Mines' End

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Mines' End lies at the bottom of the Gnomish Mines. It will be either the 8th or 9th level of that branch and will therefore occur somewhere between Dlvl10 and Dlvl13. There are three versions of Mines' End; each of which is guaranteed to contain a luckstone.

Mines' End, being the lowest level of the Gnomish Mines, has an undiggable floor. Therefore, zapping a wand of digging downwards will produce a pit instead of a hole.

Credit for all maps in this article goes to the NetHack Gazetteer's Mines' End page.

The Mimic of the Mines

The Mimic of the Mines
Location Level 8–9 of the
Gnomish Mines
Bones No
Mappable Yes
Teleportable Yes
Diggable floor No
Diggable walls No

This level contains seven hidden places, marked on the map below. Six of them are behind secret doors, and the seventh is behind a narrow choke point.

Each of these hidden places can contain (items in each location are listed in order from bottom to top of pile):[1]

In addition, there are two random tools, seven random gems, three other random objects, and six random traps placed throughout the level. The rubies, emeralds, and diamonds can be identified because they are hard gems, while the amethysts can be identified because they are always grouped with the diamond and green glass.

All walls are undiggable.

                         ---------     -------------       -------
                         |.......|     |.......|...|       |.....|*
     ---------        ----.......-------...........|       |--...-S-
     |.......|        |..........................-S-      --.......|
     |......-------   |--...........<............|*       |.......--
     |..--........-----..........................|.       |.-..----
     --..--.-----........|.....................--|        |-..--
      --..--.*| -----------..................---.----------..--
       |...--.|    |.*S...S..............---................--
      ----..-----  ------------........--- ------------...--|
      |.........--            ----------              ---...-- -----
     --.....---..--                           --------  --...---...--
  ----..|..-- --..---------------------      --......--  ---........|
---....-----   --..|..................---    |........|    |.......--
|.......|       --......................S*.  --......-|    |--..---- 
---.--.--        ----.................---     ------..------...--    
  |....S*.          |...............|..|         .*S...........|     
  ------            --------------------           -------------     

The Gnome King's Wine Cellar

The Gnome King's Wine Cellar
Location Level 8–9 of the
Gnomish Mines
Bones No
Mappable Yes
Teleportable Yes
Diggable floor No
Diggable walls rock around gem chamber only

This version contains a room behind two secret doors (here, marked S) in the northwest, containing three piles of potions, each pile containing two guaranteed potions of booze (as the name would suggest), and one other kind of potion. For the southernmost pile, the other potion is guaranteed to be a potion of object detection; the other potions in the two northern piles are random.

Scattered throughout the level, there are two random tools, seven random gems, three other random objects, and six random traps. The luckstone is at the chamber in the northeast; the blank tiles are rock that needs to be dug out to reach this chamber. The chamber also contains one ruby and one emerald (SW), two diamonds (NW), two emeralds (NE), two amethysts, one ruby and one luckstone (SE), as well as a few random gems. To get to the hidden gem cache, you can teleport in or dig with a pickaxe. As the spell/wand of digging only digs one tile here, you'll need more charges than one wand can hold, so they make a poor choice.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

As of commit c4c31ae6, it is no longer possible to arrive on the level in the gem cache area. Previously, it was possible for an unfortunate character to get stuck in the treasure chamber by falling or levelporting there without a way to escape.

Tiles with a H might be walls or floor. The square marked D will contain a locked secret door in case the entrance at the lower right is walled off. Some of these walls are mutually exclusive so that there will always be a way to reach every part of the level without digging. For details check Source:NetHack 3.6.0/dat/mines.des#line983.

|.||----   |.|--- |...|..........................|..|                        
|.||...| ---.-.|---...|.............<............H..|                **      
|.||...--|.....|....-H-..........................|..D.               **      
|.|   |..|!.|....|..................................|...                     
|.|   |..|!.|-----..------------------------------..|....                    
|.-----..---|.......|-----------------------     |..|.....                   
|...........|----.--|......................|     |..|.......                 
-------HH---|...|.| --------------------.|.-------..|.....|..                
|.................|                    |.....................|........       
-------------------                    --------------------------------      


Nethack 3.4.3 and earlier versions had a fixed layout for the level.

|.||----   |.|--- |...|..........................|..|                        
|.||...| ---.-.|---...|.............<...............|                **      
|.||...--|.....|....---..........................|..|.               **      
|.|   |..|!.|....|..................................|...                     
|.|   |..|!.|-----..------------------------------..|....                    
|.-----..---|.......|-----------------------     |..|.....                   
|...........|----.--|......................|     |..|.......                 
------------|...|.| --------------------.|.-------..|.....|..                
|.................|                    |.....................|........       
-------------------                    --------------------------------      

The Catacombs

The Catacombs
Location Level 8–9 of the
Gnomish Mines
Bones No
Mappable No
Teleportable Yes
Diggable floor No
Diggable walls not around luckstone locations

This level is unmappable and contains a randomly-generated maze. The level walls, the large chambers, and the possible locations of the luckstone are fixed. There are three possible locations for the luckstone. Of the two locations that do not contain the luckstone, one will have nothing and the other a flint stone. The luckstone and the flint stone lie on level teleporters. The rest of the level contains two diamonds, three emeralds, two rubies, two amethysts, seven other random gems, five random scrolls, four random spellbooks, three other random objects, and seven more random traps (so that the chance of at least one polytrap is 55.6%).[2]

There are two random V in the level but they will appear in their shape-changed d and B forms unless you defeat them in battle. Stay on the up stairs, and don't forget Elbereth.

