Argentum golem
' argentum golem ![]() | |
Difficulty | 21 |
Attacks |
Weapon 4d8 physical, Arrow 1d3 silver |
Base level | 18 |
Base experience | 581 |
Speed | 9 |
Base AC | 6 |
Base MR | 100 |
Alignment | 0 (neutral) |
Frequency (by normal means) | 0 (Not randomly generated) |
Genocidable | No |
Weight | 4500 |
Nutritional value | 0 |
Size | large |
Resistances | fire, cold, sleep, shock, poison
An argentum golem:
An argentum golem, ', is a type of monster that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. The argentum golem is a type of golem that is made of silver as its name indicates: in addition to the standard golem traits, it is strong, thick-skinned, amphibious, and incapable of regenerating HP.
Aregentum golems have a strong weapon attack and the ability to fire silver arrows at targets, which always destroys any arrows used - the attack fails if an argentum golem runs out of arrows. Aregentum golems possess fire resistance, cold resistance and shock resistance, along with sleep resistance, poison resistance and death resistance like all golems. Similar to the iron golem, fire damage heals argentum golems and shock damage slows them.
Argentum golems are not randomly generated, and normally-created argentum golems are always hostile - only 8 argentum golems can be created in a normal game. Argentum golems always generate with 70 HP.
All eight argentum golems are generated meditating on the Sum of All within the Neutrality Quest at level creation.
Argentum golems are generated with 19-26 uncursed silver arrows and one of the following silver weapons (with an equal probability of each): a saber, a trident, an axe, a stiletto, an athame, a short sword, a scimitar, a rapier, a long sword, a two-handed sword, a mace, or a morning star.
Argentum golems drop up to 3 sets of 10-50 silver slingstones upon death in place of a corpse.
Encyclopedia entry
To paraphrase a particularly wise prime, the rilmani are an
enigma cloaked in a riddle, wrapped in a mystery. Who can
question their motives or their actions? They keep their own
counsel. They're sworn never to come when called, but always
to be there when needed; never to answer questions put to
them, but always to provide what information is necessary; to
aid and abet good, evil, law, and chaos alike in order to maintain
the Balance, regardless of the cost or repercussions.
[ Planescape Monstrous Compendium II, by Rich Baker ]
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