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) Tsurugi.png
Name tsurugi
Appearance long samurai sword
Damage vs. small 1d16
Damage vs. large 1d8+2d6 (3-20)
To-hit bonus +2
Weapon skill two-handed sword
Size two-handed
Base price 500 zm
Weight 60
Material metal

A tsurugi is a type of weapon that appears in NetHack. The tsurugi is a two-handed weapon that is made of metal and uses the two-handed sword skill. It appears as a long samurai sword when unidentified.

The tsurugi is the base item for the Tsurugi of Muramasa, which the tsurugi's encyclopedia entry alludes to.


Tsurugi are not randomly generated, though they can be wished for and appear in bones.

The Tsurugi of Muramasa will revert to a plain tsurugi of the same enchantment if found in a bones file by a Samurai hero.


The tsurugi has a +2 to-hit bonus, and deals 1d16 damage against small monsters and 1d8+2d6 against large monsters—it has the highest base damage against monsters of all weapons, and is tied for the highest damage against large monsters with the dwarvish mattock.


The tsurugi's much higher damage, lighter weight of 60 aum and inherently erosion-proof metal material make it superior to ordinary two-handed swords—in theory, the tsurugi's combination of high base damage and inherent accuracy bonus would make it a powerful early-game weapon, but outside of an early wish there is no way to obtain one (and there are far better options for early wishes). Furthermore, they are subject to the same disadvantages as other two-handed weapons, and any role that is unrestricted in two-handed swords can also twoweapon, which allows for weapon combinations that can do more damage than an ordinary tsurugi.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Per commit 60c19568, two-handed weapons gain a 12 strength bonus when used in melee.


The tsurugi first appears in NetHack 3.1.0.


A tsurugi is a Japanese straight-bladed, double-edged sword, making it easy to distinguish from the curved katana.

Kusanagi, one of the three Imperial Regalia of Japan, is said to be a tsurugi.



In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, monsters that are huge or bigger in size can wield a tsurugi in one hand.

The ogre emperor always generates with a tsurugi that will be at least +1.


In SpliceHack, a tsurugi can be created by combining a katana and a two-handed sword at a furnace.


In EvilHack, tsurugi are popular two-weapon candidates for giant heroes, who can wield two-handed weapons in one hand and even twoweapon with them.

A tsurugi can be created at a forge by combining a katana and a two-handed sword.

Encyclopedia entry

The tsurugi, also known as the long samurai sword, is an
 extremely sharp, two-handed blade favored by the samurai.
 It is made of hardened steel, and is manufactured using a
 special process, causing it to never rust. The tsurugi is
 rumored to be so sharp that it can occasionally cut
 opponents in half!