Steel golem

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A steel golem, ', is a type of monster that appears in the Lethe patch, SLASH'EM, SpliceHack, SlashTHEM, and Hack'EM. The steel golem is a type of golem that is similar to a stronger variation of iron golem - it is strong and thick-skinned and will seek out weapons and other items to pick up.

Steel golems have a powerful weapon attack, a strong cold breath attack, and a passive disenchanting attack that reduces the enchantment of weapons that hit it - in Hack'EM, the weapon attack is changed to a claw attack. Steel golems possess fire resistance, cold resistance, shock resistance, sleep resistance, and poison resistance; in SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM, they also possess drain resistance, while in Hack'EM they possess a vulnerability to acid. A steel golem that is subjected to stoning will become a stone golem.[1]

A steel golem is poisonous to consume, which primarily comes up if it is digested by another monster.


Randomly-generated steel golems are always created hostile. Sapphire golems are always generated with 290 HP.[2]

Steel golems leave behind 2-12 iron items upon death instead of a corpse: in Hack'EM, these items are a mix of iron chains and other items with iron as a base material, and in all other variants they are solely iron chains.[3]

Steel golems are not a valid target for genocide.


Steel golems are probably the most dangerous golems in the variants they appear in: they though deal much less physical damage than the crystal golem and lack its reflection and magic resistance, they are more than capable of compensating with their 15 speed and passive disenchanting. Their physical attacks make "junk" weapons far more difficult to employ safely, and their many resistances and MR score of 60 make inflicting damage through magic difficult.

Fortunately, sources of strong non-elemental or non-resisted damage can reduce the amount of times a hero will need to risk their weapons' enchantment, especially for ranged attacks such as the magic missile and acid stream spells; they should also have enough magic marker charges and/or spare scrolls of enchant weapon to restore any lost enchantment. Additionally, steel golems are generally rare enough that most heroes will not encounter too many of them (if at all) before the ascension run, at which point they will likely prefer to zap a wand of teleportation at time-consuming threats and continue advancing.

Encyclopedia entry

The steel golem shares the same basic encyclopedia entry with other golem monsters that lack a unique entry:

"The original story harks back, so they say, to the sixteenth
century. Using long-lost formulas from the Kabbala, a rabbi is
said to have made an artificial man -- the so-called Golem -- to
help ring the bells in the Synagogue and for all kinds of other
menial work.
"But he hadn't made a full man, and it was animated by some sort
of vegetable half-life. What life it had, too, so the story
runs, was only derived from the magic charm placed behind its
teeth each day, that drew down to itself what was known as the
`free sidereal strength of the universe.'
"One evening, before evening prayers, the rabbi forgot to take
the charm out of the Golem's mouth, and it fell into a frenzy.
It raged through the dark streets, smashing everything in its
path, until the rabbi caught up with it, removed the charm, and
destroyed it. Then the Golem collapsed, lifeless. All that was
left of it was a small clay image, which you can still see in
the Old Synagogue." ...

[ The Golem, by Gustav Meyrink ]
