Map inclusion (dNetHack)

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Map inclusions are essentially special rooms that don't fit the template of typical rooms, usually by not occurring in room-and-corridor levels and/or not being bounded by walls. Inclusions may contain one or more of the existing special room types.

Map inclusions typically vary randomly in one or more respects, often size, placement, treasure, and/or types of special room present.

Outlands (Neutral quest first area)

Plumach homesteads

One to seven 3x3 rooms. Each room replaces a 5x5 block of trees.

Each room contains:

  • 1 to 4 Plumach Rilmani
  • 0 to 9 items (average 3: 1/3rd chance per square in the homestead)
    • 50% of items will be a random weapon
    • 25% of items will be a random piece of armor
    • 25% of items will be a random tool

Example map segment, showing 3 homesteads:


Ferrumach tower

A single 4x4 to 6x6 barracks room, surrounded by walkable squares. As is standard, 1/20th of barracks contain a chest with some gold and random items. Otherwise, the only treasure is the equipment generated with the monsters.

Barracks monsters will be:

Example map segment:


Plumach village

  • Two parallel rows of 2x2 rooms (shacks), 1 to 5 rooms long
    • Each shack contains :
      • 0 to 4 Plumach Rilmani (50% chance per square)
      • 0 to 4 items (50% chance per square)
        • 50% of items will be a random weapon
        • 25% of items will be a random piece of armor
        • 25% of items will be a random tool
  • Two 3x2 to 3x5 rooms, one at each end of the village
    • Each is a special room (1/7th chance of each):
      • A random store
      • A neutral temple (with aligned priest)
      • A Ferrumach barracks
      • A Aurumach throne room (the Aurumach Rilmani will not be generated unless the player is very high level)
      • A large Plumach dwelling
        • 0 to 4 Plumach Rilmani (50% chance per square)
        • 0 to 4 items (50% chance per square)
          • 50% of items will be a random weapon
          • 25% of items will be a random piece of armor
          • 25% of items will be a random tool
      • A gold vault
        • Contains one pile of gold per square
        • 50% chance of a gold golem per square
      • A tool shed
        • Contains one random tool per square

Example map segment:


Inverted ziggurat

11x11 nested room

The outer room forms a 2-wide corridor, which is generated empty.

If a Shattered Ziggurat wizard is not more than 5 levels out-of-depth, the center room contains

Otherwise, the center room contains

The center room contains either an unaligned altar or a buried iron chest in the center square. If present, the chest will contain:

If the wizard was placed, then his smoky violet faceless robe is also potentially interesting loot.

Example map segment:


Fishing village

A series of 2x2 rooms along the coast of a deep ocean. Some of the rooms will open onto shallow water.

Each room contains 1 to 3 deep ones

Each square of each room contains:

Example map segment:


Minor spire

A 3x3 solid tower surrounded by a shallow lake.

The center square of the tower contains a robe and one of the following sets of items:

The spire is guarded by 1 to 7 Hudor Kamerel and 1 to 5 Sharab Kamerel. All Kamerel generated on this level will be survivors, not witnesses.

Example map segment:

Kamerel towers

A series of room in a shallow ocean.

The center square of the largest room contains one of:

The 3x3 rooms (of which there will be 1 to 3) contain one of:

The 1x1 rooms (of which there will be 1 to 5) contain one of:

The towers are guarded by 1 to 7 Hudor Kamerel witnesses. All Kamerel generated on this level will be witnesses

Example map segment: