Aligned priest
@ aligned priest ![]() | |
Difficulty | 15 |
Attacks |
Weapon 4d10 physical, kick 1d4 physical, spell-casting 0d0 (clerical |
Base level | 12 |
Base experience | 294 |
Speed | 12 |
Base AC | 10 |
Base MR | 50 |
Alignment | 0 (neutral) |
Frequency (by normal means) | 0 (Not randomly generated) |
Genocidable | No |
Weight | 1450 |
Nutritional value | 400 |
Size | Human |
Resistances | Shock |
Resistances conveyed | None |
An aligned priest:
| |
Reference | monst.c#line2213 |
- This article is about the monster. For the role, see Priest.
Religion in NetHack |
An aligned priest or aligned priestess, @, is a type of monster that appears in NetHack. They are humans that serve the gods and tend to their temples within the dungeon, and are always referred to as "priest[ess] of <deity>". Aligned priests can be seen via infravision, will pick up weapon and other items, and are considered lords—they cannot be made tame, with taming magic rendering hostile priests peaceful if used successfully. An aligned priest tending to a temple altar will remain within one square of it as much as possible.
An aligned priest has a strong weapon attack, a kick attack and will attempt to cast clerical monster spells once per round of combat. Aligned priests possess shock resistance.
The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.
Aligned priests are referred to as aligned clerics.Generation
Aligned priests are not randomly generated, and are not a valid form for polymorph or genocide.
Aligned priests tending to temples are always generated peaceful, while co-aligned priests and "renegade" cross-aligned priests encountered elsewhere are generated peaceful. Aligned priests can grow up into high priests.[1]
With the exception of bones files, a temple generated with a priest will always place them near the altar.
A hostile priest of Moloch is generated on the locate level of the Priest quest at level creation.
Nine hostile priests of Moloch are generated around the inner temple of Moloch's Sanctum at level creation.[2] Several assorted aligned priests are generated on the Astral Plane at level creation: four hostile priests of Moloch are generated in each of the round rooms, and two priests of each alignment are generated in each of the three courts—for the latter group, one priest of each alignment is set to peaceful and one is set to hostile, serving as a placeholder to be changed when the hero arrives on the level.
Aligned priests cannot be fully revived in any way, and using any revival method on an aligned priest's corpse or casting stone to flesh on their statue produces a human zombie.[3]
Occurrence of temples with priests
Every Minetown variant (with the exception of Orc Town) has a temple of a random alignment, and the Valley of the Dead has a temple of Moloch. There are also guaranteed temple areas with accompanying priests on the locate level of the Knight quest (neutral), the locate level of the Priest quest (unaligned), and the home level of the Caveman quest (co-aligned).
Starting inventory
Aligned priests are always generated with a small shield, 20-29 zorkmids, a mace of an enchantment from +1 to +3 that has a 1⁄2 chance to be made cursed, and one of the following cloaks:[4] a 6⁄7 chance of a robe, a 2⁄21 chance of a cloak of protection, and a 1⁄21 chance of a cloak of magic resistance.[5] Aligned priests generated within a temple additionally receive 2–4 spellbooks, and their cloaks are non-cursed if the temple is co-aligned with the hero and made cursed otherwise.[6]
By chatting to a temple's priest, the hero can donate gold for a variety of effects. If they have no gold in open inventory and are co-aligned, the priest will "give you two bits for an ale" (two zorkmids) if they have any gold, or one bit if they only have that—they will "preach the virtues of poverty" if they have no gold. Doing so with a cross-aligned priest, will cause them to ignore you.
If the hero is carrying gold in open inventory, the priest will prompt the player for a contribution to the temple, with the accompanying effect depending on the amount of gold offered:[7]
Offer | Effect |
0 or less | If the priest is co-aligned, lose one alignment point.
"Thou shalt regret thine action!" |
Positive but less than 200 times current experience level | If this is less than one third of the hero's visible gold (before donation), nothing happens.
"Cheapskate." "I thank thee for thy contribution." |
At least 200 but less than 400 times current experience level | "Thou art indeed a pious individual."