-----------------------   ---------------------------       -----------------
|      ...            |   |    ...                  |       |               |
|      ...            -----    ...                  ---     |               |
|      ...             ...     ...                    |     |               |
|                      ...    ---                     |   ---       ------- |
|                  .......    | |                     |   |         |.....| |
|         --- ---  .......    ---     -----------     --- |         |.....S |
|         |.....|  ...........        |.........|       | |         |*....| |
|         |.....|      .......---     |.........|       ---         ------- |
|         |..{..|      .......| |     S....<....S                           |
|         |.....|      ...    ---     |.........|   ---                     |
|         |.....|      ...            |.........|   | |...                  |
----      --- ---      ...---         -----------   ---...    ---     ---   |
 --|..                 ...| |                          ...    | |     | |   |
 |*S..                ----- ---                        ...    | ---   --- ---
 |-|..                |       |...                 ... ...    |   |       |  
 |*S..              ---       |...      ---        .{.        |   ---------  
 --|..              |         |...      | |        ...        |              
   ------------------         ----------- ---------------------              

The dotted areas are always open floor; the < is the upstairs; the * mark the locations of the luck and flint stones; and the { are fountains. The rest of the level is filled with random maze.


The spellbooks and scrolls make this the most desirable level for spellcasters, but it is also the most difficult, because the starting room often contains several powerful monsters in a small space.

There are a couple of different ways that you can get the luckstone off the level teleporter traps:

  • Step onto the trap directly.
    • If you have magic resistance, nothing will happen and you can pick up the stone.
    • If you have teleport control, you can choose to teleport to the current level and the trap will be removed.
    • Otherwise, you are teleported to a random level above and will have to make your way back - the trap will be removed after this happens.
  • Zap the stone with a wand of teleportation, which will teleport it to a random location on the level.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Per commit c7229627, level teleporter traps can be destroyed by zapping them with a wand of cancellation or the spell of cancellation.


Earlier versions sometimes generated a minotaur hiding out in the maze, but this no longer happens as of V3.6.1.


dNetHack, EvilHack, NetHack Fourk, and FIQHack all provide an additional Mines' End variant, the Orc Temple, based on a patch by Khor. In all of these variants, it has the following basic layout (some variants make minor adjustments):

                                             -------              --}}}}}--
                         ---------------     |.....|             --}}...}}--
                        --..|..........|     |.._..|        -----|}}.....}}|
                       --...#..........|     |.....|        |(((||}.......}|
         ---------    --....|-+------+-|    ----+----       |...||}..._...}|
        --.......--  --.....#..........-----|.......|---------+---}.......}|
--..........}}}...........--..............................--.....| ---S---
 --------.........----.....--...............#.......#.....||.....|    .     
        --.......--  --.....#..........-----|.......|---------S---          
         ---------    --....|-+------+-|    ----+----         .             
                       --...#..........|     |.....|                        
                        --..|..........|     |.._..|                        
                         ---------------     |.....|                        

The space around the temple will be a random maze. A path in the bottom area leads to the secret cave in the upper right, which contains six orc shamans worshiping a figurine of a balrog, placed on the altar in that chamber. Most of the rest of the level is filled with various types of orcs. All the altars are unaligned altars of Moloch. The luckstone is placed randomly on this level, along with a flint stone and eight random gems.


SLASH'EM contains an additional level to the Gnomish Mines which is reached by a down staircase in the now misnamed Mines' End. The Mine King level can also be dug to through the floor of Mines' End. This is important mainly not as an escape, but as a warning to be alert for trapdoors which can drop you into a situation you are not prepared for (the new final level of the mines can be difficult for the unprepared). The down staircase will be located on one of the possible luckstone locations for the "Mimic of the Mines" and the "Catacombs" variants and immediately next to the gem cache in the "Gnome King's Wine Cellar" variant.

TNNT (the game)

In TNNT (the game), Mines' End contains a swap chest.


External links

This page may need to be updated for the current version of NetHack.

It may contain text specific to NetHack 3.4.3. Information on this page may be out of date.

Editors: After reviewing this page and making necessary edits, please change the {{nethack-343}} tag to the current version's tag or {{noversion}} as appropriate.