Minion of Huhetotl

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The Minion of Huhetotl, &, is the Archeologist quest nemesis. They are a unique major demon who guards the Bell of Opening and the Archeologist quest artifact, The Orb of Detection. The Minion of Huhetotl is almost identical to Nalzok, the Priest quest nemesis, save for their random gender, far weaker chaotic alignment and slightly lower monster MR: they are strong, capable of flight, have infravision, can see invisible, can be seen via infravision, and can follow the hero to other levels if they are adjacent. The Minion of Huehtol is covetous and capable of warping, will pick up any items he comes across, and desires the Archeologist's quest artifact.

The Minion has two strong weapon attacks, will attempt to cast one mage monster spell per round of combat, and has a claw attack that can steal back the quest artifact if you liberate it from them. The Minion of Huhetotl possesses the usual demon resistances to fire, poison, level draining, and death magic, along with the stoning resistance of all quest nemeses.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Per commit fe34d4e3 the following quest nemeses create stinking clouds upon their death: the Minion of Huhetotl, the Chromatic Dragon and Nalzok. Per commit 8b9a93f7 the player will not be blamed for stinking clouds created by a dying quest nemesis.

The Minion's glyph is changed to &.


The Minion of Huhetotl is always generated within the southeastern room of the crypt on the goal level of the Archeologist quest, standing atop the sole altar to Huhetotl with The Orb of Detection underneath them. They are always generated carrying the Bell of Opening.


The Minion of Huhetotl's temple is filled with various monsters, so be sure to clear out the temple before confronting them. The Minion can inflict very large amounts of damage with their two weapon attacks and spellcasting, which at minimum includes drain strength, summon nasties, curse items, and destroy armor. It is recommended to awaken them remotely while on the upstair, or else teleport to the upstair after doing so, and engage them there with a means of engraving Elbereth or a scroll of scare monster, combined with a source of magic resistance.

The minion's high MR score of 75 lets them easily resist being put to sleep or polymorphed, meaning that other offensive spells, wands and melee attacks are more reliable. A blessed silver saber or dwarvish mattock is effective against the Minion, since they are a large monster and the Archaeologist can achieve Expert in both the pick-axe and saber skills. However, remember that even with magic resistance, the Minion cursing a wielded mattock or other two-handed weapon will leave you without the use of your hands, so prepare a means of emergency curse removal if you employ this strategy, e.g. a bag with scrolls of remove curse or a cache of holy water.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Elbereth and the scroll of scare monster on the ground no longer scare any unique monster.


Nalzok first appears with most other quest nemeses in NetHack 3.1.0.


Some variants replace the Minion of Huhetotl with a different quest nemesis.


In xNetHack, the Minion of Huhetotl is replaced with Schliemann as the quest nemesis.

Encyclopedia entry

Huehueteotl, or Huhetotl, which means Old God, was the Aztec
(classical Mesoamerican) god of fire. He is generally
associated with paternalism and one of the group classed
as the Xiuhtecuhtli complex. He is known to send his
minions to wreak havoc upon ordinary humans.

[ after the Encyclopedia of Gods, by Michael Jordan ]