If this is more than one third of the hero's visible gold, they are granted 500–999 (more) turns of clairvoyance. If the priest is also co-aligned and the hero's alignment record is -4 or less, they gain one point of alignment. "I bestow upon thee a blessing." |
At least 400 but less than 600 times current experience level |
If the hero has never bought intrinsic protection, earn 2–4 points of protection. Otherwise, if they have less than 9 protection, or less than 20 with a 1-in-current-protection chance, earn an additional point of protection; if not, fall through to next case. Note that these limits make no distinction between protection bought and protection granted as a favor. This can be done with a peaceful priest at a temple to any god, so long as it is not desecrated, and is the preferred way to obtain protection. (See also the article on protection rackets.) "Thy devotion has been rewarded." |
At least 600 times current experience level | "Thy selfless generosity is deeply appreciated."
If this is more than one third of the hero's visible gold and the temple is co-aligned:
Hostile priests
A hostile priest cannot be used for services, and there are several circumstances under which an otherwise peaceful priest will become hostile:
- If a priest is not in their temple or the temple has been desecrated, chatting to the priest will make them hostile. This primarily occurs with temple priests in bones files and peaceful co-aligned priests on the Astral Plane; a temple's priest will become hostile if the hero desecrates the temple themselves, even if they later reconvert the temple's altar to the priest's religion and pacify them.
- If the priest is sleeping or cannot move, chatting to the priest wakes them up from sleep or paralysis and makes them hostile.
- Chatting to a scared priest (e.g. while standing on a scroll of scare monster) will also make them hostile.
Despite lacking in armor, aligned priests are deceptively strong with their weapon attack and an arsenal of highly dangerous clerical spells - this includes the ability to confuse, blind or even paralyze an unfortunate player, as well as swarming them with insects. Accidentally angering a peaceful priest may be a game-ending mistake, especially since a scroll of scare monster cannot save you from their attack. Furthermore, since aligned priests cannot be "properly" revived, be sure to keep any strong pets away and not activate conflict anywhere near the priest if you want to obtain their services.
As the earliest a hostile priest can possibly generate is the locate level of the Priest quest, the player should ideally have at least one means to address some of the status spells (e.g. a unicorn horn) by then, as well as poison resistance to avoid dying at the hands of Team Ant and the other a they create. A source of magic resistance or a ring of free action is one of the better options to have, as even an otherwise-capable player character can be decimated if the priest paralyzes them at a bad time.
One of the quickest ways to deal with a hostile priest is to petrify them with a wielded cockatrice corpse. A strong pet can also aid in killing the priest, but can just as easily be killed by a powerful swing from their mace unless the pet has good AC and/or HP.
Killing a temple priest safely
For those looking to convert a temple's altar, in addition to the above information, there are a few major obstacles:
- Directly attacking a priest is a Bad Idea, as their god will strike you with lightning (which can be deflected if you have reflection).
- Attempting to convert the temple's altar will anger the priest.
- Killing a priest that was initially peaceful carries the standard Luck and alignment penalty for murder.
A good way to convert a temple is to use a scroll of earth (which can be obtained from Sokoban); you will also need a form of reflection (which can also be found in Sokoban). Stand in the temple so that the priest is not adjacent to you, then read the scroll; optionally, push the boulders to confine the priest to one particular square. Then, drop a scroll of scare monster on your fighting spot to protect you from any summoned ants.
Now you can blind yourself and zap or fire things at the priest without the risk of being paralyzed or getting hit with the mace; be sure to have telepathy so you can aim properly, and remember to have reflection for the god's lightning strikes! If you lack reflection and/or shock resistance, but have a ray attack, you might want to bounce them off the temple's walls towards the priest from outside instead - keeping the walls between you and the altar will help avoid the lightning.[8] Once the priest is killed, you can start sacrificing. If you are playing a chaotic human, you should try to #offer the priest's corpse, since it will have a 100% chance of converting the altar.
