The Mitre of Holiness

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[   The Mitre of Holiness   Etched helmet.png
Base item helm of brilliance
When carried
When worn
  • half physical damage from
    undead and demons (Priests only)
  • protection (+1 to MC up to MC3)
When invoked
Base price 2000 zm
Weight 40

The Mitre of Holiness is the Priest quest artifact. It is the prize for completing the Priest quest, and its default alignment is lawful. Its base item type is a helm of brilliance.


For Priests, The Mitre of Holiness always generates blessed on the Priest quest goal level, where it is placed on the square of Nalzok at level creation.


The Mitre of Holiness grants fire resistance while carried. While worn, it also grants extrinsic protection in addition to the normal effects of a helm of brilliance, augmenting the hero's magic cancellation as with a ring of protection (i.e. non-cumulative). Priests wearing The Mitre of Holiness take half physical damage from undead monsters and demons, which does not stack with other sources of the property.[1] The Mitre of Holiness is defined by the game as dealing double damage to undead, though this is not checked when attacking with non-wepaon artifacts: in practice, this means The Mitre cannot be used by a hero polymorphed into an undead monster.

Invoking The Mitre of Holiness restores the hero's energy by an amount equal to half of the difference between their maximum power and current power, with a minimum of 12 energy and a cap of 120.[2]


For optimized invocation, see Invoke#Optimum invocation schedule.

The Mitre of Holiness is not especially impressive by the standards of most quest artifacts and will usually not warrant a wish, though it is a nice supplement to have for any lawful hero focused on spellcasting. Priests of any alignment can use The Mitre of Holiness to maintain a constant supply of power, since their spellcasting skillset is primarily designed for defensive and utility purposes, and they will typically not need to cast repeatedly in a hurry unless firing attack spells such as magic missile and other spells in combat. Halving physical damage from undead and demons is also quite useful for Priests in Gehennom.

The Mitre of Holiness can be used to identify a helm of brilliance with the naming artifacts trick.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

The artifact-naming trick is fully patched per commit d886b431.


The Mitre of Holiness is introduced along with most other quest artifacts in NetHack 3.1.0. From this version to NetHack 3.4.3, including variants based on those versions, The Mitre of Holiness does not grant protection.



In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, The Mitre of Holiness can be enchanted to +7. Wearing the artifact grants drain resistance and warning of undead rather than any form of half physical damage, allows prayer in Gehennom (including the ability to turn undead), and grants +1d5 to-hit and double damage against holy-hating monsters if worn while performing a headbutt attack. For Priests, wearing The Mitre of Holiness also grants an additional reduction of spellcasting failure rates, the same as a robe. Invoking The Mitre of Holiness restores the hero's energy by an amount equal to half of the difference between their maximum power and current power: if this amount is less than 110 of their maximum, then it will restore up to 400 energy.


In FIQHack, The Mitre of Holiness is buffed to grant magic resistance while worn and warn of undead, and invoking the Mitre restores the hero's energy by up to 400 rather than halfway towards their maximum. In addition, wearing the artifact allows prayer in Gehennom, including the ability to turn undead.


In xNetHack, The Mitre of Holiness is removed, and the Priest quest artifact is changed to a modified version of The Sceptre of Might.


In EvilHack, wearing The Mitre of Holiness allows prayer in Gehennom, including the ability to turn undead. tortle Priests wearing The Mitre of Holiness are not slowed down while retreating into their shell, though a cursed Mitre will block this ability.

If The Mitre of Holiness is wished for by a non-Priest hero, there is a 1x chance (where x is the amount of previous artifact wishes) of it being created successfully, and an effective x(x+1)² chance of a hostile Arch Priest generating adjacent to the character with the artifact in his possession.

All of the above information also applies to Hack'EM.
