Healer quest/dNetHack

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For more information on the quest branch in general, see Quest.

In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, the Healer quest pits a Healer hero against the Cyclops for the Bell of Opening and The Staff of Aesculapius. Drow Healers are given a separate quest, the Drow Healer quest, to go with the other differentiations made between them and Healers of other starting races.

Home level The Temple of Epidaurus
Locate level The Temple of Coeus
Goal level The Isle of the Cyclops
Leader Hippocrates
Guardians attendants
Nemesis The Cyclops
Quest Artifact The Staff of Aesculapius


Random monsters on this Quest are generated with the following frequencies:

  • 96175 (55%) giant rat
  • 24175 (14%) random r
  • 24175 (14%) snake
  • 6175 (3%) random Y
  • 17 (14%) normal random monster

In addition, the following changes to monsters are applied in comparison to the NetHack quest.

Plague victims

Victims of the plague can be encountered throughout the quest branch, as described in the quest's text: Plague victims are always generated as peaceful, and will be unable to move or attack due to their illness. The hero can cure plague victims either by casting the full healing spell or by applying the Staff of Aesculapius at them. Cured plague victims will become tame—a player should be mindful of the pet limit when healing plague victims in order to avoid un-taming any desired pets.

Several plague victims can be found inside the temple on the home level, as well as on the Isle of the Cyclops, and each level also has a number of plague victims scattered around randomly—hostile hill giants created during level generation carry sacks with plague victims inside, and opening the sack will release them.


Similar to the presence of plague victims, the quest text is also the basis for changes to the quest nemesis: if the Cyclops is killed while carrying The Staff of Aesculapius, he will drain the life of a plague victim on the level, including any trapped in sacks, and kill them in order to save himself. Curing the plague is thus also instrumental in ensuring the Cyclops meets a permanent end without prolonging his life at his victims' expense.


The following level layouts are encountered in the Healer quest.

The Temple of Epidaurus


The two-way magic portal back to the Dungeons of Doom is at the marked point. The entire level is no-teleport, and has undiggable walls and floor. The water in the level is entirely composed of pool squares, and the islands consist of soil squares.

Hippocrates occupies the throne in the center of the "temple" structure, which also has a chest on its square that contains an amulet of life saving and three scrolls of resistance. There are four attendants and a peaceful nurse in each of the larger rooms, with a neutral altar in the center of the left room—both rooms also have bedrolls with a plague victim monster occupying each one. Scattered across the level are ten rabid rats, a giant eel, a shark, five random D, five random S, and a random ;, along with a 12 chance of a hostile hill giant. Six random traps are also placed randomly around the level. Note that as with normal level generation, each snake generated when creating quest levels is given a random object at its location for it to potentially hide under.

Upper filler level

The upper filler level is an island level whose map is created Gnomish Mines-style with pools instead of stone walls. A rabid rat, two giant eels, an electric eel, two random r, four random D, and three random S are scattered at level creation, along with eight other random items, four random traps, a 34 chance of a hostile hill giant, and a separate 14 chance of another hostile hill giant.

The Temple of Coeus


The island mapped above is surrounded by other islands and pools that are empty and generated Mines-style. The entire level has an undiggable floor, and the temple chamber itself has undiggable walls. Teleportation is permitted.

The two-room temple structure has an actual chaotic temple with an aligned priest tending to the altar in the larger room—a magic chest is adjacent to the article at the marked square, and three statues are placed at the marked locations in the southeast corner: a statue of an Iasoian Archon (marked by 7), a statue of a Panakeian Archon (marked by 7), and a statue of a Hygieian Archon that occupies the down stair square (marked by 7). Within the mapped area, eight rabid rats, five giant eels, two electric eels, a kraken, two sharks, a hostile hill giant, a random r, five random D, nine random S, and two random ; are scattered at level creation, along with fifteen other random items, six random traps and a 12 chance of a second hostile hill giant.

Lower filler level(s)

Each lower filler level is an island level whose map is created Mines-style. Two rabid rats, five giant eels, two electric eels, a hostile hill giant, two random r, four random D, and three random S are scattered at level creation, along with eleven other random items, four random traps and a 12 chance each of a second and third hostile hill giant.

The Isle of the Cyclops


The island mapped above is surrounded by other islands and pools that are empty and generated Mines-style. The entire level has an undiggable floor, and teleportation is permitted.

