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This article is about NetHack's deities. For gauntlets of dexterity (aka GoD), see gauntlets of dexterity.

A god is lawful, neutral, chaotic, or unaligned. In every NetHack game, the role of your adventurer determines the set of gods that the game uses. Each set contains one lawful, one neutral, and one chaotic god; you intend to fetch the Amulet of Yendor for the god of your alignment. The unaligned god is always Moloch. Marduk is described in the introductory text as the Creator; from whom Moloch stole the Amulet of Yendor.

Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Archeologist Quetzalcoatl Camaxtli Huhetotl
Barbarian Mitra Crom Set
Caveman Anu Ishtar Anshar
Healer Athena Hermes Poseidon
Knight Lugh Brigit Manannan Mac Lir
Monk Shan Lai Ching Chih Sung-tzu Huan Ti
Priest random random random
Ranger Mercury Venus Mars
Rogue Issek Mog Kos
Samurai Amaterasu Omikami Raijin Susanowo
Tourist Blind Io The Lady Offler
Valkyrie Tyr Odin Loki
Wizard Ptah Thoth Anhur

The pantheon for priest(esse)s is selected from a single role; so if a priest's lawful god is Blind Io, the neutral god is always going to be The Lady.

Outside NetHack, some other games have a concept of a single monotheist God. For example, in Oberin there is one God, sometimes spelled GoD. For some players, the single God of NetHack is the Random Number God.

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