Orcus (EvilHack)
& Orcus ![]() | |
Difficulty | 36 |
Attacks |
Weapon 4d4 physical, Weapon 4d4 physical, Claw 3d4 withering, Spell-casting 6d6 mage, sting 2d4 poison |
Base level | 66 |
Base experience | ? |
Speed | 15 |
Base AC | -6 |
Base MR | 85 |
Alignment | -128 (chaotic) |
Frequency (by normal means) | Unique |
Genocidable | No |
Weight | 1500 |
Nutritional value | 500 |
Size | Huge |
Resistances | fire resistance, poison resistance, drain resistance |
Resistances conveyed | None |
| |
Reference | EvilHack 0.9.0 - src/monst.c, line 3746 |
In EvilHack, Orcus is stronger than his incarnation in NetHack.
Orcus is a strong demon prince that is capable of flight, can see invisible, has infravision, can be seen via infravision, and can follow the hero to other levels if he is adjacent. He is covetous and capable of warping, will pick up weapons, food and other items that he comes across, and desires both the Amulet of Yendor and the Book of the Dead, though he does not have any attacks that can steal them from targets.
Orcus has two weapon attacks, a withering claw attack, the ability to cast one mage monster spell during each of his turns, and a poisonous sting that drains strength. Orcus possesses fire resistance, poison resistance, drain resistance, death resistance, and a weakness to silver like all major demons.
Orcus is poisonous to consume, which primarily comes up if he is somehow digested by another monster.
Orcus is always generated hostile, and is not a valid target for genocide or polymorph.
Orcus is always among the four demon lords and princes whose lairs appear in Gehennom, with the other three chosen from a set pool of lairs for each tier: his lair, Orcus-town, is most likely to be third in order of appearance. He will generate on the down stair of his lair at level creation if he has not yet been generated. Orcus also has a 1⁄50 chance of being gated in by a demon lord once the hero has entered third-tier demon lair, and has a 1⁄20 chance of being gated in by another demon prince, the Wizard of Yendor and Lucifer once the hero has entered third-tier demon lair.
Orcus always generates with the Wand of Orcus, which will always be cursed, identified and given an enchantment ranging from +4 to +7.
Orcus never leaves a corpse upon death.
Orcus is derived from Dungeons & Dragons, which takes the name and general association with undeath from an Etruscan god named Orcus whose domain was the Estrucan and later Roman underworld, and acted as a punisher of broken oaths. As with Hades, Orcus's name was also used for the underworld itself; in later Roman tradition, he was conflated with Dis Pater (who inspired the Dispater of Dungeons & Dragons). Like many other deities associated with death and the underworld, his name was used for demons and other underworld beings such as the Dungeons & Dragons demon prince.
Orcus is among the most well-known and mighty demon princes of the Dungeons & Dragons settings - he physically appears as a fat and immense humanoid demon anywhere between 15-20 ft (4.6-6.1 m) in size, with the horned, tusked and decayed skull of a ram for a head; Orcus also has the legs and hooves of a goat, the wings of a bat, and a long and spiny poison-tipped tail. His most iconic artifact by far is the "Wand of Orcus": a skull-topped wand with the power to slay any living being, represented by the literal wand of death he holds in NetHack.
As Prince of the Undead, Orcus seeks to extinguish life throughout all universes, and is at constant war for the Abyss with rivals such as Demogorgon; among the ranks of his armies and followers are zombies, vampires and shades (referred to as shadows). Orcus is one of the Abyssal powers most often worshipped as a deity, and has attained actual divinity once previously: after doing so, he eventually abandoned the war for the Abyss and became lazy and careless, culminating in his death at the hands of the ambitious drow demi-goddess, Kiaransalee. Despite her efforts, Orcus was eventually resurrected by one of his foremost high priests in a blasphemous ritual and took back his wand and the title of Prince of the Undead, resuming his war for the Abyss.
Encyclopedia entry
Orcus, Prince of the Undead, has a ram's head and a poison
stinger. He is most feared, though, for his powerful magic
abilities. His wand causes death to those he chooses.
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