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剑刃戟(glaive)是NetHack中的一种武器。它是一种长柄武器,由铁制成,未鉴定时外观为单刃长柄武器(single-edged polearm)。
剑刃戟在长柄武器中属于较为常见的类型,其重量(75 aum)在长柄武器中是第三轻的,但伤害不及其他更轻的长柄武器。它对小型怪物的伤害在所有长柄武器中最低,对大型怪物的伤害则较好。
剑刃戟最初于NetHack 1.3d加入游戏。
In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, the glaive can be poisoned, and the naginata is made into a separate weapon from the standard glaive.
An iron golem may be generated with a glaive.
There are two artifact glaives:
- The Silence Glaive is an unaligned artifact that has +1 to-hit and deals +1 life drain damage and drains a level from monsters without drain resistance on each hit. While wielded, The Silence Glaive grants drain resistance, and can be invoked for three effects:
- Invoking The Silence Glaive and specifying a cardinal direction fires a magic missile in that direction, with damage calculated using the wielder's attack spells skill.
- Invoking The Silence Glaive and pressing up provides extrinsic protection, using the wielder's clerical spells skill.
- Invoking The Silence Glaive and pressing down kills all genocide-able monsters on the level, including the wielder, and triggers three earthquakes - this cannot be circumvented by polyself into a monster that cannot be genocided, such as a titan, though life saving will save the hero as normal.
- The Glaive of Shamsiel is a lawful intelligent artifact that is large and made of silver, and grants +1d7 to-hit and +1d10 damage versus all monsters. While wielded, the Glaive of Shamsiel grants automatic searching and blindness resistance, and acts as a light source; targets that it strikes may be blinded, gremlins are reduced to dust, and trolls are petrified.
NetHack Fourk
In NetHack Fourk, the glaive is one of the few polearms that is not removed.
In xNetHack, the glaive is one of the few polearms that is not removed.
In SpliceHack, Imhullu is a neutral artifact glaive that has +d4 to-hit and deals +d5 wind damage. While wielded, it grants resistance against clobbering/hurtling attacks, and deals +3d4 bonus damage against small monsters 1⁄3 of the time. Invoking Imhullu has the same effect as a scroll of air.
In EvilHack, a glaive can be created at a forge by combining a short sword and a spear; a glaive can be combined with a javelin at a forge to create a lance. This also applies to Hack'EM.
In SlashTHEM, troll heroes that are not Convicts have a 1⁄4 chance of generating with a glaive as their starting polearm.
Hack'EM retains forging recipes from EvilHack, and adds Imhullu from SpliceHack.
Bearded devils have a 1⁄2 chance of generating with a glaive.
- 请参阅长柄武器的百科文本。
A Japanese pole-arm, fitted with a curved single-edged blade.
The blades ranged in length from two to four feet, mounted on
shafts about four to five feet long. The naginata were cut
with a series of short grooves near to the tang, above which
the back edge was thinned, but not sharpened, so that the
greater part of the blade was a flattened diamond shape in
section. Seen in profile, the curve is slight or non-
existent near the tang, becoming more pronounced towards the
"With his naginata he killed five, but with the sixth it
snapped asunder in the midst and, flinging it away, he drew
his sword, wielding it in the zigzag style, the interlacing,
cross, reversed dragonfly, waterwheel, and eight-sides-at-
once styles of fencing and cutting down eight men; but as he
brought down the ninth with a mighty blow on the helmet, the
blade snapped at the hilt."