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)   Giantslayer   (No tile)
Base item long sword
Damage vs. small 1d8 x2
Damage vs. large 1d12 x2
To-hit bonus +1d5
Bonus versus giants
Weapon skill long sword
Size one-handed
When carried


When wielded


When invoked


Base price 200 zm
Weight 40
Material iron

Giantslayer is a neutral long sword that does +1d5 to hit and double damage against monsters with the M2_GIANT flag: giants, stone giants, hill giants, fire giants, giant mummies, frost giants, storm giants, giant zombies, Cyclops, and Lord Surtur, but not ettins or titans.


Like most of The Banes, this weapon has too narrow a damage range to be particularly useful. Likely its main use is that it might unrestrict the long swords skill for a neutral character, without requiring them to be crowned; this could be useful for a character who finds Frost Brand on the floor, for example. Also, unlike some other Banes, it is at least derived from a good base item, so is actually useful against giants. However, giants are rarely dangerous enough to need a particularly effective weapon to take them out.


In SLASH'EM, this weapon is removed in favor of Giantkiller, a neutral axe with the same double damage range. As an axe is a far weaker base weapon than a long sword, Giantkiller is even less useful than Giantslayer.