If you wish to kill a temple's priest yourself and avoid the penalty for murder, polymorphing the priest into a non-human is an option, although it is quite risky - their god will still strike you with lightning, and their decent monster magic resistance may foul the attempt and simply leave you with an angry priest. Also note that you will lose any protection obtained from donations if you directly murder a co-aligned priest.
Still another way is to poison the priest with a scroll of stinking cloud - the rub is that you need to be able to see the center spot you are targeting the cloud on, but you will also want shelter from the god's lightning, which may originate from positions other than the altar.[9]
Trapping an aligned priest with boulders
The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.
As of commit 200cc21, priests gain the ability to break boulders that block their path, and can no longer be trapped.In some temples, depending on the temple size and the location of the altar, you can trap a temple priest using a scroll of earth, so you can convert the altar safely without committing murder or dealing with lightning strikes[10]. The priest needs to see you, so wear a mummy wrapping if you are invisible. Beware that a dwarf or other digging monster may free the priest, though the priest will usually stay inside the temple area including the diggable walls.
Once you have converted the altar, you can read a confused scroll of taming for a chance of pacifying the priest (still behind the boulders) after converting the altar, or you can cast sleep at them to make it safe to approach and charm them. Remember that you cannot buy protection from that priest afterward, as chatting with them will merely anger them.
To understand why these step-by-step instructions work, keep in mind that a priest tending to an altar moves according to two rules:
- When the priest wants to move, they will pick a random adjacent spot on a 3×3 grid centered on the altar.
- A priest will not move into your line of fire unless they are already in it.
By taking advantage of the second rule, you can try to steer the priest around.
Step 1
To trap the priest, first step onto the altar. (In the images below, you are green and the priest is white.)
Step 2
Pick a spot where you want to priest to go two spaces from the altar, marked with an x below. Wait on the altar by pressing '.' until the priest moves to a spot one diagonal step from the x. Then step off the altar onto a spot a knight's move away from both the x and from the priest.
Step 3
Wait until the priest moves to the x. If they move somewhere else, start over with step 1. With the priest on the x, move back onto the altar. If the priest doesn't move, then read an uncursed (or preferably blessed) scroll of earth. Otherwise, start over with step 1.
Step 4
Now you probably want to trap the priest in a corner. Move the boulder as shown in the left image, and then as shown in the right image.
Step 5
Then, wait until the priest moves away from you. Then move as shown in the left image, and then push the boulder as shown in the right image. The priest is now trapped.
You may be able to use this method in larger temples if you first place walls of boulders two or three steps from the altar, with additional scrolls of earth.
In SLASH'EM, a priest of Moloch will always be generated as hostile, so they cannot be used for services.
The Lawful Quest contains a coaligned priest in a room with a coaligned altar, but it is not a temple: this is a trap designed to trick a hero into chatting with the priest, which will make them hostile.
All of the above information applies to SlashTHEM and Hack'EM.
In SpliceHack, donating an amount greater than (but not equal to) 900 times your experience level will teach you the blessing technique if you do not already know it.
Encyclopaedia entry
[...] For the two priests were talking exactly like priests, piously, with learning and leisure, about the most aerial enigmas of theology. The little Essex priest spoke the more simply, with his round face turned to the strengthening stars; the other talked with his head bowed, as if he were not even worthy to look at them. But no more innocently clerical conversation could have been heard in any white Italian cloister or black Spanish cathedral. The first he heard was the tail of one of Father Brown's sentences, which ended: "... what they really meant in the Middle Ages by the heavens being incorruptible." The taller priest nodded his bowed head and said: "Ah, yes, these modern infidels appeal to their reason; but who can look at those millions of worlds and not feel that there may well be wonderful universes above us where reason is utterly unreasonable?"
- Jump up ↑ src/mondata.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1008
- Jump up ↑ dat/gehennom.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 694
- Jump up ↑ src/read.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 2418
- Jump up ↑ src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 261
- Jump up ↑ src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 689
- Jump up ↑ src/priest.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 259
- Jump up ↑ priest_talk in priest.c
- Jump up ↑ ghod_hitsu in priest.c
- Jump up ↑ ghod_hitsu in priest.c
- Jump up ↑ RGRN Priest trapping thread