The Cyclops is generated at the marked point, with the Bell of Opening in his inventory and The Staff of Aesculapius and a wand of lightning on his square. Ten plague victims are generated at random locations within the mapped area, and are tethered in place by iron chain. Within the mapped area, three rabid rats, six giant eels, two electric eels, three sharks, three hostile hill giants, two random r, five random D, ten random S, and one random ; are scattered at level creation, along with a trephination kit, fourteen other random items and six random traps.



First time:

What sorcery has brought you back to the Temple of Epidaurus?  The smell
of fresh funeral pyres tells you that something is amiss with the healing
powers that used to practice here.
No rhizotomists are tending the materia medica gardens, and where are the
common folk who used to come for the cures?
You know that you must quickly make your way to the collegium, and
Hippocrates' iatreion, and find out what has happened in your

Next time:

After your last experience you expected to be here, but you certainly
did not expect to see things so much worse.  This time you must

If already rejected twice due to bad alignment:

Again, you <see|sense> the Temple of Epidaurus in the distance.
The smell of death and disease permeates the air.  You do not have
to be a Medicus ossium to know that the Cyclops is on the verge of victory.

Quest guardians

If #chatting before the quest is complete:

"Did you read that new treatise on the therapeutic use of leeches?"
"Paint a red caduceus on your shield and monsters won't hit you."
"I passed handwriting so they are demoting me a rank."
"I've heard that even Hippocrates has not been able to cure Chiron."
"We think the Cyclops has used his alchemists, and the Staff of Aesculapius,
to unleash a new disease we call 'the cold' on Gehennom."

If #chatting after the quest is complete:

"Did you read that new treatise on the therapeutic use of leeches?"
"Paint a red caduceus on your shield and monsters won't hit you."
"How are you feeling?  Perhaps a good bleeding will improve your sprits."
"Have you heard the absurd new theory that diseases are caused by
microscopic organisms, and not ill humors?"
"I see that you bring the Staff of Aesculapius, now you can cure this plague!"

Quest leader

When you first meet your quest leader:

Feebly, Hippocrates raises his head to look at you.
"It is good to see you again, <playername>.  I see the concern in your
eyes, but do not worry for me.  I am not ready for Hades yet.  We have
exhausted much of our healing powers holding off the Cyclops.
I need your fresh strength to carry on our work.
"Come closer and let me lay hands on you, and determine if you have
the skills necessary to accomplish this mission."

When you return, having been rejected due to lack of experience:

"Again you return to me, <playername>.  I sense that each trip back
the pleurisy and maladies of our land begin to infect you.  Let us
hope and pray to Hermes that you become ready for your task before
you fall victim to the bad humors."

This message is not currently used:

"Chiron has fallen, Hermes has fallen, what else must I tell you to
impress upon you the importance of your mission!  I hope that you
have come prepared this time."

When you are expelled from the quest for having failed the alignment test seven times:

"You have failed us, <playername>.  You are a quack!  A charlatan!
"Hades will be happy to hear that you are once again practicing your
arts on the unsuspecting."

When being rejected due to lack of experience:

"Alas, <playername>, you are yet too inexperienced to deal with the rigors
of such a task.  You must be able to draw on the knowledge of botany,
vetenary, and alchemy before I can send you on this quest with good
"Return when you wear a Medicus ossium's caduceus."

When being rejected due to having worse than pious alignment:

"You have learned much of the remedies that benefit, but you must also
know which physic for which ail.  That is why Hermes' teachings are a
part of your training.
"Return to us when you have healed thyself."

When finally assigned the quest:

For the first time, you sense a smile on Hippocrates' face.
    You have indeed learned as much as we can teach you in preparation
    for this task.  Let me tell you what I know of the symptoms and hope
    that you can provide a cure.
    A short while ago, the dreaded Cyclops was fooled by the gods
    into thinking that he could use the Staff of Aesculapius to find a
    cure for old age.  Think of it, eternal youth!  But his good
    health is accomplished by drawing the health from those around him.
    He has exhausted his own supply of healthy people and now he seeks to
    extend his influence into our world.  You must recover from him
    %o and break the spell.
    You must travel into the swamps to the Temple of Coeus, and from there
    follow the trail to the Cyclops' island lair.  Be careful.


