2000 zm) - This has the same effect as a potion of full healing, restoring up to 400 hp and additionally increasing max HP by 8 if this would fully heal you.
  2. "Something for my nerves" (1000 zm) - The nurse applies a course of tranquilizers that behaves like a blessed potion of sleeping, with 15 sanity restored per application.
  3. "Steroids" (1000 zm) - This has a similar effect to a blessed potion of restore ability from vanilla NetHack, restoring all lost attributes to their former maximums.
  4. "Extract morgul shards" (4000 zm) - This removes any and all morgul shards from your person, and generates 1 metal shuriken per shard with the "lesser morgul" object property.
  5. "Antibiotics" (2000 zm) - This cures any sickness you currently have.
  6. "Remove slimy green growths" (2000 zm) - This cures any sliming.
  7. "Fertility treatment" (1000 zm) - This cures any sterility you have, which prevents you laying eggs in oviparous polyforms and will always result in detrimental effects when consorting with foocubi.
  8. "Brain surgery" (6000 zm) - Brain surgery removes one chosen thought granted by an insight: the process will lower your sanity by 10 points, reduce your wisdom, intelligence and constitution by 1, halve your current HP, and creates a glyph on a shard in your inventory. You can read the shard at any time to re-implant the thought in your head.


"Put that weapon away before you hurt somebody!"
You chatted to a non-hostile nurse while wielding a weapon or other item.
"Please undress so I can examine you."
As above while you are wearing armor, possibly hiding a shirt.
"Take off your shirt, please."
As above while you are only wearing a shirt.
"Relax, this won't hurt a bit."
You chatted to a non-hostile nurse while fully disrobed and wielding no weapon.
"I hate this job!"
You chatted to a cancelled nurse.
"Doc, I can't help you unless you cooperate."
You are a Healer and wearing armor or wielding something while chatting to a non-hostile nurse.

Encyclopedia entry

See the encyclopedia entry for Human (monster).