Ring of fire resistance

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Name fire resistance
Appearance random
Base price 200 zm
Weight 3

A ring of fire resistance is a type of ring that appears in NetHack.


In addition to random generation, the ring of fire resistance can be sold in general shops and jewelers' shops.


While worn, the ring confers fire resistance - this prevents you from taking any fire damage, though it can still affect your open inventory: armor can still be burnt, scrolls and spellbooks can still burn up, and potions can boil and explode.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Per commit 9942b65d, extrinsic sources of an elemental resistance now has a 99100 chance of protecting your inventory from that type of damage, making the ring much more useful in the long term.


Like other resistance rings, the ring of fire resistance may be worth wearing early on to deal with obstacles such as fire ants or monsters with an early wand of fire, or else to guard against certain traps such as the magic trap and one of the effects of a trapped lockable container. Once you have reflection, most sources of fire damage are unlikely to be a concern - proofing your worn armor is still quite worthwhile for the fire traps in Gehennom, and you will likely have the property as an intrinsic by this point.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

The ring protecting inventory from fire damage 99% of the time makes it much more useful in areas such as Gehennom; flaming spheres also explode in a 3x3 range rather than directly at their target as of commit 6b60618e, making the ring and other extrinsic sources of fire resistance an ideal defense.


Main article: Price identification

At 200zm, the ring of fire resistance is more expensive than other resistance rings.


In Hack 1.21, which is based on Jay Fenlason's Hack, a ring of fire and cold resistance exists that confers both properties. The ring of fire resistance appears as its own item in Hack for PDP-11, and is also included in the initial item list for Hack 1.0.


The hot water faucet flashes brightly for a moment.
You dropped a ring of fire resistance into a sink - this will prompt you to type-name the ring.



In SLASH'EM, the Lawful Quest has a 45 chance of generating a ring of fire resistance at the end of one of the lava river branches at level creation - only two of the three possible squares are outside lava themselves. This also applies to Hack'EM.



In SporkHack, many intrinsics are gradual rather than binary, allowing the ring of fire resistance and similar items to remain useful for much longer.


In dNetHack, the ring of fire resistance gives a message when worn, and like all extrinsic sources of fire resistance it also protects your inventory from fire damage. In addition, extrinsic sources of resistance properties are much more desirable, since many intrinsics in dNetHack time out depending on their source.


Your finger feels cool!
You put on a ring of fire resistance.


In xNetHack, extrinsic sources of fire resistance and other elemental properties completely protect inventory from that element of damage for both the player and monsters.


In EvilHack, some intrinsics are gradual as in SporkHack rather than binary, including fire resistance, and reflection no longer completely protects you from the effects of elemental rays - this makes the ring more useful in the short and long term. The ring of fire resistance is particularly desirable once you start encountering casters that use the fire bolt monster spell.

The ring can be worthwhile to safely traverse Gehennom with, since it blocks fire damage from the level itself and the attacks of several monsters within - beware of the ring being stolen if you do not have full intrinsic resistance or a backup extrinsic source!


In addition to SLASH'EM details, the Undertaker quest in SlashTHEM is a copy of the Lawful Quest, and has the same 45 chance of generating a ring of fire resistance at the end of a lava river branch upon level creation.