Saint Michael

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Saint Michael, A, is a unique monster that appears in EvilHack. Saint Michael is the strongest of the angelic beings that can be encountered, and is an overlord to his kind. Saint Michael is capable of flight and regeneration, can see invisible, has infravision, can be seen via infravision, has improved accuracy, will seek out magical items and other objects to pick up, and can follow a hero to other levels if he is adjacent. Saint Michael presides over the realm of Purgatory, and cannot be pacified or made tame—he must be defeated in order to access the magic portal to the castle and escape Gehennom.

Saint Michael has two weapon attacks, a claw attack that can send the target flying, and the ability to cast one clerical monster spell and magic missiles during each of his turns. Saint Michael possesses magic resistance, fire resistance, cold resistance, shock resistance, sleep resistance, poison resistance, and stoning resistance.


Saint Michael is not a valid form for polymorph.

Saint Michael will always be generated hostile and asleep on the throne of the palace of Purgatory at level creation.

Saint Michael is created with 300 to 350 HP, and is always generated with a blessed and erosion-proofed silver runesword that has the fire object property and an enchantment ranging from +5 to +7 (with an equal probability of each)—he is also generated with an uncursed erodeproof +0 shield of reflection.

Saint Michael does not leave a corpse upon death.


Saint Michael can pose a large threat even to an endgame-ready characte: while not as dangerous in melee range as Lucifer, he is quite tanky, dishes out a lot of damage between his weapon and spell-casting attacks, and can disrupt positioning or potentially stun the player with his knock-back attack. As well as his large reserves of HP and low AC, his shield of reflection and resistance to most forms of elemental damage can easily force the player into a dangerous melee slog.

Good weapon options for dealing with Saint Michael include the Sword of Annihilation, Angelslayer or Dirge, which either inflict damage that he does not resist or (in the case of Angelslayer) inflict their damage despite his resistances. The Sword of Annihilation and Angelslayer in particular both have a chance to instantly kill Saint Michael on any given hit. As far as spells, most are useless against him due to either reflection or his resistances, but {{+ of|acid blast} cast at Skilled or above is unreflectable and highly effective.


Michael, also called Saint Michael the Archangel, Archangel Michael and Saint Michael the Taxiarch, is an archangel in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the Baháʼí Faith. The name is derived from Hebrew (מִיכָאֵל, Mīḵāʾēl, lit. "Who is like El [God]?"), with the earliest surviving mentions of him in third- and second-century BC Jewish works which were often (but not always) apocalyptic in nature—he is the chief of the angels and archangels and the guardian prince of Israel, and is responsible for the care of the people of Israel. Christianity conserved nearly all the Jewish traditions concerning him, and he is mentioned explicitly in Revelation 12:7–12, where he does battle with Satan, and in the Epistle of Jude, where the author denounces certain "ungodly persons" by contrasting them with Michael.

Encyclopedia entry

All knees to thee shall bow, of them that bide
In Heaven, or Earth, or under Earth in Hell;
When thou attended gloriously from Heav’n
Shalt in the Skie appeer, and from thee send
The summoning Arch-Angels to proclaime
Thy dread Tribunal: forthwith from all Windes
The living, and forthwith the cited dead
Of all past Ages to the general Doom
Shall hast’n, such a peal shall rouse thir sleep.
[ Paradise Lost, by John Milton ]