NetHack Fourk

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Revision as of 17:36, 12 August 2015 by (talk) (Differentiation / Variety)
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NetHack Fourk is a NetHack variant based on the NetHack 4 codebase but with a more experimental approach to game-play changes (but still conservative compared to heavily modified variants like Slash'em and dnethack).

Public Server

A public server is available on


In addition to the NetHack 4 interface and AI enhancements, Fourk has made a number of gameplay changes. These fall into two major categories:

Balance Adjustments

Differentiation / Variety

  • The floating eyes' passive attack does damage directly, rather than paralyzing.
  • More monsters have unique attacks (e.g., pit fiends, ice devils, hezrou).
  • Some monsters have been moved to different letter classes (e.g., leprechauns are lowercase i) or have changed colors (e.g., acid blobs are yellow).
  • Valkyries fly and get better starting armor but start with a spear or war hammer instead of the long sword; and some of their weapon skill caps are reduced.
  • Barbarians have improved melee weapon skill caps (including the ability to reach Master level in the axe skill, which allows them to hit up to five adjacent enemies per attack), and the Heart of Ahriman has a remove curse effect when invoked.
  • Several roles get thematic or strategically important items from their quests (lances, ya, shuriken, important spellbooks, etc.)
  • The Caveman quest text is rewritten in, and the Ranger quest has Khor's redesigned version of the home level.
  • Monkeys are better at stealing something and getting away.
  • The Oracle can sell you enlightenment, and Oracle prices are reduced.
  • Sokoban has more variety of levels.
  • Mazes can have wider corridors and/or wider walls.
  • Gehennom is no longer made almost entirely of mazes.
  • You no longer get exactly the same special levels in Gehennom every game.
  • The Wizard of Yendor can get interesting items in his inventory.
  • Starting in, role has an impact on where your attributes max out (but race is also still relevant).
  • Your race is now taken into account when determining skill caps for certain race-associated items (e.g., pick-axe for dwarves).
  • adds a new playable race, Sylph, a race of fairy creatures who can be Rangers, Priests, or Healers. Sylphs regenerate hitpoints and power faster than other races when they can draw energy from their environment, otherwise slower or not at all.
  • The sling has been buffed, especially for Cavemen.
  • Rogues can now get the backstab bonus if the enemy is impaired in various ways (not only for fleeing).

External Links