If you subsequently chat to your quest leader, you are encouraged:

"Remember, <playername>, to always wash your hands before operating."
"The Cyclops has no real magic of his own.  To this he is vulnerable."
"If you have been true to Hermes, you can draw on the power of
the Staff of Aesculapius."
"Bring with you antidotes for poisons."
"Remember this, the Cyclops can twist the powers of the Staff of Aesculapius
to hurt instead of heal."
"I have sent for Chiron, but I am afraid he will come too late."
"Maybe when you return the snakes will once again begin to shed."
"The plague grows worse as we speak.  Hurry, <playername>!"
"Many times the Cyclops has caused trouble in these lands.  It is
time that he was eradicated like the diseases he has caused."
"With but one eye, the Cyclops should be easy to blind.  Remember this."

Locate and goal levels

When first entering the locate level:

You stand before the entrance to the Temple of Coeus.  Strange
scratching noises come from within the building.
The swampy ground around you seems to stink with disease.

When returning:

Once again you stand at the entrance to the Temple of Coeus.

When first entering the goal level:

You stand within sight of the infamous Isle of the Cyclops.  Even
the words of Hippocrates had not prepared you for this.
Steeling yourself against the wails of the ill that pierce your ears,
you hurry on your task.  Maybe with the Staff of Aesculapius you can
heal them on your return, but not now.

When returning:

Once again, you <see|sense> the Isle of the Cyclops in the distance.

Quest nemesis

When first encountering the quest nemesis:

"They have made a mistake in sending you, <playername>.
"When I add your youth to mine, it will just make it easier for me
to defeat Hippocrates."

Upon further meetings:

"Unlike your patients, you seem to keep coming back, <playername>!"

And on the 4th and subsequent meetings:

"Which would you like, <playername>?  Boils, pleurisy, convulsions?"

When you have the Staff of Aesculapius, but the Cyclops is still alive:

"I'll have the Staff of Aesculapius back from you, <currentrank>.  You are
not going to live to escape this place."


The Cyclops will occasionally utter maledictions:

"They might as well give scalpels to wizards as to let you try to
use the Staff of Aesculapius!"
"If I could strike Hippocrates, surrounded by his attendants, imagine what I
can do to you here by yourself."
"I will put my Medicus ossiums to work making a physic out of your ashes."
"As we speak, Hades gathers your patients to join you."
"After I'm done with you, I'll destroy Hippocrates as well."
"You will have to kill me if you ever hope to leave this place."
"I will impale your head on my caduceus for all to see."
"There is no materia medica in your sack which will cure you of me!"
"Do not fight too hard, I want your soul strong, not weakened!"
"You should have stopped studying at vetenary."


When picking up your quest artifact:

As you pick up the Staff of Aesculapius, you feel its healing begin to
warm your soul.  You curse Zeus for taking it from its rightful owner,
but at least you hope that Hippocrates can put it to good use once

When killing the nemesis:

The battered body of the Cyclops slumps to the ground and gasps
out one last curse:
    You have defeated me, <playername>, but I shall have my revenge.
    How, I shall not say, but this curse shall be like a
    cancer on you.
With that the Cyclops dies.

When returning to your quest leader:

As soon as Hippocrates sees the Staff of Aesculapius he summons his attendants.
Gently, Hippocrates reaches out and touches the Staff of Aesculapius.
He instructs each of the assembled to do the same.  When everyone
has finished he speaks to you.
    Now that we have been replenished we can defeat this plague.  You must
    take the Staff of Aesculapius with you and replenish the worlds you have
    been called upon to travel next.  I wish you could ride Chiron to the
    end of your journey, but I need him to help me spread the cure.  Go
    now and continue your journey.

When subsequently throwing the Staff of Aesculapius to Hippocrates:

Hippocrates cautiously handles the Staff of Aesculapius while watching you.
"You are its keeper now, and the time has come to resume your search
for the Amulet.  The Dungeons of Doom await your return through the
magic portal which brought you here."


When talking to Hippocrates after the quest:

"You have again returned to us, <playername>.  We have done well in your
absence, yes?  How fare you upon your quest for the Amulet?"

When talking to Hippocrates after getting the Amulet:

"Ah, you have recovered the Amulet, <playername>.  Well done!
"Now, you should know that you must travel through the elemental planes
to the astral, and there return the Amulet to Hermes.  Go forth and
may our prayers be as a wind upon your back."