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% Orange.png
Name orange
Base price 9 zm
Nutrition 80
Turns to eat 1
Weight 2
Conduct vegan

An orange is a type of veggy comestible that appears in NetHack.


Monks start each game with 5-10 oranges.[1] Tourists may start with oranges among their random food items.[2]

General stores, delicatessens and health food stores can sell oranges.

Kicking a tree has a one-time 1415 chance of dropping (8−rnl(7)) fruits, which may be oranges.[3] Cutting down a tree has a 15 chance of producing a piece of fruit that can be an orange.[4] If a tree is tunneled through, there is a 13 chance of fruit being left behind, which can be an orange.[5]

Applying a charged horn of plenty has a 0.9% chance of generating an orange or two.[6]


Eating an orange confers 80 nutrition. Oranges are vegan, and can be used to tame domestic herbivorous monsters.

If the hero eats a mimic corpse of any type while hallucinating, they will turn into an orange instead of a pile of gold. If the player is polymorphed into an orange in a vault, guards will question who left the orange in the vault.


The orange first appears in Hack 1.21 and Hack for PDP-11, which is based on Jay Fenlason's Hack, and is included in the initial item list for Hack 1.0.



In UnNetHack, the Pacman random vault has a guaranteed orange at a random position.


In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, Bards start each game with 3-6 oranges; incantifier Bards and Monks have their oranges replaced with scrolls of food detection. Clockwork automaton characters in roles that would start with oranges instead receive potions of oil.


In EvilHack, the last floor of the Ice Queen's Realm has 3 oranges in the lower-right crystal chest within the central room of the castle.


In SlashTHEM, Bards start each game with 3-6 oranges as in dNetHack, and incantifier Bards and Monks receive scrolls of food detection instead.

Encyclopedia entry

The pear and orange share an encyclopedia entry:

What was the fruit like? Unfortunately, no one can describe a taste. All I can say is that, compared with those fruits, the freshest grapefruit you've ever eaten was dull, and the juiciest orange was dry, and the most melting pear was hard and woody, and the sweetest wild strawberry was sour. And there were no seeds or stones, and no wasps. If you had once eaten that fruit, all the nicest things in this world would taste like medicines after it. But I can't describe it. You can't find out what it is like unless you can get to that country and taste it for yourself.

[ The Last Battle, by C.S. Lewis ]
