User:Ion frigate/Musical Instruments Table

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Instrument Type UnID'd appearance Magical Charges Uncharged behavior Codepath
tooled horn Tonal horn No N/A N/A music.c
wooden flute Tonal flute No N/A N/A music.c
wooden harp Tonal harp No N/A N/A music.c
bugle Tonal bugle No N/A N/A music.c
frost horn Tonal horn Yes 4-8 tooled horn music.c
fire horn Tonal horn Yes 4-8 tooled horn music.c
magic flute Tonal flute Yes 4-9 wooden flute music.c
magic harp Tonal harp Yes 1-8 wooden harp music.c
bell Atonal bell No N/A N/A apply.c
leather drum Atonal drum No N/A N/A music.c
tin whistle Atonal whistle No N/A N/A apply.c
Bell of Opening Atonal silver bell Yes 3 bell apply.c
drum of earthquake Atonal drum Yes 4-8 leather drum music.c
magic whistle Atonal whistle Yes N/A N/A apply.c